Dixian Xian, above the entire planet, is that the great empire of the world must be afraid of a bit, how powerful, how domineering!

Even because of the birth of a dixian, Dong's status in the international community will be enhanced. The great empire of the world would no longer dare to take the small East Asian country as a soft persimmon.

He said rudely that a dixian is far more strategically deterrent than a bunch of nuclear weapons!

Triton nuclear warfare is difficult, and it is almost impossible to kill Dixian.

Plutonium is not a nuclear weapon that dies undead. If it is a nuclear weapon of large equivalent weight, and the dixian is at the center of the big bang, it is difficult to survive. However, Dixian has great magical powers, is supernatural, has extremely sensitive perception of danger, and it is difficult to trap it at the center of the nuclear explosion.

Plutonium nuclear weapons cannot be used at will, but Dixian kills people without even saying hello.

This is the cruelty of the self-cultivation world, strength is everything, and it is above everything. The slaughter of the city and the nation are benevolent, and even more, they slaughter the entire planet and sweep the entire galaxy.

Tokyo, the supreme authority's mansion, the crowd is full of cheers and cheers.

Of course, this is not just here. The whole country is in a state of excitement at this moment. After being oppressed for a long time, and also for a long time, they finally ushered in the dawn of liberation and regained their freedom.

In the future, the East Country, there is a dixian sitting in the town, and the future is bright.

In the Prime Minister's office, the telephone ringing kept ringing, all the congratulatory messages from the world's number one characters.

"Prime Minister, phone."


"Imperial President across the ocean."

"Not in a hurry, let him hang for a while."

"Ah, this ..."

Secretary Wu was stunned. If the former President of the Empire on the other side of the ocean called in, the Prime Minister would answer the phone as soon as possible, not even hesitating for half a moment, for fear of neglecting for half a minute.

In the call from the President of the Empire, none of the previous Prime Ministers of the East have done so.

"Sir Prime Minister, answer quickly, and hang up without answering the phone." The secretary urged.

"Hurry up, can't you see that I'm busy?" The prime minister got a temper and glared at the secretary.

"I'm afraid you are neglecting that person and will embarrass you again." The secretary said timidly.

"Make me embarrassed, he dare! Do not look at who is the boss now!" The Prime Minister slammed the table, his eyes widened, and said loudly.

He is on Erlang's legs and is watching TV, which is broadcasting live footage of the horrific war on the coast.

I am a state-owned land immortal. Why fear the great empire?

"The small miscellaneous pieces of Amber Dixian and Hua Guo immediately started to fight. I want to see with my own eyes the scene where the small miscellaneous pieces are torn by the hands of the Amber Dixian.

At this moment, he had unprecedented confidence and publicity.

When he aired, he hung up the phone from the presidency of the great empire. For the first time, he deliberately did not answer calls from the Imperial Presidential Palace.

No one knows, the phone is a grumpy master, who has embarrassed him in international public places many times.

He can imagine that because the phone was not answered, the scene of the master's furious. But he did not ca

E, do n’t be afraid, because his country has a terrestrial **** born, far more deterrent than nuclear weapons.

Jingle Bell!

The phone rang again.

"Master, the great powers of the East call."

"Look at the big country of chickens, let's air it. Before the little miscellaneous was killed by Amber Dixian, I don't want anyone to answer the phone." The Prime Minister said lightly.

"Oh, by the way, let the cabinet prepare. I ’m going to host a state banquet and treat Amberdy and Miyamoto, just tonight! Also, send invitations to the ambassadors of all countries to make sure they Reward. "

Uh ...

At this time, the battlefield on the coast was annihilated between the heavens and the earth, and the atmosphere of great terror was permeating, making everyone frightened.

A word from the young devil successfully angered Amber Shengming


What an insulting word!

All the East-seeing spectators in the market filled with injustice and criticized him.

I don't know. He is telling the truth, and does not mean to insult people. If he is in the world of immortality, the level of immortality of Amber Shengming is not even Jiuliu.

This level of earth fairy, if he wants to break through, he can break through at any time.

"Juvenile Devil, are you so anxious to die? I originally thought you would help me break through the immortal meritorious service. As long as I begged for mercy on my knees and sincerely confessed, I can consider forgiving you for not dying. But you are still anxious to die You are done now! "Said Amber Shengming in a cold voice, his face was dreadfully terrible, because he was so angry and moved to kill his heart, and the ghost of the Yagi-style **** appeared on him again, like magic , Go into the magic.

In fact, this is a normal phenomenon, not to go into the devil. His physical body is completely integrated with the Yagi-style god. The two bodies share a soul, and the two states can be switched freely.

A tadpole is like an animal that is refined and capable of forming human beings, and can also change back to its original state.


A horrible breath emanated from his body, making this world shudder with tremors, and a surge of blood rushed up into the sky, like a big dragon vacated.

"Brother Ambe, I didn't expect you to really take that step, you have accomplished the earth fairy, and you have created a miracle that has not been seen for a hundred years. It is really gratifying!"

At this time ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Suddenly an old voice came from the distant sea.

Dongfang Crane turned his eyes, penetrated the layers of black clouds and snow, and saw a white figure stepping on the big waves, which was radiating from here.

"After all, here." He groaned in his heart, not surprised.

认识 This figure he knows is a peerless powerhouse, full of mystery, and may even be no worse than him.

It was not long before the voice fell, and the white figure came to the field and stood in the void.

This is an old man, tall and skinny, wearing a white robe with loose silver hair, holding a black staff, a yellow spar inlaid on one end, flashing a cold light, as if from the Middle Ages of Europe Magician.

This is the God Alliance leader of the League of Gods organization, Barov, a top magician, a top god. However, it was strange that there was no sense of killing in him, like a kind old man.

His eyes first focused on Amber Shengming, which was very weird.

Then he arched his hand at Taro Miyamoto and said, "Balov, I've seen Miyamoto Old Sword Saint."

Takamiya Taro just raised his eyelids, and said a little, he didn't care much about him.

But he didn't care, and finally fixed his eyes on Ye Tian, ​​with a smile on his face, saying: "Young devil, we finally met!"

Uh ...

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