Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1059: Come to yancheng

"Brother Haicheng, is there a choice in your mind? Today is the deadline."

"Brother Mingzhe, don't persuade me anymore. I am disdainful of the humble family like the Huangfu family. I also advise you to draw a line with them and be careful in the future."

"The situation is better than people. Brother Haicheng, I also have no choice but to share the same fate with the Huangfu family, to protect myself and protect my family."

"Brother Mingzhe, you are really confused! What situation is stronger than people, it is far from that step. The current Huangfu family is not the original Huangfu family. It looks bright and beautiful, but it has already been stormy, and may collapse at any time. You Really think that a junior is able to turn the tide and make the Huangfu family return to its peak by means of the following three methods? "

It is still the top wealthy area where Yejiazu Mansion of Yancheng is located. The mountains and rivers are beautiful, the feng shui is excellent, and the land is rich. The sky was bright, and the two elders seemed to be playing Tai Chi, wearing loose Tai Chi kung fu clothes, walking side by side, talking while walking.

These two old men were the two who had witnessed the Ye Family's tragic murder a month ago.

Called Brother Mingzhe is a business giant, full name Song Mingzhe, a regular on the rich list, with a strong identity and respected status, and on many occasions can sit on the same level with the owners of the four major families, talking and laughing.

Called Haicheng Brother is a business man and economist named Zhao Haicheng, who has provided advice for the country's economic development on many occasions. Both in business and academic circles, he has a high reputation.

The Huangfu family returned strongly, ganged up, and forced the families on the second and third tiers to stand in line again.

Many families have compromised because of the impotence of the Huangfu family, such as the Song family where Song Mingzhe is located.

However, there are some families who disdain to share the same fate with the Huangfu family and are unwilling to compromise. For example, the Zhao family where Zhao Haicheng is located is one of them.

However, the Huangfu family valued the Zhao family very much, and they wanted to win over.

The Huangfu family gave the Zhao family a deadline for them to consider carefully, and today is the deadline.

"Although the Huangfu family is strong and strong, and is no longer at its peak, the hundred-footed worms die and are not stiff. The energy is still scary. Before they fall, they can step down any of our second-class families hundreds of times. And they do n’t When common sense comes out, you have to guard against killing people! Haicheng brother, even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your family. "Song Mingzhe bitterly said.

Zhao Haicheng slightly moved.

The strong return of the Huangfu family is not only as simple as starting a Ye family, but several powerful rival families have also been stricken in their hands.

"What kind of encounter did Huangfu Jinghong have on the other side of the ocean, and how can he be so brazen? Even more powerful, even the master can only kill him." Zhao Haicheng asked, frowning in a line.

They have personally seen Huangfu Jinghong's killing, which is like a super killer coming out of science fiction movies. He is extremely fierce, extremely hot, and very impressed.

It was because they were scared. When the authorities investigated the Ye family's destruction, they all pretended to be ignorant and did not provide any help.

"I have inquired about this but it has no results. However, based on the information I have, I have a faint guess in my heart, which is terrible."

"Oh? What guess?"

"Huangfu Jinghong may have a great relationship with the Imperial League of Gods of the great empire in the world, and may join the Imperial League of Gods." Song Mingzhe looked down.

"What? Imperial League of God? He is from the Imperial League of God?" Zhao Haicheng was shocked, his pupils shrinking.

What kind of organization is the Imperial League of Gods? The largest super clan organization in the world was so scary that it even surpassed the authorities of the great empire. They could command the three armies at random and even use nuclear weapons.

The Imperial League of God was originally low-key, but because it hunted the young demon king, it became famous all over the world.

"I'm just guessing."

"Your guess is likely to be true. Only the super organization such as the Imperial League of God can make him strong today. No wonder the Huangfu family is so brazen and murderous, it turns out that it has a lot of support. Once the country can't stay They can relocate abroad at any time, and they can attack and retreat. No, I have to talk to Huang Fuliang. This lunatic family cannot offend, otherwise my Zhao family may repeat the Ye family's mistakes. "

"Okay, let me arrange it for you!"

"No, I'll go to the door myself."

Zhao Haicheng finally made a choice and compromised with the Huangfu family.

Coincidentally, they just came to the door of Ye's house.

He said that there was a tragedy in the Ye family, but one person survived, Bai Susu.

During that time, Bai Susu and Ye Wenhua had a divorce. They had been living in the Bai family and escaped.

Everyone in the Ye family died tragically, and the family's property fell into the hands of Bai Susu without any dispute. And falling into the hands of Baisusu is also equivalent to falling into the hands of the Bai family.

Now the Bai family seems to have replaced the Ye family, becoming one of the four major families of Yancheng, with unlimited scenery.

Even the Ye family's ancestral home was occupied by the Bai family.

History is always surprisingly similar. Song Mingzhe and Zhao Haicheng saw a teenager walk to the former Ye family, now Bai family, stopped in front of the mansion door, and looked inside.

In front of the mansion, there were two guards guarded by tall horses. When they saw the boy looking into the door, he immediately scolded and even rubbed his hands to drive him away.


But when the young man saw his sword fall, he simply split the two bodyguards.

Then, the teenager took a step, opened the alloy gate with one foot, walked in, his face was somber and his eyes sharp.

"Some familiar, don't you think?" Zhao Haicheng said, shrinking his pupils, with a look of horror on his face, because he thought of someone.

"Is that Ye Changqing's grandson? Isn't it possible ~ ~ Isn't he dead? He was killed by nuclear weapons from the great empire of the world." Song Mingzhe said dumbfounded, his body trembling suddenly, can't believe What you see.

He and Zhao Haicheng thought of the same person at the same time, and most of them were right.

A few minutes later, the boy walked out of the mansion. They hid in the dark and looked carefully, and confirmed the first guess.

Ye Changqing's grandson, Ye Tian, ​​the young demon king, is back, nothing wrong.

What a terrifying thing, nuclear weapons failed to kill him.

This is a true dragon, destined to be invincible to the world, to crush the planet.

The Ye family made a dragon, but unfortunately the Ye family was gone.

"It seems that I don't have to compromise with the Huangfu family." Zhao Haicheng turned pale and murmured to himself.

"The Bai family is definitely over, the Huangfu family is about to be over, and the entire Yancheng city is going to be upside down." Song Mingzhe said in shock.


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