Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 997: Dixian 1

At this moment, on the ground, a loud noise came out suddenly, it was Miyamoto Taro's boneless fingerprint that was stabbed by Xiao Qingtian's dragon gun.

Meng Yao was almost caught by big fingerprints, and the man fell to the ground, his hair was a bit messy, his teeth were biting, and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Miyamoto Taro is too powerful, almost dominating this world, how Meng Yao can be his opponent.

Even Xiao Qingtian was taking a risk and angered Taro Miyamoto, who was in danger of death.

"Senior Miyamoto, this little girl has already passed down the division, why are you so aggressive?

As an old senior, it would be too unconventional for you to do this. "

Xiao Qingtian said well to Taro Miyamoto.

With a single blow, the momentum of his body suddenly dropped, and the dragon gun was put away, indicating that he was not hostile to Taro Miyamoto.

"Where's the junior, what do you count, do I still need you to teach me how to do things?"

He heard that Taro Miyamoto sweared at Xiao Qingtian, and was furious.

The age gap between him and Xiao Qingtian is really too big, almost double the gap, he does not know Xiao Qingtian at all.

"Don't dare to worry, just kill me"

Not at all nonsense with Xiao Qingtian, accompanied by an angry roar, a battle knife behind Taro Miyamoto rose into the sky, blooming a dazzling Huaguang, killing the world by shock.

This is a peerless murderer. As soon as it came out of the sheath, it brought a gust of wind, cold, cold, and biting.

This is the surge of knife air, the breath of death is permeating, and it scares a void.

"Killer Blade"

There was an old man exclaiming in the field, looking at the sword in the void, muttering to himself, his eyes were a bit confused, as if reviewing a story, a swordsman, and his sword.

The killing blade, Dongying's first murderer, was born for killing. There was a period of frightening years. I don't know how many deaths were killed.

The killing blade does not come out of the sheath. Once the sheath is out of sight, with this knife, Miyamoto has achieved his own invincible myth.

Of course, it was the years after the death of Hua Huadao Sheng Wuwan.

For many years, the world couldn't believe that they could still see the killing blade come out of the sheath and witness the invincible style of Miyamoto Taro.

Xiao Qingtian suddenly appeared close to the enemy, lifted the dragon gun in his hand, and was fully alert.

The killing blade was horrible. Just looking at it made him creepy, giving birth to an illusion that he couldn't connect it and couldn't hold it.

Suddenly, a breath of death swept through his body, and the bad feeling was strong.

Miyamoto Taro, this old monster is really terrible. One sword can divide the sea and break the river, cut through the vast void, and deserve everyone's first sword.

Just then, a voice calling for help in the void came down.

It was Watanabe Aya, at the foot of Ye Tian's Jinguang God, hanging a line, crying out loud, wanting Taro Miyamoto to save his life.

Although the young man was traumatized, the power of the **** was still. After taking a shot of the dead sword, Ishino Yasuhiro, he will now step on the deadly evil yin and yang master Master Watanabe Watanabe. He became so confused that he became the protagonist of this world again, attracting the Some people's eyes were even overshadowed by Taro Miyamoto.

The boy was so outstanding, how could Miyamoto be too unaware of him.

The killing blade vacated, and the sword was originally cut off at Xiao Qingtian. After hearing Watanabe's words, it suddenly changed and was cut off at Ye Tian in the void.

Compared with Xiao Qingtian, the young demon king is a big threat. Taro Miyamoto is going to cut it off and save it quickly. It is only a matter of course to save the crossing.

At his level, at this age, the six roots are pure, and his home country is all outside the body, and the only way he can pursue for the rest of his life.

The dagger screamed into the sky, and it was a magnificent sword across the world, dazzling and gorgeous, making the hanging stars and stars in the nine sky dim.

This sword Taro Miyamoto infused the surging mana, and he saw the youth's extraordinary and powerful, and struck it with one stroke, killing it with one stroke.

The vast sky and endless sea of ​​clouds, under this slaying murderer, were cut like tofu, and a long, black crack appeared from the feet of Taro Miyamoto to the young demon king in the void. Body.

The magnificent daggers, like the fiery sun, and the vastness of the soup, become the only place between heaven and earth, like the first rays of light before the heavens and the earth, reflecting the boundless earth.

It's almost impossible to imagine how a human being can cut such a terrifying sword, it is clear that the immortal is demonstrating the immortal law, one finger opens the world and the other opens the mountain.

When this knife came out, tens of thousands of on-site visitors and hundreds of millions of remote viewers were all overshadowed.

Dongfang Crane exclaimed, his heart was horrified.

Although Miyamoto Taro doesn't have the realm of the earth fairy, this sword really cuts off the power of the earth fairy.

Miyamoto Taro doesn't know what chance he got, and broke the limit of Shouyuan of the God Realm. Although the realm is still at the pinnacle of the Divine Realm, his perception of heaven and earth is far better than other monks in the same realm.

