Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 972: After getting drunk

Rebirth of the Official Road Business Chapter 972 After Drunk

There was a headache in the confusion. ★Update Xun’s novels are complete. Xin Yu was sure that she fell asleep in Zhang Ke's arms.

Yesterday was really too much alcohol. Finished a bottle of red wine. He took another bottle of ordinary foreign wine from the wine cabinet. The rise of drinking. Also rushed to drink with Ke. Said something very meaningless. Did you tell him about your first menstrual period?

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Li Xinyu is a little unsure. Maybe I said it. Maybe it didn't say. It doesn't matter whether you say it or not. I must have said something unbearable.

Li Xinyu wasn't sure if Zhang Ke was awake. His eyes opened a slit cautiously. See Zhang Yan wearing a shirt. Crumpled. At least still wearing it. Feeling a little cold. That is the half of the window open. Remember that the wine body was hot last night. Take off the jacket. It's still hot when only wearing close-fitting clothes. Only half of the window was opened for ventilation.

I first saw the black lace bra hung on the edge of the bed. Li Xinyu was taken aback. With eyes downcast, he was still wearing a close-fitting sweater. Only vaguely remembered that when he was drunk, he panicked and asked Zhang Ke to reach behind his back to help himself untie the buckle. After untying it, it seems to have discussed the troubles of big breasts. Really bold enough. Fortunately, I didn't take off my clothes completely when I was drunk. Behind his hand, he moved away the hand Zhang Ke put on his waist. Waited for a while. He tried to move the hand that was on his body again. The face was stuck on Zhang Ke's chest during the whole process. Not daring to look up at his face. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

Move Zhang Ke's hands aside. Li Xinyu was relieved to put her hands on the mattress on Zhang Ke's waist. Use it slowly to raise your body slightly. See Zhang Yan did not. Then he raised his head and looked at Zhang's face. But I saw a pair of bright star eyes looking at me...

"Ah..." Li Xinyu's hands softened with a guilty conscience. The body fell back into Zhang's arms and he sat up quickly without looking at Zhang's eyes. He asked: "How long have you been awake?"

"When you removed my hand..."

"Oh!" Li Xinyu couldn't say that she didn't believe it or that Zhang Ke had already woke up. What does it mean to put his hand on his own sex?

"Just remember to drink the most, and I'm a little drunk. I haven't been so comfortable to be drunk. Do you feel okay?" Zhang Ke leaned forward. I drank too much and fell asleep without taking off my shoes. All clothes are crumpled. Then he bent over and took off his shoes.

Li Xinyu smiled shyly. Click a bit. No, don't admit it. Such drunkenness is really comfortable.

The curtains were not closed. The morning light came in through the glass windows. It's still early. It looks bright. It's just the reflection of snow. Zhang Ke took out his phone and took a look. It's only five o'clock. Stand up and ask Li Xinyu: "Do you want to sleep for a while?"

Li Xinyu grabbed the jacket and handbag that she had taken off and put aside her brows. She forgot to take the room card by her side. Going back to the room at this time would definitely wake up Pu Zhen'er. How to explain to her? If I knew I was spending the night in Zhang Ke's room. The consequences can be more serious than last time. Maybe the people who will make trouble in the hotel are full of the high-rise buildings of Samsung who come to Beijing to participate in the new product presentation. It's really a good point to cheat.

Li Xinyu looked at Zhang Ke helplessly. Zhang Tuo looked frowning and condensed. Guess what she was worried about. Said: "You change your clothes and wash them. I called the hotel to iron your clothes. The hotel should be able to provide services at this time if it is in the hotel

Neat clothes for breakfast. Received a phone call from Park Jung Ah. Maybe it can be muddled. "

Li Xinyu thought it was the only way. Go to the bathroom first, take off your clothes and hide behind the door and hand it to Zhang. At this time, the bra that was thrown on the bedside at night was not taken in. The bathrobe is more exposed. Li Xinyu didn't have the courage to walk out without wearing a bathrobe. He whispered, "Can you help me get the one on the bed?"

Zhang Taki got up in the black lace bra. Even a normal man. I can't help but get to the end of my nose and smell it. A faint body fragrance remains.

