Could it be that Kumho's amazing business strategies came up like this? Surprised.

"Huh?" Yu Ping, who was resting in front of the window holding a coffee, suddenly said something like this. Chen Jing was a little surprised when she heard it. She turned her head to look at Yu Ping, "What did you say?"

"You'll know if you come over and take a look?" Yu Ping pouted out the window.

Chen Jing didn't know why he walked over, followed her sight, and saw Zhang Ke squatting alone by the corner of the alley smoking a cigarette, squatting between the lamppost and the trash can, if it weren't for his extraordinary clothes and handsome and handsome His appearance is almost the same as that of a street bum. Seeing his dignified and focused expression, it seems that he is really considering Kumho's exhibition strategy. Fastest update of novel chapters

When Yu Ping saw Xie Zijia approaching, she hurriedly beckoned her to come over to see what Zhang Ke looked like. She also joked, "Is the smell of the trash can particularly stimulating inspiration?" The two women trembled with laughter. What did the scene look like? No matter how funny, Chen Jing's mouth curled up slightly, hiding a smile. The Zhang Ke she knew was a bit unruly.

"In the past few days, all the important figures of Kumho have gathered to build," Xie Zijia said. "Yesterday, I was grateful to the Shengxin Appliance store in Xinshi Street. I saw Sun Shangyi, Ye Jianbin, Chen Xinsheng, Su Jindong, Dong, Zhou You, and Jiang Wei. , Cai Feijuan, and many other familiar faces. They all visited Shengxin’s Xinshi Street Store. Even Philips’ Zhang Yaping has officially joined Kumho. Maybe my cousin and her still haven’t left Jianshe today. Jing, what do you think they are planning to do?" "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

Chen Jingcai didn't care about Xie Zijia's full stomach questions. She glanced at Zhang who was squatting next to the trash can and smoking, shook her head and smiled and said, "How can this be guessed?"

"I think it's a gathering of Kumho executives," Yu Ping judged. "They are all senior people from different business areas of Kumho. What project needs Zhang Qie to convene and discuss? The meeting will be held while visiting and traveling. It looks like a high-level gathering. If you think about it carefully, all the people you met are members of the core management of Kumho. Zhou Yiping, Yang Yun, and Jiang Wei were the first to create the brocade. The veteran of the lake..." When she said that the corner of her mouth was slightly raised, Chen Jing knew that she was trying to say Liu Minghui, and smiled.

Liu Minghui is in charge of marketing at Kewang Hi-Tech. He has a very good job, and he can’t talk about others behind his back. Chen Jing thinks so, but then again, Liu Minghui will not leave Kumho in the first place. He is in Kumho today. The status will not be worse than that of Zhou Yiping, Yang Yun and Jiang Wei.

When Liu Minghui came to Kewang, he received nothing except for the 800,000 annual salary paid by Kewang. Chen Jing asked him to go to Kewang High-Tech. Although he also relied on his talents and abilities, he was able to pay him. The annual salary is only about 200,000 yuan. At the end of this year, he will consider giving him some rewards, but it is far from the wealth that Zhou Yiping, Yang Yun, and Jiang Wei obtained in Kumho.

In the year when Liu Minghui left Aida Electronics, Yang Yun, Zhou Yiping, and Jiang Wei acquired Aida Electronics stocks with a market value of more than 10 million yuan after the backdoor listing of Aida Electronics.

What percentage of the equity incentives the three of them have obtained in the past two years? Although there is no publicly available information to consult and speculate. No one else knows. Presumably it will not be less than the first year where Kumho officially implemented the equity incentive plan-these two years. Especially after the backdoor listing of Aida Electronics. The businesses of Kumho's Aida Group and Shin Kong Paper are all developing very fast. This also guarantees that the group of veterans who receive the equity awards earliest even if they have not obtained shares in SHKP. Net worth will also increase rapidly. For example, Zhou Yiping, Jiang Wei, and Yang Yun were relatively important veterans for the establishment and rise of Kumho. It is certain to be able to hold equity in the Aida Group, the core company of Kumho. Once Aida Group will package and list any business separately. Their net worth will naturally expand sharply.

Chen Jing thought: It shouldn't be surprising that Kumho has cultivated a large number of billionaires.

At this time, Liu Minghui walked out of the inner office with the material folder. Seeing Chen Jing, Yu Ping, and Xie Zijia three young and beautiful female bosses all staring out the window and laughing. Asked: "What can arouse you so much interest at the same time?"

"Of course it is extremely interesting..." Yu Ping said with a smile.

Chen Jing couldn't help but glanced downstairs again. But not guarding Xie Zijia suddenly stretched out her hand to open the window. Let the cold air blow in. Chen Jing was taken aback. At this time, Zhang Ke looked up when he heard the changes in the ground and the lights on the third floor in the alley downstairs.

Seeing Chen Jing standing in the window on the third floor, beckoning to say hello. Zhang Yan thought Chen Jing beckoned him to go up. Although he didn't really want to meet people at this time. Still stretch the cigarette **** to the sole of the shoe, twist it out and throw it in the trash can. Stand up and go up the stairs between the two shops on the ground floor.

