Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1031: St. 10 Army

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In a blink of an eye, the world war was over for a month.

No one can imagine that the great empire of the world was the ultimate winner and the only winner of this war.

After this battle, there is no more supreme divine realm in the world that can provoke the might of the great empire in the world, and it has settled the throne of the largest empire in the world.

As soon as the nuclear weapons come out, who will fight?

Once upon a time, the world was arguing about technology and avenues. Is technology better? Or is the avenue better?

Not long ago, the juvenile demon king rose strongly, one person swept through the three armies, one person fought alone and one country, and gave the world an answer to crush science and technology.

Now, when the great empire in the world gave another answer with practical actions, in the face of absolute technology, all roads are clouds!

When the great empire of the world had the world's premier nuclear arsenal, no matter how many divine realms could be killed.

Even the immortals may drink hatred under their nuclear weapons.

After all, the fusion nuclear weapon detonated in the shocking world war was only a few million tons of equivalent, and its level was only medium. The inventory of the great empire of the world also has 10 million tons of equivalents and tens of millions of tons of ultimate nuclear weapons, known as the doomsday killer.

If necessary, they can even produce 100 million tons of equivalents.

Of course, during the fierce operation of the world's great empire, while winning prestige, it was also cast aside by many people.

Among them are my big country in the East, a small country in the east, Egypt, the Holy See and the blood race. These big countries and organizations are most indignant because they have the Supreme Divine Realm falling down in nuclear weapons.

However, when the great empire of the world did not care, it also claimed that the nuclear weapon slaughter was contributing to world peace, and the people of the world should thank them.

Due to the provocative power of the great empire in the world, the word of mouth from the outside world only ended with word of mouth, without hurting the muscles and bones, and not having much lethality.

Later, when some combat shots in the field of Yongye were released, demonstrating that the nuclear weapons detonated, Taro Miyamoto, Augris, Oriental Crane, Divine Knight, and Blood King, the five Supreme Divine Realms had fallen and were buried in Ye Tianzhi. With the hand, the great empire of the world guided the direction of public opinion and pointed the finger at China's National Highway.

"The Middle-earth is out of magic, and the entire Middle-earth door is hard to blame. There is something wrong with this soil, and it should be self-examination."

"The juvenile devil has fallen, but there are still evils in the past. The grass must be rooted, and the Middle Earth Road Gate should move quickly to catch the evils."


Guided by the public opinion of the great empire of the time, another voice clamored loudly, targeting Ye Tian's apprentices.

The vast majority of the world is blind and cannot help provoking.

Those countries and organizations that have deep hatred with Ye Tian have reacted fiercely, applauding the nuclear weapons slaughtering behavior of the great empire in the world, and vengeance against my eastern power.

"The young devil is dead, so use the blood of the sins of his apprentices to atone for the sins of the young demon."

"That's right, that's it. If the Middle-earth door is not easy to operate, my Holy Church is willing to do it for you. It is everyone's responsibility to slaughter the evil of the demon king."

"My dark blood tribe is willing to make a modest effort to go to Middle-earth to slaughter the demon king's iniquity and return the world to a glorious world."

"My Pantheon is almost destroyed under the claws of the young devil. The evil deeds of the young devil are beyond description. This east expedition counts as one of my pantheon."

"I proposed that the Knights of the Sunset Empire Round Table Knights had once had a Crusade in history. This time the Crusades were simply called the Crusades. This is a division of justice, a mighty division, and a magnificent division. "

"My ancient Egyptian temple applied to join the Crusaders of the Eastern March to revenge the old priests."



An uproar, a Holy Crusade, a division of the Eastern Crusade, headed by the Holy See, operated purely by the Western world, was completed.

The old pope did not come out of the retreat, but passed a decree, affirmed the Eastern Crusade, and appointed a Paladin named Antonio as the commander of the Holy Crusade.

The Holy Order's Guardian Knights led a four knights for one divine knight, all of whom had the practice of divine realm.

After the old knight fell, Antonio was promoted to a new knight.

This person is not a simple role. He is a descendant of the ancient gods and has a strong blood talent.

Although the Holy Crusade is a patchwork division, its combat effectiveness is not to be underestimated. There are several figures in the Divine Realm alone, and there are dozens of grand masters. Dao Men can stand in court and even win.

The major factions in the Western world have never been so united.

But I saw that even the **** family and the Holy See, a pair of millennium veterans, let go of their prejudices and joined forces.

The development of this situation was unexpected for my great eastern powers, and fell into a passive state for a while.

The Western Crusade's Eastern Expedition, on the surface, was aimed at the devil's wickedness, in essence, it was aimed at the Chinese nation, and of course, the dragon-head organization of the national prefix.

It can even be considered to be directed at my eastern power.

Because behind the Holy Crusade, the shadows of many countries are hidden, especially the great empire in the world, which is the biggest behind the scenes.

If our country surrenders people and allows the Western sanctions, it will show its weakness by bowing its heads.

If we refuse to deal with people, a battle between Daomen is inevitable, and it is likely to repeat the same mistakes as forty years ago.

The strength of the Holy Crusaders today is unknown how many times stronger than the team of Dongying masters led by Amber Shengming 40 years ago.

At this point, many knew it well.

"My Holy Crusade is a division of justice. We will not bully and bully, and we will never kill innocent people. We give the Middle-Door Gate three days to surrender all the evil demon kings and accept my Holy Crusade's ruling, otherwise my Holy Crusade I can only do it myself. At that time, my Crusader will step into the middle ground, and the blockers will kill! "

The commander of the Holy Crusaders, Antonio preached to me from the Eastern Road, and the words were threatening.

They gave a list with the names of Su Mengyao, Zhao Tianlong, Real Life Without Borders, and the names of three people, which are for the evil devil.

As soon as this news came out, there was an uproar in my country.

"The Holy Crusaders are going to be real. Overturning their will will have serious consequences. It is impossible for our country in China to be a rival of the Holy Crusaders who united in one heart ~ ~ I think it's better to hand over people. Why did the young devil make me pay for it? "

"I will speak bluntly, and hand over people. Why is my face as a great country in the East? Although the young devil has some faults, he can't change the reality of his national hero. We should protect his disciples instead of giving them Western sanctions."

"Nonsense, the devil is the demon king, a **** national hero. If it wasn't for his killing the King of Heavenly Eyes and the Oriental Crane, there are these two supreme divine realms. How can the western world stand up to China's national road? The bad results, of course, should be borne by his disciples as soon as he dies. Although China is a big country in the East, I don't want to carry this blame. "


The controversy on the Internet raged, and the voice of showing weakness to the Western world prevailed.

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