"You..." Li Xinyu poked her head out from behind the door. Seeing Zhang Ke smelling his bra. His face flushed with shame. I thought that men really looked like this. But there is no feeling of anger. It seems that she did something wrong. Did not dare to look into Zhang Ke's eyes. Reach out. Jiao Jiao said. "What does it smell good? It's cold to death if you bring it to me soon."

Zhang Ke handed it over with a shy face. Although I saw Li Xin in thin clothes in the summer. At this time, I saw her stretch out Xuenen's mellow hand. She also knows that she is wearing a pair of underwear at most behind the door. Especially sexy. Unfortunately, Li Xinyu quickly closed the bathroom door tightly.

Li Xinyu took a bath, put on a bathrobe and changed to Zhang Luo to take a bath. She was also worried that Pu Zhen'er's phone would come over at any time. Waiting to change into comforting clothes. Walk out of the hotel with Zhang Ke. Just breathed a sigh of relief.

The snow on the street in front of the hotel has been cleared by the sanitation workers early in the morning, but there is still white snow in the alley on the east side of the hotel. There are no traces of trampling. Inhale the cold air. Li Xinyu couldn't help holding Zhang Ke's arm. Seriously say: "It feels good to get drunk occasionally."

Turn right out of the hotel and you will find Ye Street. It's not easy to find someone to eat breakfast so early. Zhang and Li Xinyu were strolling indiscriminately on the street. I meet many people who wake up in the morning to exercise. The traffic on the street is more of a car. Found a chain of breakfast shops. There are a lot of people in the breakfast shop. Ordered fried dough sticks, lean pork skin, tea, egg, soy milk. At this time Li Xinyu received a call from Park Zhener.

Pu Zhen'er only woke up drunk. Seeing that Li Xinyu was not sleeping in the room, she worriedly called her. Knowing that she and Zhang Ke had breakfast outside the hotel. Although there are some doubts in my heart. But I didn't think too much. He took a shower and followed Li Yu's instructions on the phone and walked to the breakfast shop. See that Li Xinyu is still wearing yesterday's clothes. But the clothes are neat and wrinkle-free. Sitting in the breakfast shop with Zhang Ke also talked and laughed. Park Zhener knows that Li Xinyu does not agree with the morality of one-night stands. So there is no doubt that she will spend the night in Zhang's room. Drunk has a terrible headache. There is no intention to pay attention to more details.

Park Zhena apologized for being drunk and impolite yesterday. He also asked Zhang to gather for a drink at night. Zhang looked at Li Xinyu and turned his face to the side with a smile in his eyes. Will also smile intentionally.

Li Xinyu and Park Zhener left after breakfast. Zhang Ke bought a newspaper. Call Fu Jun again. Ask him to accompany his uncle and Liang Jiang to come here for breakfast. Only Western breakfast buffet is provided in the hotel. It’s better to drink some gruel and fritters here.

Li Xinyu and Park Zhener failed to act alone today. To participate in some commercial activities. In the afternoon, Zhang Ke met with Yi Yunfei, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Information Industry. In the evening, I'm going to visit Gu Changgeng at Gu's house.


Samsung Electronics' home electronics products have entered the Chinese market for many has held several new product presentations every year. The point will not be limited to Beijing. Invite media reporters to participate in the new product launch. Even deliberately choose some of the more famous tourist cities.

Zhang Xuan could have affirmed that the three internal companies have formulated a digital technology integration strategy in advance. The opening strategy of the Chinese market has also been adjusted. This new product fabric will be of great significance to Samsung.

Zhang Ke also got the list of new products that Samsung wanted to release one day in advance. Samsung will launch its latest high-end products such as LCD digital mobile phones at this new product launch event. It also indicates that Samsung has officially launched a high-end strategy in China. This strategy will continue to be adjusted again after many years. Moreover, LCDs and digital mobile phones are exactly the second of Samsung's three pillar products in the future. This also shows that Samsung's choice of exhibition direction has not been deviated due to occasional difficulties.

Zhang Ke, Yao Jian, and two staff from the Beijing branch rushed to the Samsung conference. The venue layout is very modern. It is like an electronic pavilion of modern art.

Looking at the crowd of people in the venue. Yao Jian chuckled his tongue lightly: "There are almost a thousand people. Samsung's call is still not bad!" Zhang Ke was separated from the crowded head. Exchanged glances with Li Xinyu who was wearing a dress in the distance. There is a sense of spiritual harmony.

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