Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1106: Enter the Bronze Hall

Ye Tian slashed the four ancient emperors of the Holy Church in one breath, demonstrating an invincible posture and deterred everyone.

For a time, heaven and earth, dead silence!

The four ancient emperors were war puppets. Although they did not regenerate their fighting power before, they were all kept at the level of the earth immortal. Ye Tian was only a **** realm, but he was able to do this.

Although many people are reluctant to admit that the teenager has already crushed this star, ordinary earth immortals are not opponents unless Dacheng Earth Immortal is born or the ancient Earth Immortal is resurrected.

With the technology of the earth, only heavy nuclear weapons can kill him.

Moreover, he was in the center during the nuclear storm.

"I don't believe that the Holy See will be undefeated, and the Pope must still have an underdog."

Among the crowd on the ground, a choked voice suddenly came out.

This is a loyal believer. Even in this situation, he still has illusions about the Holy See, and even knelt on the ground, contributing his beliefs without hesitation.

"Maybe! A battle today, let me find that the water of the Holy Church is really deep, mysterious and unpredictable, and deserves to be the largest teaching on earth."

"There is a big secret in the bronze temple, so I want to go in and see it."

"Maybe God is not necessarily inside, one finger can crush the young devil to death."



Ye Tian was standing in front of the gate of the Bronze Hall, no more than ten feet away. With just a sprint, he could rush inside.

He glowed all over, his eyes glowed with chaos, and the air of chaos lingered over his body, like a nine-turn golden body. Every inch of flesh and blood contained destructive power. He raised his hands and throwed his arms. Even if one arm stretched out, one leg stretched out, the void would emit Booming sound.

His eyes are golden, blooming two flamboyant gods, hegemony of sharpness, looking into the deep bronze temple.

In the bronze temple, near the door, several figures were looking at him, all wearing holy light robes, who should be the core disciples of the Holy Church, with a strong breath and a strong identity, but at this moment all looked scared.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Their heartbeat is very rapid, and their mood is not calm.

They must all know that the matter is big, it is related to their life and death, and even the survival of the Holy Church.

Bang, Bang, Bang!

Among the chaotic heartbeats, there is another strange heartbeat heard by Ye Tian. The frequency is extremely slow and extremely low. Unlike the heartbeat of human beings, the ears of ordinary people cannot be heard at all, but Ye Tian hears in his ears. But it seemed as if the drum was throbbing, the sky sound was roaring, and it was terrifying.

It is this heartbeat that leaves Ye Tianyin a trace of fear!

Ye Tian suddenly had an illusion that this huge bronze temple was a creature, and he heard the heartbeat beating the heart of the bronze temple.

"Junior Demon, have you had enough trouble? Are you really going to die with my Holy Church? Just retreat, and my Holy Church can never be blamed!"

Suddenly, a thunderous voice came from the hall, resounding through the world.

Is Pope Francis, carrying a cross lightsaber, hurried towards the gate.

Although he said that, what he can do is another set.

The cross lightsaber in his hand was originally intended to split against Miyamoto Taro. It had already been urged to the extreme, and now he violently split Ye Tian.


A sword of light is like a dragon, snarling and rushing out, splitting Tianyu, lasing towards Ye Tian.

"All stunned what to do, work together to stop him, close the door quickly, and never let him in."

While the sword came out, he shouted again, waking the frightened saints.

For a time, all the saints acted together, and the soldiers divided into two ways, pushing the door all the way, closing the door as soon as possible, and the rest attacked Ye Tian and contained Ye Tian.

They are the core disciples of the Holy Church, the best among the saints, so they are eligible to enter the bronze temple.

Here they can practice better. Although the combat power is at the level of transmigration, but with the blessing of the bronze temple, the combat power of the **** realm can erupt.

Saw that someone was holding a bow and crossbow, opened the bow one after another, and shot the arrow rain, flying like a single guided missile to Ye Tian.

Someone was holding a treasure fan made of angel wings, and slammed a red flame with a vigorous fan, like a torch burning, drowning Ye Tian.

Someone was holding a staff and launched a magic curse attack, weakness, aging, slowness, blindness ...


A heavy and fierce attack struck Ye Tian, ​​and the sky was full of flames, like a bright firework blooming, and the atmosphere of great destruction rolled the world.

"Ah, if you did something wrong, would it be difficult to bow your head to admit it?" Ye Tian sighed softly, and there was still a trace of pity in his eyes. With this soft sigh, the pity disappeared.

His golden eyes suddenly spun like a windmill, and the invisible and violent mental power swept out like a hurricane, and a golden villain held out his sword and collided with many attacks from the bronze temple.

Yuan Shen Dao sword is refined by the thunder and thunder, and it becomes more sharp and sharp. When you see it from a distance, it will cause pain in the corners of the eyes, and even bleeding.

Use Yuanshen to collide with sword soldiers, which is no different from suicide, but the top spiritual masters dare not do it.


With a crisp sound, Yuanshen Dao sword collided with the Pope's sword mansions, Yuanshen Dao sword did not hinder, but the swords mansions were broken.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Next ~ ~ Ye Tian's spiritual storm swept through, and bursts of sound exploded in the void, whether it was light arrows, flames, magic, etc., all of them were broken and a cloud of smoke rose.

"Ah ..."

At the gate of the temple, a scream came.

Ye Tian's spiritual storm not only possessed the ability to attack the soul, but also had the destructive power of a shock wave. It swept into the bronze temple and swept a dozen saints upside down. The soul was critically hit, and his nose and nose were bleeding. What's more, in the process of flying backwards, it suddenly disintegrated and turned into a **** mud.

"Damn it!" The pope cursed, almost burst into flames.

He rushed across the door of the temple and closed the door.

Saw that a huge treasure gleamed and flew over him like a meteorite.

He slashed with a sword and wanted to resist it, but he was hit by a sword and flew out.

At this moment, on the ground, countless onlookers lost their voices again, angered and frightened to the extreme.

At this time, the teenager suddenly took steps, one step was more than ten feet, entered the bronze temple, and disappeared in the realization of everyone.

After all, he broke through many obstacles and entered the bronze temple. He stepped on the Holy Church rigidly.

"Why is this the result? Why can't the big Holy Church beat a young devil?"

"The omnipotent and omnipresent God, punish this demon king!"

"It must be. Even if heaven appears, will God be far behind?"


However, let them down, after a long time, Ye Tian did not come out, and God did not manifest.

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