Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 976: Kamikaze

With the sound of anger, I saw a group of people approaching here, all wearing black leather clothes, black boots and black boots, one after another, full of blood and war, with sharp edges in the walk, like a tiger. It is daunting.

Obviously, this is an extraordinary group of people!

"Kamikaze is here!" Someone exclaimed suddenly.

Kamikaze, Dongying's super team, is similar to the Dragon Guard of my country.

In the rankings of the international super teams, Dongfeng's Divine Combat Men is above the Dragon Guard of our country, and the fighting power is so powerful.

Today, on this occasion, there will be many masters. It is inevitable that there will be brawls and riots. Ordinary police can't maintain order at all, so Kamikaze appears.

Talking was a man with flowing hair, a slender figure, a handsome, very young man.

His name is Kitano, a martial arts arrogant, and he has already become a master in less than thirty years. He is one of the outstanding young people in Dongying.

This small group of Kamikaze men is headed by him!

"Knelt down and apologize to my people, I can spare you!" Kitanoshima continued, two cold electricity blooming in his eyes, extremely pressing.

He was holding a samurai sword in his hand. The blade of the sword was dark and strode forward, filled with energy, the blade trembled and screamed, as if a hungry beast could not wait to drink blood and flesh.

As soon as he said this, there was an uproar in the audience!

He was a young junior, and he wanted an old guru to kneel, which was too bullying.

As everyone knows, the Grand Master is like a dragon, so don't insult!

"Where are the crumbs, and dare to speak out here? Didn't your adult teach you the principle of respecting the teacher?"

Sure enough, the old Master Wu Liang was furious, his eyes were fierce, and his words were stingy.

Although he is just an ordinary guru, there is no place on the guru list, but anyway, being a guru, how could he not have a temper?

"Then you're looking for death!"

As soon as Beidaoye's voice fell, people disappeared in situ, like a floating light, a shadow of flying, and disillusionment appeared in front of the old Master Wu Liang.


A blade of light burst, and the cold and shining flashes covered the sky, like a hungry galaxy, peerless and sharp, and the monstrous murderousness enveloped Wu Liang's old master for a moment.

"You ..." Master Wu Liang was shocked.

The speed of Kitanoshima is too fast. It looks like a ghost, and is almost shrunk to an inch of great magical power.


Wu Liang's old master didn't respond, so he was slashed into the shoulder with a knife, his right arm was cut off shoulder-to-shoulder, and he flew far away, bringing up a large blood flower.


A scream of heartbreak was spreading throughout the wilderness, countless people moved, the spine was cold, and the jasmine flower was straight.

The ancestors of the Ye family were all dumb.

This young man is too fierce. I don't know he thought he was the young devil.

"Either kneel or die!" Kitajima opened his clothes indifferently.

The dark sword in his hand was stained with blood, and crimson blood flowed down.


He flicked the blade with his fingers. The blade trembled and buzzed. The blood and water were shook into a mist of blood, which diffused the world, and the blade became dark again.

In the field, thousands of Chinese people saw this scene with anger.

However, the young man was too strong and obscene. No one dared to stand up against an unreasonable Lord.

Dongsong people are excited and applauded.

People from other countries in the third party are the expressions of a crowd-eating crowd, who has nothing to do with hanging up.

"Young man, you are too much. Obviously it is your clan's hands first, we are just passive defense." Ye Wenhua suddenly stepped forward and said angrily, facing the sharp edge of Beidaoye.

"It's him, he beats us."

"Beijing Jun, help us kill him."


As soon as Ye Wenhua spoke, he pointed his finger at him.

Just now, it was indeed his happiest fight, relying on his brute force, kicking one with one kick and smashing one with his fist.

"Break your arm too, then kneel down and confess your stupidity and atonement for your recklessness!" Bei Daoye glared at Ye Wenhua, raised the sword in his hand, and waved it.

"He is the biological father of the young devil, do you dare to touch him?"

Suddenly, an old voice shouted, although not too loud, but it scared the world.

It was Ye Changqing who stepped forward and shouted.

"Dare you dare to try my dad for a while. My brother must crush your body and destroy your nest of Kamikaze!" Ye Lang also shouted, full of anger.

Suddenly, many people were amazed. This person was unexpected.

"No wonder he was so fierce that he dared to beat the young Dongdong youth. It turned out to be the father of the young demon king. He was fearless." An onlooker said, looking surprised.

"The devil of the young demon, would not offend if he wanted to come to Kamikaze."

"Yeah, the young devil is angry, and corpses are everywhere! Golden Triangle, Korea Hanking, Aurora Small Country, and the **** are all lessons learned."


Many people talked and thought that Ye Wenhua was safe when he reported his identity, and the Shenfeng Men did not dare to touch him.

"The young devil, a dead man. It is his biological father, who commits my crimes, and I will cut it off!" But Beidaoye said so, knowing that Ye Wenhua was the biological father of the young demon, and it was nothing. Not afraid, the voice was cold and without a trace of emotion.

During the speech, the sword in his hand traced a cold trail, and he slashed it out. The sword screamed, and the sword shone fiercely, chopped to Ye Wenhua's shoulder.

He is sure that the young devil will be defeated, otherwise, how dare to offend the young devil?

"Kitano, what a skill to bully ordinary people, let me meet you!"

Just in this flash of light, a voice came from the sky, with an unparalleled deterrent.

Accompanied by this voice, an ice spear burst into the air, as fast as a flash of lightning, killing in the wild, and extremely sharp.


The sword that slashed Ye Wenhua's right arm smashed instantly, and even the sword in Beidaoye's hands was shaken violently, almost falling.

"Who is shooting?"

The same question lingered in everyone's mind instantly.


Countless eyes looked in the direction of the sound, and saw the figure of a young man flying in the sky.

Before everyone could see the figure of this young man, Kitajima's wild fury was irresistible ~ ~ and shot quickly.

"court death!"

He slammed his feet on the ground, a piece of ground collapsed, and by the force of the shock, his body flew out, facing the direction of the figure.

The sword in his hand was chopped, the sword was crisscrossed, the sword was screaming, the road was sharp, the ground was cut off, and the hard rock ground was cut into big cracks.

In mid-air, all the swords and knives merged into one big sword knives, like a peerless skyknife, beheading the young figure.

The young figure was not afraid, and a palm spear condensed between his fingers. He held the ice spear and stabbed out in a row, spearing hundreds of spears in an instant, as if the peacock opened the screen, gorgeous and eye-catching, breaking the split knife of Beidao wild.

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