Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1061: Revenge

"Stop and dare to take another step forward, we will shoot!"

Several bodyguards of the Huangfu family rushed out, blocking the only intersection leading to the observation platform on the top of the mountain. They stood high, took out a gun in their hands, and aimed the gun at a teenager who was climbing up the stairs.

The teenager was wearing sports and casual clothes, and his eyes were clear. He looked like an ordinary boy next door, but several bodyguards faced a sense of suffocation, and the gun-bearing hands couldn't help shaking.

Seeing the pace of the teenager is weird, one step can go dozens of feet away, as if it is a kind of shrinking into a great magical power.


The young man's fingers lightly shot, and a killing fly flew out, tearing the void and making a harsh sound.


After an instant, the opening bodyguard's eyebrows burst into a blood hole.

"Mad, how dare you kill someone? Together ..."

A five big and three thick bodyguard was furious and his forehead was violently bounced, but he didn't finish a sentence and had no time to trigger the trigger. The whole head burst like a watermelon, and the scarlet blood splashed and stained a sky.

The remaining bodyguards were paralyzed, and threw their guns on the ground, kneeling down for mercy, scratching their heads like pounding garlic and shaking their bodies like sieve braces.

Some of them did not recognize Ye Tianlai, but were shocked by the momentum, and even lost the courage to shoot.

"go away!"

Ye Tian did not embarrass them and let them go.


Suddenly a gunshot sounded, and before the bodyguards could stand up, they fell to the ground one after another.

"Betrayed my Huangfu family, there is only one end, that is death!" Huangfu Triumph held a gun in his hand, gritted his teeth, and his body rushed out quickly.

Although the sound sounded familiar, he didn't believe it was Ye Tian, ​​because he was convinced that Ye Tian was dead.

He would rather believe that he was a killer.

"Triumph, come back!" The old man Huang Fuliang shouted, his face panicked.

Intuition told him that the person who came was not someone else, but Ye Tian, ​​a very dangerous existence.

But Huangfu didn't listen to Triumph at all, and a dash struck the intersection of the stone steps and looked down.

Then he was stunned.

"Really you? Aren't you dead?" Huangfu gasped in triumph, and suddenly sweated out of his forehead, and his spine was full of coolness.

"You're going to peel my skin, draw my muscles, and pick my bones? Also take my soul away and burn it with flames for ten thousand years?" Ye Tianxi asked with a quill, without any concealment of murderousness, Let the whole mountain feel a cold.

"I ..., you ..." Huangfu Triumph couldn't even say a complete sentence, and his brain was blank.

It is not that he is too weak, but that the boy is too strong.

A teenager who can't even kill a nuclear martial art, comes out of the air, who can calmly face it?

"You, you, what do you want?" He asked almost subconsciously.

At the same time, his hand was triggering the trigger subconsciously. This is his instinct to survive.

"Triumph, put down the gun!" The old man's voice came out from behind, his face was so calm and surprisingly calm.

In fact, for a moment, he was desperate.

But after all, he is the head of the family, a business magnate with a lot of money in his hands, and a strong heart that is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

For a moment, he returned to God, his brain was moving fast, and he wanted to find a vitality in despair, although this vitality was very slim.

"Dad, you go quickly and jump down the cliff. Mad, young devil, I have fight with you!"

Huang Fu's triumph suddenly exploded, and he swooped in front of Ye Tian, ​​and at the same time buckled the trigger.

He broke the jar and broke the ground and took the lead in attacking Ye Tian. He did not expect to die with Ye Tian, ​​but just wanted to win even a few seconds for his family to escape.

Because he knew that Ye Tian would never let them go.

But what made him desperate was that he didn't even get a second.

In his eyes, Ye Tian raised his hand, hitting a red thunder, bright and dazzling, as if hitting a sky hammer to knock him upside down, his figure rolled over the observation platform.


In a violent explosion that was enough to shatter a human heart, a flame burst from his body, accompanied by a burning electric ray.

