Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1020: Killing Knife

With a good idea, Miyamoto Taro sealed Ye Tian with the millennium bead, and then tortured the imperfect immortal method. The preaching of immortals is just around the corner. It may even be a glimpse of the immortal realm that day. As a result, the plan was hit by Ye Tian. One was caught off guard.

Ye Tian stepped out of the illusory scene of the beaded pearls, his eyes were like a torch, and two golden flames were blown out. The titan with a height of three feet dangled the endless thunder, as if an alpine mountain was standing in the sky, and a chain of chaos was entwined For example, the thick dragons are coiled around, and the whole person is like a demon. The blood is like a dragon, and the combat power is so high that it is terrible.

When he raised his hand, he took off the bead in the palm of Taro Miyamoto's palm, and when the halberd smashed it, he smashed Taro Miyamoto's big hand, and it was so fierce that it frightened people's bones.

All the people in the field looked terrified, like falling into the abyss of hell!

Ye Tian's old tricks were reapplied, chaotic gas was wrapped, chaotic chains were entangled, and both the inside and outside of the body were two-pronged, temporarily suppressing the agitation of the five thunder spirits in the body.

However, the five Thunder Fruits have been completely stimulated and cannot be stopped at all, and the seal may be broken again at any time. He has very little time to fight, settle his opponents, and then quickly find a quiet place to retreat, refining the thunder spirit fruit, otherwise the fruit will be very serious.

"Old sister-in-law, send you to hell!" Ye Tianbao drank, glaring at Miyamoto Taro, his murderous spirit almost turned into substance.


The flaming halberd in his hand shook violently, and then stabbed again. Countless dazzling lights flew out, as if the nine-day galaxy was picked down by his halberd.


Each dazzling light is a killing mang, the potential energy can penetrate the golden crack stone, and it is extremely sharp.

The celestial halberd stabbed a thousand times in a split second, spraying out the sky to kill the mansions, stabbing a sky full of holes.

Boom boom!

He strode, breaking through the void, rumbling with tinnitus, and moving with the war halberd, and his huge body rushed out like lightning.

"Earth immortal!" The blood king's pupils shrank, whispered softly, and his forehead burst into cold sweat, and his breathing was quickened, terrified.

Ye Tian, ​​a war halberd, clearly penetrated Tianxian with a lethal impact. It pierced Tianyu, with unmatched energy, and could kill the Supreme Divine Realm in general.

Miyamoto Taro was also a cold sweat in his forehead, his pupils shrank into needles, and even his silver hair exploded. But he didn't have time to be shocked, because Ye Tian's shock hit him and killed him.

"Come here!"

Miyamoto Taro momentarily hesitated, and immediately returned to his mind, stretched out his right hand, shook it suddenly in the void, the air was pinched, thunder came out of the palm, and shouted, "Knife!"


Upon being summoned, he carried the peerless murderer behind him, the blade of killing, a violent vibration, a rapid buzzing sound, and a burst of blood.

Amazingly, there is a spirit in the sword, which is connected with the breath of Taro Miyamoto, and is connected with one life.


A clear blade of mang swept across the sky, the air of the sword was thin, and a dazzling streamer was drawn in the void, as if the void was cut into a large arc-shaped rift, and finally fell into the palm of Taro Miyamoto.

With the killing blade in his hand, the momentum of Taro Miyamoto suddenly changed, like a massacre of mankind, freeing up a murderous look, and his eyes were extremely fierce.

I saw that his murderous spirit was not invisible, but invisible, visible to the naked eye.

Like Ye Tian, ​​he condensed the Jinshadaoqi into the flesh and blood, under the momentum soaring, every inch of flesh was spraying out the knife gas, and the whole person was like a hedgehog, blooming magnificent and bright. If ordinary people approached him, they would be stabbed with holes in an instant.

He had shot just now, but the momentum was not so engraved.

Amazingly, he smelled the breath of death, and the momentum climbed to the top, and he was desperate.

"Killing the sword first style, kill the soul!"

"Second style!"


"Eighth-style killing God!"

"The ninth type of killing immortals!"

In the thunderous sound, Taro Miyamoto stepped out one step, people followed the sword, and the sword became one, and they were transformed into a magical rainbow.


The bright blades flew out, cut through the void, and cut to Ye Tian.

In a split second, Taro Miyamoto slashed nine knives in a row, slicing the killing sword from the first type to the soul to the ninth type.

Each daomang is thousands of feet long. It is ruthless and fierce. It is extremely sharp. It seems to be integrated into the void. When the daomang passes, the emptiness is slightly distorted. Sword Artistic Conception.

This is the secret of the killing knife method, which is a kind of assassination knife method, contains the true meaning of the assassination, and is good at hiding.

Miyamoto Taro was a ninja, and he has been a long time assassin. The killing sword was learned during his time as an assassin. Later, he continuously repaired and perfected it.


The boundary film in the field of Yongye is like a cloth. The nine blades of the killing blade are crossed, and they are easily cut open, and nine large cracks appear.

If the Blood King wanted to escape at this time, he could escape from the big crack at once. But he looked stunned, dumbfounded, and forgot to escape.

Dangdang ...

The fighting halberds and the killing swordsman confronted each other. The void was like hitting iron. The sound of wearing golden cracks was endless. The sparks were dazzling. Killing and slashing are constantly annihilating, a void of ocean turned into energy, rolling up a terrible storm.


In the end, Ye Tianyi's halberd stabbed on the blade of Taro Miyamoto's killing blade, poking a gap.

Miyamoto's body trembled suddenly, and a bloodstain burst from the tiger's mouth. The thick and crystalline blood flowed out and stained the handle of the sword.


A crack appeared in the gap on the blade.

Click, click!

The crack continued to spread, and eventually a sword was broken into two pieces.

Miyamoto's eyes showed an incredible look, and he even smelled a breath of death.

"Dead!" Ye Tian said, burst into a slam, and the halberd stabbed straight into the heart of Taro Miyamoto.

"Enough!" Takamiya Miyamoto also yelled ~ ~ His eyes flashed fiercely.

He was full of silver hair, erect, and looked terrible, and he was full of magic.

In the front line of life and death, he had a bow on his back, his spine screaming, and his thunderbolt could not cover his ears. A stabbing mang burst out of the bone cavity, as fast as a flash of lightning, piercing Ye Tian's door.


The terrible sword air swept across the sky, and the void was pierced with a sound of a blade.

The dazzling light, containing the terrible knife intention, was faintly manifested into the shape of a knife, just like the killing blade, clear and crystallized, flowing through the magic, as if it can tear human soul, and cannot be seen directly.

The blood king just stabbed at the corners of his eyes.

"Tenth style of killing the sword, all ten sides are destroyed!" Taro Miyamoto shouted a voice, his expression calmed down instantly.

The so-called annihilation of ten parties is the same thing!

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