Rebirth of the official road business route was hunted for beauty

Xu is the reason for many Koreans staying. The presidential luxury in the hotel is free to stay. Zhang Ke is not picky either. Too luxurious. Maybe it will make my brother-in-law and the others unable to live in peace of mind.

With the excitement of coming to Beijing for the first time. My uncle, my aunt, and Wang Zhi and his wife are not in a hurry to go back to the room to rest. Wang Zhi will not be depressed because of the transfer of work with his father. In fact. After Wang Xu and Wang Cailing left the hotel by car. His mood was relaxed. Liang Wenjiang didn't have the cheek to let Wang Cailing stay. Fastest update of novel chapters

Zhang told his uncle: "The view window of the coffee shop in this hotel is the most suitable for viewing the night view of Beijing... I can see the Forbidden City you are going to go to tomorrow morning. Compared with the dry glazed roof, I thought it was covered with snow. I feel better. It's time for my uncle to come to Beijing this time."

Those guests who are accustomed to late sleep will probably go to the hotel nightclub to catch time or sit in the bar. Zhang Ke and the others went to the coffee shop. The blanket on the aisle leading to the coffee shop is not thick. But very new. It's quite comfortable to walk up. Seeing that there were few people sitting sparsely in the cafe. The hotel building is not high. But the inclined steel frame design in the cafe makes people feel like they are on the top floor of the tallest building in the world. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

Sitting by the window. The Forbidden City is a little further away. Row upon row of palaces, covered in snow, look like a tranquil lake in the night. It refracts a little light.

Li Xinyu sat alone by the front window. Although his back is facing here. Zhang Yan can recognize her. She pressed her face against the window and looked down. Wearing a purple jacket. Wrap the black and beautiful long tails like silk and satin in the coat. Make her back look extra moving.

Zhang Ke also looked down against the window. A little closer is the courtyard alley. The roof is covered with snow. But it can't hide the old and shabby feeling. Perhaps the feeling of vicissitudes in this night made Li Xinyu obsessed with Zhang Ke and didn't call each other out. Take out the phone and call it to her.

The pink mobile phone vibrates after a call. The fuselage rotates around an axis on the crimson teak tabletop as if dancing. Zhang Jian Li Yu didn't take up his hand and looked at the electric display. Instead, he lifted his chin and stared at the phone on the desktop with joy. It was strange at first. I looked up and saw that the front glass wall actually formed a mirror wall due to the dim light in the room on the other side. All the scenes in the cafe are reflected in it-it turns out that Li Xinyu had seen them in the mirror wall a long time ago.

After Li Xinyu showed a faint and warm smile in the mirror wall, she stood up and turned around and leaned toward this side to greet her.

In the dimly lit coffee, Li Xin's charming face is brighter and more dazzling. Zhang Ke and his uncle Wang Zhilue introduced Li Xinyu, thinking that she would probably not be willing to be mixed up with a group of strangers. He got up and walked over. Get down beside her. Asked: "Come to Beijing to participate in Samsung's new product launch?"

"Yes, I was asked to participate in some commercial activities. Some can hide. Some can't hide." Li Xinyu showed a rather blank expression.

Members of Samsung Lee Kin-hee are all required to be trained as successors. Li Xinyu is no exception. Maybe she herself is not happy.

"Still using Ada's hand. Will you not be blamed for seeing it?" Zhang Ke turned to the phone on the table.

"It won't be taken out during group activities." Li Xinyuyan smiled. "Don't show it. You won't be blamed."

Zhang Ke looked at the empty coffee shop Li Xinyu's table with a coffee and a book. It's not how long she has been sitting. I don't know why she is sitting alone in the cafe. Only felt that her smile was pure and charming in the dark light.

Uncle and they sat in the cafe for a while and they were a little sleepy. Wang Zhi's daughter has long been asleep in the arms of Wang Zhi's wife. Liang Wenjiang came over to say hello to them to go back to the room to rest first.

Li Xinyu also gently covered her blushing lips, yawned and smiled and said, "I have to rest too. Will you return to Jianye tomorrow?"

"No. I will stay in Beijing for two days..." Zhang replied.

"Xin Yu..."

Hearing someone calling Li Xinyu in Korean, Zhang looked back. A beautiful Korean girl wearing a white cardigan and a short skirt is standing at the entrance of the cafe and looking towards this side. The girl also has a pair of towering breast peaks. Compared to Li Xinyu's distress. This girl seemed more willing to show it proudly. It's cold outside again. It does not prevent people from wearing light and cool indoors. Zhang Ke could see the soft and bright luster reflected by the girl's snow-white cleavage from a distance.

"President Park Hae's daughter Pu Zhen'er..." Xin Yu picked up the mobile phone book on the table and stood up. When leaving with Zhang Ke. Whispered quickly. "I will tell Zhen'er that you are a boring hitchhiker. Don't show it next time you meet."

"Huh?" Zhang Ke didn't know why Li Xinyu lied. Could it be that the last night in Li Xinyu's apartment, he had another fight with him in the morning?

