Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1070: Battleplate 0

"Who's here?"

Countless people raised their heads again, but not to the pope of the Holy See, but to the eastern horizon, where a huge blackscale condor was flying, with a figure standing on its back, a tall and mighty shore, like a **** Before the world.

It was just this figure that shot and broke the pope's death blow, saving Xiao Qingtian's life.

A strong and terrifying breath flowed out of him, terrifying the heroes, and it was somewhat similar to the pope's breath, majestic like a god.

This is an earth fairy, belonging to the East, full of vitality and bravery!

Suddenly, the Eastern spectators in the field exclaimed, it was difficult to hide the excitement, and some were so excited that they wiped their tears.

The Pope of the Holy See is too powerful. He tried to crush Xiao Qingtian, a warrior from my eastern country, with one finger, and he was too bullying. Now, finally, there is an oriental fairy, who can compete with him.

"I'll just say, my great country in the East has been up and down for 5,000 years, and there are so many people and souls, hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

"The immortals from the east are not fake, but they may not come from you."

"Nonsense, in this world, in addition to my Middle-earth, which country in the East can you make a fairy?"

"Don't make a fuss, did you forget Dongbei's Amber?"



A month ago, Taro Miyamoto just showed up, and he was a very old man. Today he is much younger and has changed so much that almost no one can recognize him.

Moreover, in the eyes of everyone, he was clearly dead, and in the fall of nuclear weapons, he would not associate this young figure with him.

"Who are you? Why are you shooting at me?" The Pope asked, his eyes shining brightly, apparently angry.

He had just achieved Dixian, and thought he could walk on this planet, invincible to the world, but he never met the stubble as soon as he stepped out, another Dixian.

"Ignorant junior, hasn't your adult taught you the principle of respecting the teacher? Dare to speak to the elder like this." Taro Miyamoto spoke, reprimanding.

Suddenly, the Pope's face became even more ugly.

The other person's tone was clearly reprimanding the children.

This is a great insult!

And earth fairy, must not be humiliated!

The western spectators on the field filled up their indignation again and encouraged the pope to take a shot and give the uninvited guests a little color.

"Do you know who I am? Do you want to fight me?" The Pope said indifferently.

"I care who you are, and now I give you two choices, either roll or die!"

"You are looking for death!"


The Pope no longer talks, the cross holy sword behind him scabbard, draws a mysterious trajectory in the void, sprinkles the light of the holy light, kills the Xiaohan, and cuts through the big clouds, letting the sky shake. Powerless, he cut off at Taro Miyamoto.

Miyamoto Taro fists bare-handed and has no sword in his hand, but when he points like a knife, his fingertips leap and swipe gently, and a dazzling light screams and flies out.

This is an earth-shattering swordmang, like a silver lightning, reaching the extreme, peerless and sharp, and the heavens are severed, showing a large black crack.

As if this sword can destroy everything in the world, the power of killing is unparalleled.

Countless people stunned, stunned.

Even the Pope's pupils shrank, and he was shocked by the horror of this sword.

There are thousands of monks in the field, but no one can see Taro Miyamoto's sword.

He doesn't have a knife in his hand, he is deducting a knife, his technique is close to the Tao, everything in the world can be a knife in his hand, even if it is a grass, a piece of paper ...

"Xuantian War Soul Scripture, Xuantian's Great Destruction!"

The black-scale eagle is also stunned. I can't think of the peerless sword classic created by Xuantian Daojun, and it was quickly mastered by Taro Miyamoto.

It is also enlightening, but the time is too short to learn at all.

Miyamoto Taro is indeed a rare sword-making arrogant for a century. His sword-making practice has reached its peak, and his understanding and perception of the sword-making method is far beyond that of ordinary sword-making.

In just a few days, he realized the first form of "Xuantian War Soul Sword", and Xuantian was destroyed.

The finger knife he interpreted at this moment was the sword of Xuantian War Soul, and the knife type of the cut was Xuantian's Great Smash.


A metal collision sounded, and the pope's body shook. Tiger's mouth burst into blood, and the holy cross sword in his hand was almost blown out.

The pope showed an unbelievable look, and in this fight alone, we can see that the opponent's strength is stronger than him.

However, he is the Pope of the Holy See, extremely noble and extremely revered, how can he admit defeat?


He again launched a fierce attack, the Holy Cross sword in his hand was stained with blood, exuding a trembling soul.

He flew out, splitting with a sword, and flying out of a dazzling mansion, brighter than a comet breaking through the sky, and sprinkled with hundreds of thousands of rays of holy light, the entire sky seemed to be transformed into a sea of ​​glory.

After all, he is a land fairy, and no matter how strong Taro Miyamoto is, it is impossible to defeat him so easily.

