Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1056: Borrow from the enemy


A sky is boiling, a huge dark cloud covers the sky, countless lightnings from the sky are scattered, the thunder explodes, and the thunder is like a tide.

As you can see, this Thunder is different from what you usually see. It is divided into five colors, gold, cyan, white, black, and ...

It is Ye Tian ’s Five Elements Chaos God Thunder, although it is only the first level, but on a small earth, the lethality is already shocking, with the power of nuclear weapons.

Ye Tian supported this thundering sea in the making, stepping in the volley, and walking towards the sub-rudder base step by step.

What a thrilling scene, like a giant hand holding a sun and moon, just like making a movie, very unreal.

When tens of thousands of soldiers at the sub-helm base saw this scene, they were all stunned and had a sense of suffocation.

"Why did it suddenly change? The weather forecast didn't say there was rain!"

A soldier murmured to himself, surprised.

In the thunder sea, Ye Tian's figure was too small, and he was wrapped in chaos, hazy, and not everyone saw it.

Many soldiers are still in the dark, and they don't know where the enemy is.

"Did the Eastern Powers attack us?"

"I see. This is a super electromagnetic thunderstorm weapon developed by the Eastern Powers. Mad, they are the first to take my sub-rudder base to test."

"Don't you be afraid of the mad revenge of my great empire with nuclear weapons?

"Did I stare when I stepped on the horse? There seems to be someone under the dark cloud! Please take a look."


At the sub-rudder base, there was a lot of discussion, and it was a little messy for a while.

However, this disorder is only superficial, and underneath it lies order.

Tanker, artillery, missile launcher, fighter pilot, warship ...

Everyone is doing his or her own job, and everyone is on their own. The combat literacy is well reflected.

A general with three stars on his shoulders was holding a telescope, watching the blurred figure in the thunder sea, scaring his forehead into a cold sweat, but still issued an order methodically:

"Blast me this ghost thing, at all costs!"

He is the leader of this sub-rudder base. He has a high weight and has commanded many battles. He has extensive experience in combat.

One of the most commanding battles for him was a "slayer" operation a month ago. Under his wise command, a fusion nuclear weapon detonated, successfully killing the young demon king in the eyes of the Empire.

For this, he also received secret awards from the authorities of the Great Empire, as well as a different look from the leader of the League of Divine Alliance, Balov.

I don't know why. At the moment, looking at the blurry figure in Lei Hai in the telescope, it made him creepy, but there was a sense of familiarity.

"Will it be him? Isn't he dead?" The general murmured to himself, unable to believe it.

That ’s fusion nuclear weapons. Transformers have to be turned into iron ash in it. It ’s too nonsense to survive.

However, at this moment, a silhouette player walking on the shore of Lei Hai, like the throne of Thunder, wouldn't it be more nonsense?

General Samsung was terrified, and an ominous foreboding filled the whole body and filled his mind.

However, he has no time to think about these issues now. Commanding the battle is the first priority. He must not be allowed to take Lei Hai over the sub-rudder base.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

His orders were executed very well, all the flames of the night, pulling out a chain of fire, densely packed, covering the sky.

Not only are land-based weapons showing their power, the ships in the sea are also roaring, and their tongues are spitting out like firecrackers.

This is a saturated fire strike, tons of artillery fire poured out in seconds, and the cruelty and fury of modern war are vividly manifested. A mosquito can't fly.

The Blackscale Eagle and Fire Cloud Lion can see their tongues straight, their scalp tingling, and their eyes straight.

"What kind of weapon are these, so devastated?" The Blackscale Eagle horrified, taking a deep spit.

It just faced a small aviation machine gun just now, and its power has made its scales somewhat unbearable. If it seems to be facing heavy tanks, naval guns, rocket launchers, and other more brutal weapons at this moment, it can be destroyed in minutes.

The flesh of the Huoyun Lion is not much more powerful than the black-scale eagle, and it hardly shakes the level of the aircraft cannon.

"What is it? It's just a little fuss." Taro Miyamoto carried his hands on his back, his hair fluttering, his robes hunting, and the cloud was light.

He once faced nuclear weapons, the most violent killer on the planet. At this moment, seeing this scene of fire, like a child playing house, his heart was flat.

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking!

However, if it was him, he would not be aggressive and straightforward like Ye Tian. He prefers the assassin's approach, sneaking shots to get the most benefit at the least cost.

This sub-rudder base occupies a large area and is divided into three parts: sea, land and air. At this moment, the three armies are just like competing in a race, and they must win the lead of killing the offending enemy in order to make great achievements.

The fiercest among them were land-based soldiers, tanks, artillery, rocket launchers, various artillery, and ten thousand guns.

Haiji's soldiers did not fall into the wind. There were dozens of warships, large and small, destroyers, battleships, cruisers, and thousands of "ships."

Among them, the most enthusiastic is a super nuclear-powered aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than 100,000 tons. A brain throws out dozens of fire chain whip, just like a fireworks display, which makes people dazzled.

Airbase's soldiers fell slightly into the downwind, because the sky was filled with dense bullet rain, and their fighters could not be lifted up, but could only stand in wait.

At this time, a very strange scene was seen in the void. Numerous artillery shells advanced at supersonic speed, but they were not close to the body of the blurry figure. All of them were bombed apart. A small spray.

"Launch heavy missiles!" General Samsung gritted his teeth, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and scary.

A moment later, he added, "Nuclear weapons are also prepared. We will end up with the enemy at the necessary moment."

As soon as he said this, the combat command room was dead.

Uh ...

A sharp scream rang through the world, and heavy missiles that could be accurately guided took off, or land-based, or sea-based, all of which were more than ten meters in length. They were as thick as water tanks. Any one can blow up a warship with a displacement of 10,000 tons into ashes.

The launch of so many heavy missiles by a brain is equivalent to a million tons of nuclear weapons.

Missiles are no better than artillery shells, and they can accurately guide. After locking Ye Tian's figure, they whistled and tore through the sky, leaving the sky covered.

Seeing this scene, even Taro Miyamoto froze his tongue and a cold sweat came from his forehead.

Ye Tian devotes most of his energy to mobilizing the Five Elements Chaos God Thunder, and a small part of his energy to urge the Chaos God Realm to protect himself.

Resisting various artillery, Chaos God Realm is naturally unaffected, but in the face of heavy equivalent heavy missiles, especially super-drilling missiles, it is a bit stretched.

Bang, boom!

In the turbulent thunderous sea, Ye Tian's body was surrounded by gorgeous fires, which shook the sky and devoured Ye Tian.

Each flare was a heavy missile, and hundreds of them burst back and forth.


"General, you are more attentive and don't need to use nuclear weapons at all."

"Yeah, we succeeded."


Cheers sounded in the combat command room.

Tens of thousands of soldiers at the sub-rudder base are also celebrating.

But at this time ~ ~ In the sea of ​​flames, a young man's figure came out, no longer blurred, very specific, wearing a thunder suit, the whole body burst out with magnificent light, eyes and hair They are all golden, like a golden **** of war.

"Juvenile Devil!"

Tens of thousands of soldiers and generals were stunned and recognized the figure at the same time.

"He didn't die?"

"how can that be?"


In the stunned eyes of everyone, the young man said, "Thank you for your artillery and missiles, so that my Chaos Thunder Sea has accumulated enough power. Now you can go to hell!"


During the talk, the Five Elements Chaos Thunder Sea was wrapped in a sea of ​​fire that was formed by the explosion of numerous shells and missiles. A brain was thrown by the boy, such as a huge mountain, covering the sky and falling to the sub-rudder base.

He's been there all the time!

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