Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 979: 1 person presses the audience

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He said, however, that Xiao Qingtian's appearance, overwhelming the crowd, crushed Fujita's arrogance.

But then, there were masters from Dongbei again. The current head of the Ambe family, Amber Ryuichi, the surrendered king of the armored corpse, and the head of the village of Raksha Ninja Village.

These three strong players, together with Fujita Makoto, joined forces to fight against Xiao Qingtian.

The atmosphere in the field was suppressed to an extreme for a while!

"Xiao Qingtian, there is a way in heaven, you do n’t go, you have broken in to hell, and today you are dead. The owner of Abe, the head of Miyamoto village, let us join forces and kill him first! Then my **** wind will help you cut Kill the young demon. "Fujita Mayo shouted.

Xiao Qingtian and Shenfeng Clan have invincible revenge. He has a heart of killing, and now he wants revenge, and he cannot wait for a moment.


The sword and sword in his hand vibrated violently, humming, and the blood-sharpness fluctuated on the sharp white blade, as if he were restless like a living creature, which was caused by the fighting in his body.

In fact, Dragon Guard has killed the soldiers of Shenfeng, why did Shenfeng also kill the dragon generals. These things in the dark world, Chen Zhicheng Rotten Millet, couldn't tell at all with his mouth, but only with his fist.

"Ah, it's been a long time since the world seemed to forget my method!" Xiao Qingtian sighed suddenly.


Then, a terrifying coercion, like a tsunami, surged out, making this world overshadowed.

In an instant, Xiao Qingtian seemed to have become a person, from a drooping old man, to a majestic man on the shore of the world, his breath covering the world.

"Do you dare to do it?" Shouted Fujita, very panic, and under the terror of his pressure, his breathing became quicker.

"Why am I afraid?"


Xiao Qingtian really shot, slap his palm out, palm wind like a dragon, burst out, a dozen meters apart, hit to the face of Fujita Mayo.


Suddenly, Ms. Fujita flew out, screaming in her mouth, almost half of her face was swollen, swollen like a bun, and iron-blue.

Everyone was stunned, so shocked that it couldn't be added, and Xiao Qingtian didn't expect to shoot.

Here is Dong Yan, he is so unbridled.

This slap smacked on the face of Captain Shenfeng, but it made the entire Dongzhao look dull.

"You junior, have not grown up, and dare to scream to kill me. It is here Tanimoto, you dare not disrespect me like this. This slap makes you long memory!" Xiao Qingtian said coldly , Just like an elder teaches a child.

Fujita Mayo is a quasi-god, and it's so dazzling that he didn't want to be so vulnerable in Xiao Qingtian's hands.

It seems that the quasi-god state is not a quasi-god state, after all, and it is not the same as the real miracle state.

What's more, Xiao Qingtian is still an old-fashioned divine realm.

He has not been out for thirty years, and the world has indeed forgotten his means and forgotten his legend.

Now, he was shocked, and shot a quasi-god realm, proving that his sword is not old.

In other words, he has been so powerful for thirty years. One person, one shot, killing the wild, sweeping all directions, letting countless powerful enemies shed blood, and eventually became a generation of Warriors.

"Xiao Laotian, you're too much!" Ambron stared at him with an angry expression, and his momentum continued to rise, as if eager to try.

"Oh, right? You think it's too much, then go too far." Xiao Qingtian said with a halt of his hands, he didn't care.

Anbei Long's chest was full of anger, and it really meant to explode. She saved her respect for Dongying, but was caught by her daughter, Ambe Meiji.

Miyamoto also kept restraint.

Xiao Qingtian is not their enemy after all, the young devil is the object they want to kill. Until the young demon king is killed, they cannot act rashly to save their strength.

Moreover, even if they joined forces, they did not have the full confidence to defeat Xiao Qingtian. This is what they are really worried about.

If it can be crushed, they might not consider shooting.

Over there, Fujita Mayo stood up from the ground, hating his teeth. However, neither Amberlong nor Miyamoto wanted to help him, and he did not dare to act lightly.

"Xiao Qingtian, I remember this slap!" He said, biting his teeth.

Xiao Qingtian ignored him, his eyes narrowed, and he looked in one direction.


Suddenly, a loud laugh came from that direction, as if the sound of a avenue was ringing through the world, slamming the eardrums, and deafening.

"Xiao Qingtian, I haven't seen you for decades. Your temperament hasn't changed at all, you can't afford to lose a bit, or it's so strong. Have you ever dominated for a while, do you think you can dominate the whole life?"

Accompanied by this voice, a figure appeared ghostly in the field.

In the eyes of everyone, it was seen that this was an elderly man, wearing a black robe, thin as a wood, his hair was white, his body was permeated with a pale blood, his eyes were **** and strange.

Even more frightening is that the blood behind him faintly condenses into a ghost shadow.

This ghost is very scary, very scary, with wide mouth fangs, scattered hair all over his head, hands and feet are scales, a steel fork in one hand, eyes like copper bells, fierce evil, clearly a fierce ghost.

This old man is really too demon, showing his strength to the fullest, and obviously has a lot to do.

