Rebirth of the Pampered Wife

Chapter 913: Mu Nansheng, who am I to you?

Speaking in a low voice, Mu Nansheng lowered his head and avoided Gu Jingchen's hand sideways, looking silent.

With a sigh, Gu Jingchen took Mu Nansheng's slender waist and let her sit on his lap, staring firmly at her.

Subconsciously hooking on Gu Jingchen's shoulder, Mu Nansheng reacted to this shy gesture, lowered his head shyly, and kept his calm with his eyes fixed on Gu Jingchen's shirt button.

Xu Shi felt that this posture was too shy, Mu Nansheng patted Gu Jingchen on the shoulder lightly, and whispered, "let me down."

"Don't let it go."

Gu Jingchen refused, "answer my question first, and then I'll consider whether to put you down."

Blinking his eyes in confusion, Mu Nansheng became a little temperamental: "Why do you still have to answer your question, I have already apologized to you."

"Not enough sincerity."

The simple four words directly made Mu Nansheng speechless.

His lips parted slightly, and Mu Nansheng nodded sullenly: "Then ask."

Slightly adjusted to make Mu Nansheng sit more comfortable, Gu Jingchen raised his eyebrows, and a dim light flashed in his eyes.

"Mu Nansheng, who am I to you?"

His lips pursed slightly, and Mu Nansheng bit his lips subconsciously.


Some of them couldn't react, so Mu Nansheng blurted out subconsciously.

Frowning slightly, the hand on Mu Nansheng's waist gradually tightened.

Gu Jingchen was very patient and repeated the question again.

"who am I to you?"

Mu Nansheng put his hands on Gu Jingchen's shoulder and grasped Gu Jingchen's shirt at a loss, and said slowly, "it's my husband and husband and wife."

Gu Jingchen's eyes flashed with joy, and he raised his hand and pressed the corner of Mu Nansheng's mouth.

"Since we know we are husband and wife, what's the trouble?"

Hearing Gu Jingchen's low voice, Mu Nansheng's heart trembled, and he was also relieved.

It is also said that they are husband and wife, why do they think so much?

I was so concerned about causing unnecessary trouble to Gu Jingchen before, but it was actually alienation from this relationship.

In this matter, in fact, the only person who was upset in her heart was herself.

This is very unfair to Gu Jingchen.

So in the face of Gu Jingchen's neglect of him this time, Mu Nansheng also understood.

However, he still held back his temper and was willing to give himself a chance to explain.

Thinking of this, Mu Nansheng raised his fingertips and gently touched Gu Jingchen's face, his voice soft with a hint of comfort.

"I'm sorry, Gu Jingchen."

Facing Mu Nansheng's apology, Gu Jingchen was stunned for a moment, with a sullen face, and said with a sneer, "you want to solve this matter with an apology?"

Mu Nansheng was naturally at a loss, hugged Gu Jingchen and murmured, "then what do you want to do!"

Feeling the soft temperature in his arms and Mu Nansheng's soft words, Gu Jingchen's heart has long been soothed by Mu Nansheng, so there is no anger.

It's just that Mu Nansheng always thinks about not causing trouble for himself. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gu Jingchen also wants Mu Nansheng to stop thinking so.

With a sigh, Gu Jingchen raised his hand to hold Mu Nansheng's chin.

"Mu Nansheng, only tell you this one last time."

Mu Nansheng blinked: "I'm listening!"

"We're husband and wife, we don't have so many concerns, understand?"

"I know."

Rubbing Mu Nansheng's face, Gu Jingchen said with a hint of helplessness in his voice: "your grandmother is not my grandmother, and I can also visit."

Mu Nansheng put his arms around Gu Jingchen's neck and leaned over, his eyes were full of agility.

"Jingchen, then come with me during your little vacation."


Gu Jingchen raised his eyebrows: "since you have a good attitude, I won't care about you."

Mu Nansheng's eyes lit up: "That would be great. Taking this opportunity, I will show you to grandma."

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