Li Jianxi received political bribes

Retired behind the scenes to remotely direct the operation of the Samsung Group. Park Hae is the person who led the entire Samsung Group for Lee Kin Hee in 1st. I heard Li Xinyu say that Park Zhener is the daughter of Park Hae. Can't bear to look at her again. I think she has a thick makeup on her face. In this way, it was a little rash to judge that she was a beautiful girl. Li Jianxi will not show up in front of the media. Zhang Ke thought that if Park Hae personally attended this new product launch event of Samsung. It doesn't seem to be a general emphasis.

Li Xinyu walked to the entrance of the coffee shop and turned back and winked at Zhang playfully. Then I left the cafe with Park Zhener and went back to the room. Leave. Pu Zhen'er turned her head and glanced again. The look in his eyes is rather warm and complicated. Zhang Ke was at a loss.

Zhang Ke invited Wang Zhi and Liang Wenjiang to play chess in his room.

After Wang Zhi graduated, he was his wife's uncle who served as the secretary-general of Wenzhou Municipal Government and entered the municipal government. The exhibition in the first two years went well, but he waited for his wife's uncle to call out Wenzhou. The "exercise" he received at work next seemed to be a normal thing in China.

Although Wang Xu didn't have much real power in his hands. But the contacts in the ministry are good. Qualifications are also sufficient. In Wang Xu's view. If the son agrees to be transferred back to Beijing. It's better than working in Wenzhou.

For Wang Zhi. Staying in Wenzhou has not yet reached the point of giving up easily. Naturally, he refused to succumb to Beijing easily.


Get up in the morning. The sky is lang. The snow on the roof of the courtyard outside the window was shining with the rays of the early sun. Gorgeous and charming.

Discussions on the overseas listing schedule are scheduled in the afternoon. Of course, arranged to meet with Zeng Zihui, vice president of Asia of Goldman Sachs. Zhang then took time out in the morning to accompany his uncle and the others to the Forbidden City. The clear sky after snow is also suitable.

Zhang Ke got off early. Walk into the square in front of the Forbidden City. I saw Li Xinyu and Park Zhener also standing in the square holding a camera to take pictures of the towering tower. Li Xinyu also saw Zhang. Winking eyes. Don't look away. Pretend not to see them.

Zhang Ke didn't know what Li Xinyu was trying to hide from Pu Zhen'er. Since she didn't want Pu Zhen'er to know that she knew her. At this time, it is most appropriate to pretend to be a stranger and pass by.

"Hey..." Zhang walked over with his uncle and them sideways. Xin Yu was silent. Park Zhener took the initiative to greet him in Korean: "Do you still know us?"

"Ah. It's you guys." Zhang pretended to be abrupt. "Are we here to visit the Forbidden City?" Wei turned his head and exchanged glances with Xin Yu. Asked her what the situation was; Li Xinyu showed a helpless look. It shows that the situation is also outside her control.

"We came to Beijing to travel from South Korea. It's a pity that we don't have a suitable Korean tour guide." Pu Zhen'er said in Korean with a well-behaved face. "Can we follow your team?"

The makeup on Pu Zhen'er's face is a bit thick. Do not consider the factors that may be plastic surgery. She is also a beautiful girl. It is difficult for others to refuse easily. Zhang Ke asked Fu Jun to buy the doors of Li Xinyu and Pu Zhener together. Park Zhener insisted on paying for the tickets by herself. Zhang Ke found the opportunity to stand behind and speak with Li Xinyu alone.

"what happened?"

"If you don't mind an encounter from a foreign Li Xinyu covered her mouth and smirked. "Just pretend that she doesn't know me... She doesn't speak Chinese." English is also very poor. I'll pretend that I don't understand Chinese later. So you don’t have to worry about opening it to others. "

"..." Zhang had thought of being hunted down. Seeing Li Xinyu pursing her lips and smiling happily. Really feel like crying or laughing. It is said that Korean women are conservative. But it is also absolute. There are also particularly bold and open. Although there is no idea of ​​having a one-night stand with Park Zhener. But Li Xinyu can't be left alone either. It's okay to accompany the same play. But when you go to the hotel, if you meet Li. The play still can't be played.

In the Forbidden City. Park Zhena is also really affectionate now. As the only Korean translation. Zhang Ziran also accompanied Li Xinyu and Park Zhener together. Have a meal together at noon.

After the meal, Zhang and Liang Wen are going to the company to attend a meeting. Also exchanged mobile phone numbers with Park Zhena. Li Xinyu and Park Zhener will continue to visit Beijing with Wang Cailing and others in the afternoon. Although Li Xinyu pretended not to speak Chinese. Wang Cailing was present. Communication in English is not a problem.

In the evening, I met with Zeng Zihui, vice president of Asia at Goldman Sachs. Zhang Ke and Liang Wenjiang returned to the hotel. Call Wang Cailing. Only then did I know that Park Zhener was very warm and entertained them for dinner. At this time, I was visiting Wangfujing Commercial Street together. It will take a while to return to the hotel. Pu Zhen'er also prepared gifts for them.

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