Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1026: Undersea Palace


"Just below, here. Let's go down." Taro Miyamoto said to Ye Tian suddenly.

Ye Tian flew at several times the speed of sound, and it took only a few minutes to reach a distance of one hundred nautical miles.


When he heard Takamiya Miyamoto's words, Ye Tiantune turned and turned, like a predatory condor, dived down, and brought a thunder light behind him, as if a meteor star had fallen to the earth, terrifyingly.

His physical body was almost on the verge of collapse, and it was extremely urgent.

Taro Miyamoto shouted. He has lived so many years and is the first time he has seen such a wild boy.

Of course, he also has to admit that Ye Tian is also the most amazing young man he has ever seen so many years old. It is rare once in a thousand years and rare once in a thousand years.

"Talent is only the cornerstone, and the cultivation of immortals is the main reason for the youth's strength."

"The level of godland can be used to fight the land fairy. It is likely to be an inexhaustible immortal method. It is rare in the world. No wonder it will be stunned by those supreme gods."

"You can definitely get the perfect immortal method, and the teenager must have some adventures. He has a lot of luck and has a bright future."

"Well, if I have a flawless immortal law, maybe the son of luck is me, why worry about immortality?"


Taro Miyamoto poked a head out of the shell, shuttled in the clouds and snow and heavy goose feathers, thinking carefully, his eyes were bright.

Although he also had injuries, he was scorched black in the mushroom cloud, almost fleshy, but compared with Ye Tian, ​​it can only be regarded as a minor injury, which will not endanger life.

This is a sea that looks nothing special. The wind is roaring, the waves are soaring, the feathers and snow are flying, and the dim sky and the earth are blurred.

Ye Tian turned his eyes, but he couldn't see anything.

The traces of Penglai Xiandao are misty, hidden in the sea, if it really exists, it must have been covered by a coverup.

Just like Ye Tian's large array under the Dongshan cloth, ordinary people can't see it at all. But if it is a person at the level of the divine realm, he has a keen sense and will be aware of it. And if you practice some kind of puppet technique, the god's eyes are like electricity, but they can pierce through the imagination and see the existence of the large array, or even everything in the large array.

Ye Tian's fire-eye golden pupil is just like this. However, he opened the golden eyes of the fire eye, and when he stood high, he didn't see anything. The sea was empty, not to mention the island, not even a bird's hair.

"Old sister-in-law, you dare to lie to me!" Ye Tian immediately became angry.

"Young man, don't be impatient, my life is in your hands, will I lie to you?"

"If you dare to engage in any conspiracy with me, I will make you dead."

"Don't dare! I'm sorry for the old man, I want to live long live Chitose, no, long live long lived, and live with heaven and earth." Miyamoto Taro said loudly.

Soon, they landed on the sea.

"You give me the bead."

Miyamoto Taro walked out of the shell, put away the shell, and asked Ye Tian for the pearl.

"Tell me how to do it." Ye Tian coldly said, extremely alert to Taro Miyamoto.

Zhuzhu is a magic weapon of the water system. It is of great use in the sea, such as avoiding water, using water to hide, escape, etc. Ye Tian didn't dare give it to Taro Miyamoto, fearing that he had fled or some other conspiracy.

Ye Tian's current condition is very bad. The five "nuclear reactors" in the body are running frantically and have been out of control. He has no time to waste, and must settle down as soon as possible to refine the thunder spirit fruit.

"Okay," Taro Miyamoto grinned, and said, "Penglai Xiandao is in the sea. You open a passage with a bead, and I will take you in."

There is nothing above the sea surface, Ye Tian instinctively aimed his eyes below the sea surface, and his eyesight moved. Sure enough, some buildings were faintly seen on the bottom of the 100-meter-deep sea, but the scale was very small, only a hundred meters. And his Dongshan enchantment small world is almost the same.

"Is this Penglai Xiandao? How so small?" Ye Tian asked.

"It looks small outside, and it gets bigger when you go in." Takamiya Miyamoto smiled again. If it wasn't dark, he must have been a kind old man with such a smile, making people feel like a spring breeze.

"How come under the sea?"

"Since it is a fairy island, where is the sky and the earth? Where can I go? Boy, do n’t tangled. Let ’s go in quickly. I think your body is almost at the limit, and you need to retreat immediately. There is nothing better or safer than here. Somewhere. "

I don't know why, Ye Tian always feels weird here. But since he's here, of course he has to go in and take a look. And he has no time to delay.

Thousands of pearl beads sacrifice, tens of thousands of light rains fall, and wherever they go, the sea water recedes. A road of Kangzhuang appears. Ye Tian and Taro Miyamoto step into it and come to a small underwater world.

"Are you sure this is Penglaixian Island?"

Entering this small underwater world, Ye Tian was a little disappointed.

This is a small and fragmented world, but it is only 100 square meters in size. There are several palaces, but they all collapse.

The aura here is indeed more full than the outside world, but the level of the small world of Ye Tiandongshan enchantment has not been reached, and it is a long way off from the aura like rain.

As for the elixir Taro Miyamoto said, it was nonsense. The elixir Ye Tian did see some, but basically all died.

On the contrary, there are some ancient corpses here, but after a long time, most of them have decayed. When they touch, they will turn to ashes, and there will be no stubble left.

In short, this is a wasteland.

Ye Tian can be sure that Taro Miyamoto lied to him.

This is not so much Penglai Xiandao as it is the Ancient Dragon Palace, oh no, maybe it ’s more appropriate to call the ancient ancient palace.

The ancient dragon palace could not be so embarrassing.

At that moment, in a blink of an eye, Taro Miyamoto disappeared.

"Taro Miyamoto, get out of me!" Ye Tian growled.

"Young man, I admit that I lied to you. This is indeed not Penglaixian Island. I spent a hundred years searching for Penglaixian Island ~ ~ and found only such a broken place by accident. Do n’t worry about it so much. Hurry up and meditate. Rest assured. I am so scared that I will be in retreat for a while and wo n’t disturb you. ”

In the middle of the small world, in the middle of a ruin, four large pillars stand like crystal material, crystal clear, it is a long time, there is no decay, and strands of glow bloom.

Miyamoto's voice came from this ruin, and Ye Tian felt his breath was here.

Ye Tian came over, and after approaching, he saw a grave-like hill bag in the middle of the four large jade pillars, stacked with various rare materials, various corals, underwater crystals, cold jade, etc., extremely gorgeous .

The top of the hill bag is flattened, engraved with a magical pattern, and looks like a tower.


Suddenly, the "small hill" glowed, and the ten-square-foot ground shook violently, rushing out countless ways to kill mans, intertwined into a net, killing the world, flooding a large area of ​​the world, and just trapping Ye Tian.

This is a killing!

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