Many people were new to him, but the people of the Ambe family were very familiar with him.

This is the deadly opponent of the Anbe family, the yin and yang evil family, the owner of Watanabe family, Watanabe, one of the few wonderland.

The looming ghost behind him was his destiny, a Yasha king.

"How? You still want to fight me? I could defeat you 30 years ago, and I can still defeat you now!" Xiao Qingtian said lightly, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he still had a majesty. It was awe-inspiring and trembling.

"Really? Are you so confident that you or my opponent?"

Watanabe's mouth corner seemed to smile, giving a sense of insidiousness and cunningness, walking towards Xiao Qingtian step by step, behind the destiny Yasha God gradually condensed into an entity, as his momentum climbed, Yasha God's body shape It is also expanding.

"Mr. Ambe, the head of Miyamoto village, what are you hesitating about? Watanabe's predecessor is here, and we are joining forces with him to cut this enemy together! As a Dongbei national, you must do your part, otherwise you are the sinner of the nation! "Fujita Mayo shouted again, shouted to Amber Ryuichi and Miyamoto, and put on a high hat for them.

Sure enough, this time Amber Ryuichi and Miyamoto were getting excited.

Although the Abe family and Watanabe family are righteous and evil, they look at each other and are not pleasing to the eye, but before this national justice, they are willing to let go of their mustards and confront the enemy together.

"Broken, they have two divine realms and three quasi-god realms. General Xiao Lao cannot be an opponent." Long Xiaoyun suddenly became nervous.

But when I saw it, even Xiao Qingtian had a touch of movement.

"Count me alone!"

Among the crowd, a figure stepped forward, stepped into the field, hung a samurai sword, with white hair like snow, eyes like gods, and a robe hunting.

"Master," shouted Fujita.

"Waste, I don't have you as an apprentice. I teach you that the sword is to kill you, not to be beaten. You have lost all the faces of Feitian Yudao Liu." The old man scolded Fujita Mayo Road.

Ishino Yasuhiro, the owner of Feitian Imperial Sword Gate, is the only sword sage in the country.

The three divine realms and the three quasi-god realms work together. What a fighting power. Just thinking about it can make your scalp numb. Xiao Qingtian has no chance of victory. Unless you escape, you will fall.

And if he escapes, I will be ruined once again.

This is an upright murder!

"General Xiao, please leave now, leave us alone." Long Xiaoyun persuaded anxiously.

"It doesn't matter! They are afraid to do anything." Xiao Qingtian remained calm and didn't mean to escape at all, and even the combat effectiveness was not improved.

"Is Ye Ye here?" Liang Fei narrowed his eyes and looked at the distant sea.

The sea was rough and the wind was howling, but a figure came on the waves, with wide-sleeved robes floating like fairy. Above his head, a large square seal was suspended, the thunder was turbulent, and a splendid brilliance fell down, covering him with water and fire, and wind and waves.

Seeing this figure, Watanabe and Ishino Yasuhiro, and several other quasi-gods, can all stay still and no longer attack Xiao Qingtian.

"Why is he here? Isn't it ...?" Ambron suddenly felt a bad hunch in his heart.

"Dad, who is this person?" Abe Meiji asked his father.

"He is the one from Longhu Mountain!"

"Dragon Tiger Mountain? Oriental Crane?" Ambe Miki was also surprised.

Amberon nodded. He didn't know why Dongfang Crane came, if it was to protect the law for the young demon king, it would not be easy.

With such a powerful existence protection law, no matter how many plots they have, it will not help.

"Amber Shengming, wait for forty years, you never imagined that you were still alive, your life was really tough!"

Accompanied by this voice, the Oriental Crane came ashore, Lei Yin held it in his hand, and came to Ambei Shengming.

"You are not dead, how can I die?"

Amber Shengming finally opened his eyes and glanced at the old rival 40 years ago, his face slightly moving.

Xiao Qingtian appeared a few moments ago, and there were several Shenjings on the scene, but he ignored everything.

"I watched the sky at night, and today there is a big star falling, I'm afraid it will be on you!" Dongfang Crane laughed, both in ridicule and exhortation.

Ambei Shengming snorted, and said, "Are you here for his protection?"

"He doesn't need me to protect the Fa."

"That's good."

After speaking, Amber Shengming closed his eyes ~ ~ and stopped talking.

Dongfang Crane shook his head, no longer persuaded, flew over the cliff, sat down on a lying cow stone, and waited for the battle with everyone.

With such a great master in his divine realm, where are the men of Fujita Masao who dare to take action against Xiao Qingtian. Only the Oriental Crane is afraid that they will shoot all of them to death.

Next, there are many masters coming, the north and the south, the martial arts of Persia, the ancient sacrifice of ancient Egypt, the purple-eyed bow-head division of the South Ocean, the Inca **** of war in South America, Siberia ...

When the black cloud pressed down to the sea and the snowflakes fell down, the young devil was late and finally appeared.


The sky was rumbling, and among the thick black clouds, a white tiger whose size was comparable to that of a giant elephant, pulled a golden jade urn, and was coming out of the air.

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