Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1034: Penglai xian

In the submarine palace, Ye Tian activated the portal on the platform, stepped into it, and flew into a strange place.

I looked up and released my divine thoughts to encourage my eyesight. I saw that this is a smoky island with a size of hundreds of miles, far larger than the ordinary small islands, and I couldn't see the end.

On the sky of the island, there are several major formations, there are coverup formations, psychedelic formations, killing formations, etc., etc., all one by one, as if covering the sky curtain from one side, imprinting Jin Dan's The imprints are all Jin Dan battles, keeping the islands in iron buckets, not to mention that the physical body crosses, even the divine thoughts cannot penetrate.

Fortunately, Ye Tian came in through the teleportation gate, otherwise he would have to break in hard and break through this major formation, which would take a lot of work.

After all, with the power of the earth immortal, breaking the Jindan array, some reluctantly.

For example, when Taro Miyamoto successfully transmitted, the scene presented in the front of the front door, this island can be regarded as a pure land, with mist and mist in the eyes, misty spirits, and looming peaks.

The ancient trees on the mountain are vigorous, there are strange stones, old vines are rooted, and there are waterfalls and flowing springs, and there are silvery tricks, and the fog is very spectacular.

Spring water dings down the mountain, converging into small streams, walking around the mountain, the fish and shrimps in the water are clustered and swelled into slices, and the shore is full of flowers and lush vegetation, which has the meaning of a fairyland on earth.

Ye Tian's place is a quiet valley. A clear spring flows through, the water is clear and sparkling like sapphire.

On the edge of the clear spring, there is a palace made of corals, shells, cormorants, pearls, and so on. It is not a big palace, but it is elegant and chic.

The teleportation array in the submarine palace and the corresponding teleportation array at the other end are in this palace.

Looking at this palace, Ye Tianyin has a sense of familiarity, which is very similar to the seabed palace, in the same style.

"Penglai Palace!"

Out of the palace, Ye Tian saw these four characters on the lintel.

"It turns out that this is Penglai Xiandao. No wonder there is some fairy island weather."

Suddenly, Ye Tian was surprised and happy in his heart.

I didn't expect Taro Miyamoto to find Penglai Xiandao, which I haven't found for a hundred years. It is here that I have stepped on iron shoes and found nowhere.

Of course, Penglai Xiandao is not the real fairy island.

In other words, for ordinary people, this place can be called Xiandao, but for monks like Ye Tian, ​​it can only be regarded as a pure land, which is more than ten thousand miles away from the real wonderland.

Between Ye Tian's breath, white smoke flowing like a hairspring flows between the nose and mouth, refreshing.

This is a heaven and earth aura. Its concentration is ten times higher than that of the outside world. It is almost equal to the Kunlun Small World where the hermit gate is located. It is very rare.

Like the underwater palace, this palace on Penglai Island has also been ruined. No one has lived or taken care of it for a long time, like a pearl in the dust. It is protected by lines, and it is gradually worn away in the years. Water stains, moss, mottled walls, decaying beams and pillars can be seen everywhere.

It is not difficult to imagine that the relationship between the Haidi Palace and this Penglai Palace should belong to the same king. The Haidi Palace is a tribe and base camp, while the Penglai Palace is a palace.

According to legend, Penglai Xiandao is the place where the immortals live. It governs the hundred immortals of the East China Sea. The king of the emperors should be one of the immortals. Ground.

Ye Tian guessed that there must be other palaces here, and even the legendary Donghai Dragon Palace may have a palace here.

"I don't know where the old sister-in-law went."

Ye Tian suddenly thought of Taro Miyamoto.

This old guy has been here for more than a month, maybe there will be any adventures, such as finding some natural treasures, making great progress, and even breaking through the wonderland.

Ye Tian ’s golden body can clearly perceive that this ancient soil sealed by a large array retains a trace of the power of the laws of the ancient world, nourishing his physical body, and letting a force in his body suppressed by the outside world seem to move A volcano is about to erupt.

This is a sign that the realm of heaven and earth is being sensed to break through.

However, he did not seek a breakthrough, and felt that his accumulation was not enough.

Dixian has three, six, nine, etc. The more accumulated, the higher the level of dixian will be after the breakthrough.

Of course, accumulation is only the foundation, and the most important thing is to look at personal understanding and understanding of the laws of heaven and earth.

Secondly, although the rules here have reached the level of Dixian, they are still incomplete, no less than the small world of Kunlun.

After all, it's too small here, but it's a hundred miles away, and the hidden gate is Taikoo Kunlun's own world, which is much larger than the actual Kunlun Mountain. Law power.

For Taro Miyamoto, half a foot has entered the wonderland of the secular world, and accumulation is enough, and he can break through at any time when he comes here.

Based on Ye Tian's understanding of Taro Miyamoto's heart and soul, he is impatient with the wonderland of the earth, if not in a breakthrough, or if he has already broken it.

Taking Taro Miyamoto as a mouse, I did not expect to send him a fortune, which was unexpected by Ye Tian.


Roar Roar!

Suddenly, the quiet valley shook, and the distant mountain forest was like a flash flood. The roar of the beast kept on, and the earth was shaking, and rushed towards it.

Within a short while, herds of wild beasts appeared in Ye Tian's sight, not only various predators such as wolves, tigers, leopards, but also various herbivores of donkeys, horses, sheep, and sheep, as well as many so-called spirits not seen in the mundane world. Beast species, first-corner horse, big old tortoise, a thick bowl with a long mouth, a devil wolf that can spit out wind blades, a hedgehog that can shoot needles after frying, ...

"Animal tide!" Ye Tian squinted his eyes, a little shocked, but he couldn't think of the small Penglai Island, but the species was quite rich.

Seeing someone in front of the palace, a group of beasts seemed to be surprised, and they cast a horrified look. Especially those beasts, who are very intelligent, see the light of wisdom in their eyes, as if they can see through people's minds, which is very scary.


A demon wolf first launched an attack on Ye Tian, ​​opened his mouth, and a ring-shaped wind blade cut off Ye Tian like a wheel saw, sounding a violent sound of breaking the air.

Ye Tian gave a sneer and waved his hand. The circular saw blade like a circular saw was blown out, passing over the back of the devil wolf, and chopping off a large amount of hair.

The devil wolf was so scared that his spine was cold, his tail clipped, and he ran away.

That one-foot-long, thick bowl mouth, venom brewed in the belly, I wanted to spit Ye Tian face ~ ~ see this took a deep spit, and honestly walked away.

The rest of the beasts did not dare to provoke Ye Tian.

The tide of animals was mostly caused by the fright of herds.

Boom boom!

Suddenly, there was a roar of roar in the void. Somewhere on the island, a fiery rainbow filled the sky, like a cloud of fire, dyed the sky with a radius of thousands of meters. At the same time, a terrifying and powerful breath erupted. Come out.

In that burning cloud, stood a figure, tall and mighty shore, carrying a large knife, like a **** Ling Chen.

"Ha ha ha, assassinate the four armors, and finally enter the earth immortal today!"

A voice sounded through the sky, deafening, and it wasn't Taro Miyamoto.

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