Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1075: Fierce battle

"Haha, you are not his opponent. It's too late to escape now." Xiao Qingtian mocked.

"You are a defeated man, shut me up. I will kill you now, and then I will send the young devil to the ground to reunite with you." Huang Fu was shocked and angry.

He wears No. 0 war armor and is "the son of God's choice". He thinks he is not weaker than anyone, especially Ye Tian. How can he flee without fighting? That is not his style.

Also, in that case, Ye Tian would become his demon, making his Tao unstable and unfavorable to his preaching.

Ye Tian is still a little far from here. Before Ye Tian rushes here, he has enough time to resolve Xiao Qingtian.

It is the wish of their emperor's family to kill Xiao Qingtian, of course, the Imperial League of God also has the intention.

After extinguishing Xiao Qingtian's pin of the sea god, Long Wei will be completely degraded, and a bunch of wine sacks and rice bags will not become a big climate. Yancheng will be the world of their Huangfu family, and their rise will be unstoppable.

Suddenly, he thought for a moment, and his heart was a little hesitant:

He destroyed Ye Manman's door. Ye Tian is back now, will he ...?

With his knowledge of Ye Tian, ​​there is a great possibility that their Huangfu family is over.

However, he wore the No. 0 armor. Not only was his physical strength unmatched, but even his mind was blessed by an inexplicable force. As tough as steel, it was such a possible major change, and it only caused his heart to lose a moment It was just stable, and then it was calm again.

His journey is the stars and the sea, his ambitions are high, his family is dispensable, and the existence is also a drag. Without him, he can let go of his hands and create a great cause.


His body moved, first raised a distance, then suddenly turned down, and rushed towards the deep pit, with a terrible killing intention, with a terrible anger.

数 There are several power jets behind him. It is a light blue flame. It is gorgeous and gives him unparalleled speed.

There was also a flame spraying from his elbow, allowing his body to spin and dive down like a spinning top.

At the same time, Gao Zhoubo's sword was buzzing and shaking, bursting out of the air, cutting the layers of compressed air around him, which could greatly increase his speed.

Meteor falls!

Storm Strangling!

The two killing warfare techniques are combined into one. He is going to end Xiao Qingtian's life in one hit, **** and cruel.


There was a great shock in the void, and a breath of devastation swept through, and I saw a light blue streamer storm, like a meteor falling towards the ground, wrapped in an endless sword light sword shadow. I do n’t know how many times the speed of sound has been broken. Blasting, deafening.


In the deep pit, Xiao Qingtian laughed, freely and fearlessly, as if he had seen through life and death.

He was severely wounded, his body was healed, and he didn't even have a weapon on hand, so he couldn't make an effective resistance.

He conquered his whole life and won the name of God of War. After all, he still could not avoid the hide of Ma Ge and kill the battlefield.

Perhaps this is destiny!

At this time, in the distance, Ye Tian still rushed after killing 扈 Cong from the woman, to the limit of the floating light step, while the two thunder wings were struggling to fan.

He saw that Huangfu was shocked and wanted to take action against Xiao Qingtian. Suddenly, he had five fingers, one grip, and the celestial halberd in his hand. Once again, he was like a javelin, filled with surging force and thrown fiercely.

His own speed was extremely fast, and coupled with the speed of throwing, the celestial war halberd was like a lightning, separating the earth, tearing the void, and bringing up a hundreds of centimeters of sharp and killing mansions, such as Changhong Guanri, Unstoppable.


Ran Kankan rushed to Huangfu Jinghong and fell into the ground pit, and the celestial halberd stabbed him, to be precise, it was stabbed into the storm of knives formed by the high-speed rotation of the sword.

刀 This knife light storm is impenetrable, and pure knives are condensed. Like a copper wall and iron wall, water cannot enter, and needles cannot penetrate.

However, the celestial war halberd is a legendary holy soldier of the Holy See, and it was thrown by Ye Tianfenjin with all his strength. How fierce and how powerful he suddenly penetrated the storm of swords and smashed a high-frequency sword. .

Sudden by a blast of earth-shattering sounds, the sword and sword and war halberds almost killed the same, annihilating the void, and Huangfu Jinghong was lifted up by the horrific impact of the fiery sky war halberds and flew out.


Another loud noise came out, the beautiful paradise town collapsed again, and the history reappeared amazingly, but the protagonist was Xiao Qingtian just now, now it is replaced by Huangfu Jinghong.

"Ah, ah, you **** it, I will kill you, and crush you to death!" Huangfu screamed in horror, with a rage like a giant wave tumbling.

Xie Yetian struggling to shake the wings of Lei Guang, chasing Huang Fu in a fast direction.

As he passed over the big pit, an Ogi Shenlei in his hand fell and fell on Xiao Qingtian like a spring rain. The surging strength and moisturizing sound helped him heal his injuries.

"Be careful, his armor is extraordinary, far better than other armors." Xiao Qingtian reminded hard.

"Okay!" Ye Tian faintly answered, his body flew away like a lightning.


He smashed more than a dozen houses one after another and rushed into a river. Huangfu Jinghong finally stopped the body that flew out.

The Luanhe water was cold, and it was crystal clear at the bottom. It can be seen that fish and shrimp were swimming happily, because a figure rushed into it and became like a boiling oil pan, blasting out water columns, and tumbling up numerous sediments.


After a moment's cessation, suddenly ~ ~ a huge water splash exploded from the sand at the bottom of the river, and a tall figure wearing a cool armor burst into the water and burst into the sky. on.


Xi Huangfu growled in horror, killing like a sea, sweeping the world.

As soon as Xunye fought, he suffered a big loss, and his heart was trembling to the extreme.

But at the same time, a huge thunder with a thick bucket descended from the sky and fell off.

Xi Huangfu's pupils shrank in shock, and his face shuddered, but he could not escape, and could only shake his head.


周 The Gao Zhoubo sword on his right arm waved out sharply and cut to Thunder.

He had only half of the high-frequency sword in his left arm, and it was broken by the celestial halberd.

Stuck in his heart, the large area of ​​the bowl mouth, the damaged armor, and a ray of blue light lingering, even at a very fast rate of repair.

Warrior No. 0 is worthy of War No. 0, which is far tougher than two obedient warframes.

Ye Yetian's war halberd stabbed out, and even the deck of the aircraft carrier could penetrate. It only caused the Zero Warframe to damage the large area of ​​the bowl mouth, and it failed to tear open, let alone penetrate.


Xi Huangfu was shocked and raised his sword to thunder, and a loud noise came out.

The effect was not good. Although the Thunder was split, it did not break, but still hit him, shocked his body and straightened him.

Between the electric light and the flint, a protection in the No. 0 battle armor was activated, and a series of lines became visible, forming a layer of blue light protection, covering the whole body and isolating the thunder.

But his body still fell uncontrollably, and fell into the river.

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