"It's been a long time since I saw you. I didn't expect you to be so yaxing squatting in the alley to smoke..." Chen Jing was dignified in clothes, without powder bags, her brows were bright and clear, and she was particularly dazzling under the light.

"Oh, it's been a long time." Zhang Ke pursed his lips and smiled reluctantly.

I can’t tell anyone, and I have a little bit with Yu Ping, Xie Zijia, and Liu Minghui)] In the office, apart from a few of them, there are other designers working at the desk, saying, “It’s really hard work. You all gather here. Presumably, what is the important action of Kewang Hi-Tech? Have you contacted Minister Yi Yunfei about the application for a mobile phone production license?"

Had it not been recommended by Zhang Ke, the King of Science and Technology at this time was not qualified to climb into the relationship with the Deputy Minister of Information Industry Yi Yunfei. Just now, I could talk and laugh behind the scenes. In front of Zhang Ke, Yu Ping was still very careful. Yes, slightly nod, and don't steal Chen Jing's limelight. Xie Zijia didn't have much scruples, and asked Zhang Ke directly: "In the past two days, people like Kumho have gathered together in the construction. What are the important actions?"

"It's a rare opportunity for some newcomers to get together and communicate," Zhang Ke said lightly without explaining anything carefully, "This kind of communication is still beneficial to the company."

"That also requires the structure of the enterprise to be large and complex to a certain extent for this kind of communication to be meaningful," Chen Jing said with a smile, "some of our jobs also need to be truly meaningful after obtaining a mobile phone license."

Zhang Ke nodded. Before getting the official mobile phone license, Kewang Hi-Tech could only produce OEM mobile phones for Lianxin. Although this model can bring huge profits to Kewang Hi-Tech at this time, it is also the least worthy of Xie Zijia. The model of business flair. To achieve a leapfrog exhibition, the key to getting a mobile phone license is the key to Kewang Hi-Tech.

Chen Jing asked Zhang Ke to do it in the reception room inside, and first discussed a few words with Yu Ping and Xie Zijia in a low voice. Thinking about the campus chat room, Zhang Ke was a little hesitant at first seeing the look on Yu Ping’s face, and did not think about what they were discussing; Liu Minghui sat opposite Zhang, and he was usually very free and easy. At this time, he was very cautious and cautious.

When Chen Jing and Yu Ping came back, Chen Jing said to Zhang Ke, "We have a product design, can you please give me some advice?" Xie Zijia went out to get a product design plan.

"Are you not afraid that I will let Aida copy your design plan after reading it?" Zhang Ke said with a smile. Yu Ping was probably worried about the hesitation on his face just now.

Xie Zijia walked back in dozens of seconds, holding a pile of materials in his hand. Zhang Ke did not refuse to hesitate, even though he was not in the mood to really think about something for Kewang Gaoke, he still accepted the materials. , Opened the first page of the folder and looked at the new Chen Jing designed on the first page: "After you get the mobile phone license, you plan to do it?"

"Kumho also has a similar plan?" Yu Ping was also taken aback. Zhang Ke just opened the sketch on the first page and directly judged the core theme of their plan. She naturally thought that Kumho should also respond. It is possible for Zhang Ke to make a judgment at first sight if there is a similar plan. If the plan conflicts with Kumho's plan, they have to give up.

"No, I saw a recessed seat in the middle of the fuselage on the sketch map," Zhang shook his head and said, "I think it should be used for inlaid gemstones..." Zhang Ke turned back again. After a few pages, he was very clear in his mind that the first gem mobile phone in the real sense of the domestic market in the past was first launched by electronics. He did not expect that the mobile phone design studio led by Xie Zijia proposed the concept of gem mobile phone two years in advance. Jing, Yu Ping, and Liu Minghui gathered together to discuss this plan.

"Are there any good suggestions?" Chen Jing asked Zhang Ke with a It was only in 2001 that the gem mobile phone series was launched in China, and the sales volume was 3 billion and the net profit exceeded 300 million. ; Presumably Chen Jing and the others also pin their great hopes on this "jewel phone".

"The market prospects of the whole solution are not convenient for me to evaluate," Zhang Ke smiled and said; "If you need, I will let the following factories cooperate with you as much as possible in the supply of chipsets... Regardless of the difficulties, Kumho can also mobilize some people to form a technical team to support you——"

"Can you really ask Kumho's technical team for support?" Chen Jing asked happily.

The integration level of mobile phone templates in 1998 is far from comparable to that after 7 or 8 years. Even if Kumho provides the main chipset and accessories, to design a new mobile phone, the technical team needs to be able to provide a complete new mobile phone product solution. According to the plan, this is a highly technically difficult task. It is necessary to write new mobile phone software to optimize the performance of new mobile phone products. In particular, the gem mobile phone that Kewang Hi-Tech hopes to launch will be a blockbuster and cannot lag behind in performance. The market is mainstream. Although Kewang Hi-Tech has organized some technical forces, it is extremely difficult to design a more powerful and stable mobile phone with the technical strength at this time, and the time will be greatly stretched-Zhang agreed Providing technical support can help them solve their most troublesome problems.

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