Then he disappeared in the void, no bone meal left, and his soul was turned into ashes in the chaos of the fire chaos.

As if this person had never existed in this world and disappeared completely.

"Ah!" Huang Fuying was as pale as snow, covered her ears with her hands, and screamed.

Huang Fuliang and Huang Fu Zhengbiao father and son also choked for a while.


Accompanied by a sound of footsteps, Ye Tian's figure appeared, stepping on the mountain top platform.

His eyes were cold and cold, releasing endless coercion, and the void seemed to be frozen, frozen into an iron plate.

His murderousness and anger were undisguised.

Although his relationship with the Ye family was very sparse, and even broke away from the relationship for a time, the well water no longer violated river water, but after all, it was because he was born and raised in a large place. Slaughtered a clean, he can't stand it.

"Damn bastard, you killed my uncle. My brother won't let you go. He will dump you eight pieces."

Huang Fuying was full of grief and indignation. I didn't know where to suddenly burst out of courage, but she yelled at Ye Tian loudly.

"Your brother?"

"Yes, my brother, Huangfu Jinghong, was interrupted by one of your arms and was martial arts. But he met the nobleman on the other side of the ocean and became stronger than before. Now he is the deputy leader of the Imperial League of God. One finger can crush you. "Huang Fuying said, grinning the shiny little tiger teeth, and her pretty face had a hint of embarrassment.

"Is the Ye family killed by Huangfu Jinghong?" Ye Tian wasn't irritated, he asked calmly.

"Yes, that is my brother's destruction of the Ye family. He is now the deputy leader of the Imperial League of God, the son of God's choice, not something you can compete with." Huang Fuying said loudly.

"Ye Tianren, the little girl is true and true. The dog did have a chance on the other side of the ocean. Now he is the deputy leader of the League of Gods. It is even more important than the leader of the League of Gods. Barov. Think about it! "Said Huang Fu Zhengbiao, with a firm look." If you leave here, this is the end of this matter. I will make my son Jinghong plead with Barov for you. Don't bother you. "


With a big wave of Ye Tian's hand, an invisible huge force was drawn on Huangfu Zhengbiao's face. At once, his entire head flew out, and the volley exploded, but his body was still standing in the distance, a hot blood. Ejected several feet high.

Huang Fuying was suffocated with blood on his face, and he almost fainted.

With a bang, she knelt on the ground, her body shaking.

"You you you ..." Huang Fuliang could not calm down at last, with a sad face on his face.

"The destruction of the Ye family is indeed the fault of my Huangfu family. Ye Tianren, I do n’t beg you to forgive me. I just hope you can let go of my granddaughter for the sake of your marriage contract. She is innocent Yes, "Huang Fuliang begged.

"The marriage contract? If I remember correctly, the paper contract was torn by her hands in front of everyone." Ye Tian sneered.

After all, this chip is not high enough!

Ye Tian raised his hand and brewed a mang killing at his fingertips.

"Slow!" Huang Fuliang's heart turned like a telegram, and he suddenly said, "If you let go of my granddaughter, I can let Jinghong let go of your female disciple. To tell you the truth, that battle was a killing, you The female disciple will surely die. UU reading only my grandson can shock her to save her. "

"Did you finish?"



Ye Tian waved his hand, a shot of killing Fei Fei, and a blood line appeared on Huang Fuliang's neck.

"How dare you kill me?" The Huangfu family said with a trembling voice, eyes full of disbelief.

He put his arms around his neck to prevent blood from flowing out, but rolled a head off.

At last, he looked at the already frightened Huang Fuying, and Ye left, without any action.

But a huge bird flew, fanned colorful wings, spit endless flames, turned the whole mountain into a sea of ​​fire, and even the rocks melted into magma.

Ye Tian straddled the back of the Suzaku-style deity, rushed to the night, and hurried to Europe.

Miyamoto Taro and the Blackscale Eagle have already started on the road, but now they are afraid that they are about to cross the border.

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