Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1004: Exhibiting Divine Realm

"Damn, I have a fairyland, a fairyland, why are you better than me?"

In a distant sea, a thick blood burst into the sky, and an angry roar rang through the sky, causing a large cloud to fall apart.


The sky was shaking violently, and I saw a behemoth running across the void. There were eight snake-heads with large door panels and eight snake-tails more than 100 meters in length. They all shared a thick body like a mountain. Liang, fierce and powerful, seems to be able to crush the sky, it is the Hachi-style god, and it is also Abe Shengming.

It was as if, under Ye Tian's punch, Ambei Shengming was beaten back to his "original form" and smashed into a "dead dog."

One of his eight large snake-heads was blown out and pulled, looking like flesh and blood, but no blood dripped.

After the complete fusion of Abe Shengming and Hachi-style gods, the body of the elemental spirits of Hachi-style gods was partially converted into flesh and blood, but they were not fully converted, so this was the case.

The same is true of Ye Tian's white tiger-like **** and Suzaku-like god. The body of the Yuanling has been transformed towards the body of flesh, but it has not been transformed.

"I said, you are Jiu Liu Di Xian, both in the realm of Di Xian and the body of Di Xian, are all Jiulu. You ca n’t exert the true power of Di Xian. You, between your palms. "Ye Tian stood in the void, eyes Guangsen cold.

After the blow, the blood on his body dropped back again, the magic was not obvious, the aura was no longer, his face was pale, and his blood was still coughing in his mouth.

It was as if he was really burning the essence of the blood just now. At the cost of the war, the light of the moment was back, and people had no choice.

However, the six Supreme Divine Realms around the separation did not think so, all of them were fighting 100,000 spirits, guarding against being attacked by him and preventing him from escaping.

"The body of earth fairy, the land of earth fairy, the power of earth fairy, the three are united to make a true earth fairy. Brother Amber, you have just entered the land of earth fairy, and you still have time to consolidate the realm and lack the right to heaven In a sense, you are only half a fairy now. I think it ’s better for me to join forces to surrender the boy in a single blow and force him to ask for his immaculate immortal. With the immaculate immortal, you have no doubt There will be a deeper understanding, awakening more powerful magical powers, and it is possible to step into the heavenly immortal realm above the earth immortal in the future. "Dongfang Crane said suddenly, embarrassing everyone.

He mentioned Tianxian in his mouth, and many people had a question mark in his head for a while. He had never heard of this state at all.

People in the world have only heard of the existence of Dixian in the world, such as Zhang Daoling in Longhu Mountain, Ambe Ching Ming of the Amber family, the Pope of the Holy See, and so on, but no one has ever heard of Tianxian.

Dongfang Crane has only seen a few words in ancient books. It is true that in the long past, before the heaven and earth aura had dried up, the immortal cultivation period, and the heaven immortal on the earth immortal, the lifetime can reach thousands of years. It is true. Detached.

"Juvenile Devil is Jiu Liu Di Xian, I can kill you too! You dare to humiliate the Di Xian, only to confess death."

It seemed that he had not heard the advice of Dongfang Crane, and Amber Shengming had once again entered the field, as violent as a dragon. The body of his Hachi-style **** gradually disappeared, eventually disappeared, and a humanoid shape appeared, but with a dark war spear in his hand.

The war spear was more than a foot long, the thickness of the bowl mouth was densely covered with a layer of black scale armor, and it was amazingly transformed by the Hachi-style deities. Seven snake heads condensed into spear tips, and the body and eight snake tails condensed into spears. Light and bright, as if made of tungsten steel, the ultimate condensed, giving a sense of toughness.


Above the spear tip condensed by the seven snake heads, he is constantly swallowing a fierce killer, cold and dazzling, as bright as blood, like a peerless murderer, drinking the blood of countless souls, permeating the terrible tragic gas.

With the complete integration of the Yagi-style gods, Amber Shengming's manipulation of the style gods becomes more comfortable, and he can turn into the weapon he wants. Before, he couldn't do it.


In the roaring sound, Amber Shengming turned into a lightning and rushed to Ye Tianji. The halberd of the eight-kid-like demonized war halberd brought a scarlet blood, like a blood electricity, breaking through the void and stabbing a blackness. The fissures stabbed Ye Tian's body.

Needless to say, this is a shocking spear, the potential energy is falling apart, the river is down, and the Supreme Divine Realm is afraid to stand up!

Although Ambe Shengming is a half-step divine immortal, he cannot exert the true power of the divine immortal. After all, he has stepped on the threshold of the divine immortal.

However, he saw that facing the shock of Amber Shengming, Ye Tian did not shy away, straight out his palm, and headed straight up.


As if Jin Ge was chanting, steel was colliding, Ye Tian's golden hands splattered with sparks, and a rumbling sound like Hong Zhong Daluo was heard. The golden palm was only scratched, and the membrane was not broken, and no blood flowed out.

This is the real Vajrayana!

Everyone is thrilled!

However, it was lost in the hearts of everyone, thinking that this spear of Ambe Shengming was not as good as the one that Miyamoto Laosheng just had, and Ambe Shengming roared like a beast:

"Break me!"


Suddenly, a terrifying breath erupted above the war spear, a snake's tail wriggled, a snake's head was raised, his eyes widened, and it was as if he was going to devour Ye Tian.

Suddenly, a huge blessing blessed the war spear, broke the balance, and let Ye Tian's figure back.

This is just the power of a snake!

"Broken, broken, broken!"

Then Amber Shengming shouted six more times, awakened the other six snakes, and blessed the six spears on the war spear.

If it weren't for Ye Tian's blasting of a snake head, there would be blessings on the battle spear, but the breeze is also scary enough, the void at the front of the spear is distorted, and the blood is so high that it cannot be resisted at all.

Ye Tian's body is not supportive ~ ~ Continuously receding, the palm of his palm was also pierced with a hole, flowing golden blood. The sharp spear tip was about to rest on his heart, letting his life linger.

"Don't you say that you can kill me if you roll your palm, I see how you kill me!" Abe Shengming shouted loudly, the handsome face was distorted, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, a blood burst out of the heavenly cover, and the whole person was like one. Demon-like, terrifying to the extreme.

"If you don't believe me, I'll kill you!"

Accompanied by Ye Tian's voice, a terrifying blood burst out from his body, and a golden ripple centered on his body, spreading in the sky and in all directions, diffused in the form of a sphere.

The golden blood was extremely radiant and extremely bright, like the golden light of a Buddha's door, giving a sense of incomparable holiness.

Nearly at my fingertips, the golden flesh formed a round sphere, enveloping him and Abe Shengming in it.

Behind Ye Tian, ​​a golden lotus swayed and fluctuated, as if a fairy lotus.

This is not ordinary radon, but Ye Tian ’s chaos, a prototype of a chaotic little world, a manifestation of Tao fruit.

As soon as the Chaos God Realm came out, Amber Shengming was trapped in the mud for a while, his body seemed to be trapped, his hands and feet bound.

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