Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1006: Palm world


"how come?"


Everyone froze for a while, dumbfounded.

The plot changed too quickly, Augustus almost killed Ye Tian, ​​but was counter-slaughter by Ye Tian, ​​and Joseph shot suddenly and killed Ye Tian in seconds.

In the void, after a **** crack devoured Ye Tian, ​​a dull sound was made, and it disappeared instantly, and nothing seemed to happen.

The fierce spoon is indeed the supreme sacred weapon of the blood race. The magic weapon of space that is hard to find in the world can not only break the void, but also open up a small world of different dimensions.

Just now, Joseph broke the void through a fierce spoon, and the void channel he dug out instantly shifted hundreds of feet and appeared beside Ye Tian.

And the eternal exile is to open up a small world of different dimensions and put Ye Tianliu into it.

No matter how powerful a master is, once he is exiled, it will be difficult to get back, and he will eventually be killed in a different world.

Unless, with the magic weapon of space, he can pierce the barriers of the dimension.

These means are so amazing that they are almost heavenly!

Everyone who saw this scene felt cold from head to toe, and felt fear.

This is just one **** holy artifact, so horrible. Legend has it that there are twelve other holy artifacts, the divine powers are different. I can't believe how terrible the destructive power of the **** thirteen holy vessels is.

No wonder the blood race can once dominate the world, forcing human races to lead wolves into the room and join forces with the Nordic devil wolves to suppress them.

"Ye Tian!" Long Xiaoyun screamed, looking sad.

"Well!" Xiao Tianqi sighed.

"He, will it be okay?" Zhang Qian said nervously. She doesn't know Ye Tian's name yet.

"Relax, Master Ye will be fine." Liang Fei's eyes were firm.


The reaction of several people of Long Wei was completely opposite. When Ye Tian's death was confirmed, tens of thousands of onlookers on the scene cheered. The news was like wings, and it quickly spread throughout the city.

"Let's just say, the young devil can't be Joseph's opponent. He was killed in one move, and the spike was complete."

"Joseph is relying on the sacred weapon. If he fists bare-handed, he may not be the opponent of the young devil."

"It's boring to say that. People have holy wares, why not?"

"Yes, as you say, wars in various countries are fought with bare hands, and you must not return to the primitive society? Fighting is just fighting, but don't give yourself so many excuses."

"It's a shame that a generation of young people are so proud. If he is not so impulsive and so arrogant, it will not be the end if he grows up in another ten or eight years."


The crowd was tumultuous, and the rumors were endless. In addition to the loud cheers, there were also rare regrets.


There was a laugh under the court hallway, and General Padre stepped down the steps, with a large crowd following.

"Master Joseph is indeed the president of my European Darkness Society. The means are superb, but no shot is necessary. It must be amazing at first. I can have Lord Joseph in Europe. It is my luck in Europe." General Padre slaps his horse. Did not realize his identity.

"Catch me all of them, a person with 10 billion heads, depending on whether the great powers of the East are willing to go out." When passing by several people, General Padre glared coldly.

A group of soldiers behind him were ordered to arrest people.

"Made, try me one by one, I will hammer you one by one, believe it or not?" The Canglong warrior will lose his temper, holding the hammer handle of the alloy warhammer in his hand, but he cannot raise it.

Others are also the same, because Joseph was banned and mana was difficult to cast.

However, this is the case. The dragon battle frightened the giant's general size and the soldiers of the aurora small country, and took a few steps back.

"Useless thing!" General Padre scolded the soldiers. "A group of defeated men, captives, afraid that they will not succeed?"


His old man's palms were raised and lowered, and a large slap photographed Canglong's general.

"If you don't see it, just like that, call me if you don't obey, and let him die!"


As soon as General Padre's old man's voice had just fallen, a loud noise came out suddenly, and a void outside the courthouse shattered, and a mountain-like giant magnetotype seal broke out. With Joseph underneath, he drove away.

"What?" Joseph was horrified. He didn't expect Ye Tian to be exiled so easily in a small space of a different dimension, and caught him by surprise.

The reversal came too fast, and everyone in the audience was stunned again.

"Space Seal!"

Among the flashes of light, Joseph sacrificed a holy spoon holy weapon, condensing a piece of space above his head into an iron plate, and even tried to seal the element magnetic seal.

However, the God Magnet ’s Seal is also a magic weapon in space, and it has a higher rank than his fierce spoon. It cannot be sealed at all.

However, it can help him win a moment.

Although this moment was only a short moment, it was enough for him to escape.


But he hadn't stepped forward yet, and the void shook violently. Under the Yuan Magnetic God Seal, the colorful Yuan Magnetic God Light was like a waterfall, washed down numerous times faster than his escape, and enveloped him.

The general waterfall magnetism not only possesses the power of the seal of space, but also emits a horrible absorption force, sucking him away from the magnetism of the gods.

That element magnetic seal comes with a small world, which is used by Ye Tian as a palm world.

Joseph sacrificed a spoonful of holy artifacts and tried to cut through the space to escape, but it was too late. The force of the fierce key's seal of space sealed the Elemental God Seal, only a short while later, it was broken.


In everyone's horrified eyes, Joseph only uttered a scream and was taken away by the elemental magnetic **** light, sucking into the small world that the elemental magnetic seal came with.


"No way?"

"He actually ...?"


The noisy scene was suddenly dead.


Suddenly, a loud big ear scraper sounded at UU reading

The dragon battle will be shot, a big slap will pull General Padre and fly, his teeth mixed with blood and water flying. He is already very conservative, his mana has been sealed, and if it is normal, a slap can break General Padre's brain.

"court death!"

A group of soldiers moved quickly and pointed a gun on the head of the Canglong war general.

"No, just stop! Wait, wait!"

Listening to General Padre shouting loudly, staring at a large seal in Ye Tian's hand, waiting for a miracle to happen, Joseph could jump out from it.

Many people, like him, stared at the Magnetism Seal and looked forward to Joseph's appearance.

Joseph has a space magic weapon, it should not be difficult to come out.

However, as time passed by one minute and one second, Joseph never saw his body shape, and everyone was anxious.

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