In fact, both of them were in the early days of Dixian and had no difference in their realm. Although there were some disparities in combat effectiveness, there was not much difference.

The battle of immortals in a field started on the sky, and it was turned upside down.

However, the Pope has been suppressed and kept going backwards, each time being thousands of feet away, and soon the two disappeared and did not know where they went.

On the ground, the big dogfight interrupted by the East and the West started again!

Although Xiao Qingtian was physically injured, he did not hurt the fundamentals, and he was still very strong. No western monk in the field could stand up.

"That's all for today!" Xiao Qingtian suddenly said loudly, his eyes were like a torch, emitting two horrible beams.

He's too powerful, so powerful as a dragon. If anyone on this planet can succeed in the future, he must be one of them.

The western monks in the field were collectively silent, and their faces were full of unwillingness.

They are the losers and have no right to bargain.

"What the **** are you, say it and stop it?"

Suddenly, a different voice came, with a joke, a sarcasm, and an apathy.

"Who is so bold and dares to speak to the old Eastern God of War with this tone?"

Suddenly, countless people exclaimed, feeling very incredible.


Countless eyes looked in the same direction. It was a tall mountain range, with snow on the top. Three figures stood on top of it, talking to one of the men.

Huangfu Jinghong is finally going to shoot!

His two crickets have been put on armor, which is a classic exoskeleton style. It resembles Iron Man's armor. It covers the whole body, has an impact joint on the hand, a bounce device on the foot, and a high frequency knife on both arms and knees. Defensive armor on the chest ...

The armor of Huangfu Jinghong is different. It is integrated into his body. When needed, an idea can be summoned, as if transformed.

His body was first covered with dense lines, these lines were mysterious and complicated, flowing like a liquid on his surface, and like an alternative life form, engulfing his flesh, looking dangerous and terrible.

The reality is indeed the same, once many people tried to control this armor, was swallowed in the process.

Soon the lines covered his entire body, forming a gelatinous armor membrane, which was closely connected to his body.

Then this layer of armor film changed at a very fast speed, turning into a streamlined nail piece, light blue and shiny.

Under the construction of countless rune matrix methods that are invisible to the naked eye, these nail pieces are closely connected, and through each acupoint, each tendon, and his physical body, eventually forming a look that looks very cool. Equipment, covering the whole body up and down, tightly stitched, even a layer of extremely fine compound eyes in front of both eyes.

Different from the exoskeleton armor of the two concubines, this armor seems to have grown out of him, without any sense of inconsistency, making him look as if he is transforming, stimulating the blood factor, and becoming a Ancient devil.

This is a legendary armor left by the alien civilization. It is the female armor of all the armor produced by the League of Gods, also known as the No. 0 war armor.

At the moment when No. 0 armor was added, Huangfu Jinghong completely changed like a person, not only in appearance, but also the spirit of spirits climbed rapidly, as if an active volcano was surging in his body, making him bloody. .

His cultivation climbed all the way from Huajing to Divine Realm, and finally stopped at the peak of Divine Realm.

The pinnacle of Divine Realm, what a realm it is, the immortal can't make it out, he is almost invincible in the world.

This is almost mythical. It cannot be done with the avenue of the earth and technology.


The mountains trembled under his feet, and countless snow fell, forming avalanches.


The compound eyes of the armor burst out two blue rays, like blue flames, which burst the void into the air.

His spine slammed back, accompanied by a rattling sound of bones, a sharp bone spur growing from his back, terrifying and terrifying.

Then he stretched out his hands, and the two narrow swords bounced out, emitting a pale blue halo, and a slight buzzing trembling sound.

In the shocking eyes of countless people, he stomped his foot, stepped on the cracked mountain, and transformed into a gorgeous light. He flew into the air at first, and then suddenly made a turn and ran into the valley below.

There were two dazzling jets under his feet, making his speed as lightning fast. The goal was not to target Xiao Qingtian, but a group of Eastern monks gathered together.

This group of monks, headed by Dragon Tiger Mountain, dozens of people, made a wall view and did not join the battlefield.

When they found something bad ~ ~ it was too late.


In the earth-shattering blast, a group of dozens of Oriental monks in the valley evaporated instantly, and even a drop of blood could not find a piece of broken bone.

I saw a huge pit that was ten feet deep and a hundred meters in diameter.

At the bottom of the big pit, stands a tall figure, the whole body of the gods is dazzling, the bones are stabbing, as if a demon.

Elder Elder Jiu Xuan of Longhu Mountain, the only survivor, was stepped on by his feet, his whole body was blurred, and only half of his life was left.

"Don't kill me!" Jiu Xuan said hard.


Huangfu Jinghong ignored it at all, Gao Zhoubo's sword waved a pale blue halo, and a head rolled down.

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