Just a pig that has lived a long time and can become a sperm, let alone a person. If the old man is immortal and hell, if it is not the limit of this world, Taro Miyamoto would have broken through the fairy.

His accumulation is far above that of St. Amber.

"Jiangbei Ming's earth fairy black gold amulet caused the young devil to be severely damaged. Now Taro Miyamoto splits the earth immortal sword, and the young demon is afraid to be over."

Below the old monk shook his head, his face regretful.

"Just now, under the black fairy of the earth fairy, he survived by virtue of the double protection of the stele in his hand and the thunder suit on his body.

Now that both major protections are destroyed, he has no means to protect himself and is likely to fall. "

"Yeah, not Dixian, how can you face Dixian's sharp edge."

"Teacher be careful"

Mengyao Huarong shouted to Ye Tian.

"Ye Tian."

Long Xiaoyun also clenched his fingers and looked anxiously.

A roar of tiger shouts deterred heaven and earth, a white tiger with a body size comparable to a giant elephant in the sky, two bronze bells with big eyes like torches, a mouthful of spit is a long river of sword energy, screaming and rushing towards Taro Miyamoto's sword Trying to block.

However, there is not much effect, the sword is extremely condensed, such as stainless steel, gold and iron, under the erosion of Jianqi Changhe, it is continuously eroded, but never broken.

Xiao Qingtian also stepped forward, a stab of a dragon gun, and a hundred-foot-long dragon-shaped lance, rushing to Taro Miyamoto's man-made sword.

In the squealing sound of golden iron and iron, the sparks splashed, the dragon-shaped gun with a length of 100 feet burst, and the blade of the sword was not injured.

"Di Xianxian, condensed the avenue, and imprinted the rules, can you be destroyed by an ordinary divine realm?"

Oriental crane shook his head and sneered.

At this time, I saw that Jingtian's sword cut to Ye Tian's true body.

Everyone thought that he would put away the magical image of God's feet, gather his mana, and meet Taro Miyamoto's shocking sword.

However, he never thought that he was as stable as Mount Tai, and he did not move, there was no trace of color on his face, and he even turned a blind eye to the shocking sword, and the **** foot continued to step down.

"Ah, how dare you

Stop, I don't want to die. "

A blood flower splashed and filled the void.

The evil master Yin Yang Yang Watanabe, together with his Yasha king-type gods, became a fan powder at Ye Tian's feet.

At this time, the young man looked up, looked at the magnificent sword mang that was almost in front of him, reached out a hand, and grabbed the past.

"He wants it, bare-handed?"

"This guy is crazy"

"Can't escape, and he has to do it."

Countless people were frightened, thinking Ye Tian was crazy, and dared to shake the fairy with bare hands.

Even Taro Miyamoto frowned, a little shocked.

The bang was almost as soon as Ye Tian raised his hand, and the stunned sword mang split into his hand, and a loud bang was heard.

After the terrifying sound, no terrible scene imagined by countless people, the razor-sharp and magnificent sword-mang cut across the teenager, and the teenager was split.

Daoman finally split on the surface of the sea, splitting the sea with a knife.

Because, the horrible horrible sword was cut into the young man's hands, and suddenly stopped, unable to make any difference.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still. Between heaven and earth there was seen a vast dagger across the void, like a white beam of light, motionless.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, everyone opened their eyes wide and stared at the sword, not even daring to blink, for fear of missing the scene where Dao Mang swept past the teenager and split the teenager.

Suddenly, a crack appeared in the blade.

Click, click cracks spread, more and more.

Not long after, cracks were covering the blade.

Finally, in the eyes of everyone's stun, the magnificent sword was shattered and turned into hundreds of millions of swords that diffused the world, like a storm sweeping, whistling, and cutting the void into a lot of holes.

And the young demon king is still standing in the void, and a large golden hand still keeps out the posture.

The palm of this hand was so magnificent that it was cast like a god's gold. It was generous and powerful, exuding a breath of immortality, but now it is much darker.

If you look closely, you will find a faint knife mark in his wide golden palm, exuding golden blood.

The breath on him also dropped suddenly, and the golden glow around his body receded like a tide.

噗 His body froze for a moment, and he spit out blood and his face became paler.

Amazingly, he caught the shock from Taro Miyamoto, and he consumed a lot, and the old injury was not healed ~ ~ and another new injury was added.

However, this is still enough to weep ghosts and gods, countless people moved.

That's a stab at the earth. He was in a state of wonder, bare-handed, and caught it, too incredible.

It is the Oriental Crane and Augris, two of the most powerful gods, can not claim to do it.

"How did this guy do it"

Augris looked horrified.

"Is weird

Although he has no realm of earth fairy, he has a body of earth fairy. "

Dongfang Crane said faintly, also moving.


He has the body of the fairy

how can that be"

"With impeccable immortality, everything is possible"

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