Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1108: Deep in chaos

Chapter 108: Deep in Chaos

The depth of the bronze temple is the core of the entire bronze temple. Almost all the sentiments and beliefs of the sentient beings are flowing here, so thick that they cannot be turned away, and they look around. A glance will make people palpitate.

As for the Holy See, this is a forbidden place, even the Pope cannot set foot.

Moreover, it is impossible to set foot, because there is a prohibition here, which is so powerful that even the Pope is not spared and unable to contend.

What exactly exists here and what it looks like is an eternal mystery that even the Pope cannot tell.

There is no record in the historical materials of the Holy See, which is full of mystery.

Regardless of the Pope's dissuasion, Ye Tian entered this chaos and tried to find out.

There seems to be a different dimension here, and the suppression is really powerful. Every time you take a step deep, it seems that there are thousands of weights on your body, and your feet are as heavy as lead. Every step is very heavy.

"No, I can't stand it!"

Taro Miyamoto screamed as soon as he took a dozen steps.

The chaotic faith is pressing on him, squeezing in all directions, almost pressing him into a meatloaf, and his bones are trembling.

It was the same feeling that he was trapped in the blood sacrifice festival just now. There is no way to go to heaven, no way to enter the ground, the manpower of life and death exercise, the boss is uncomfortable.

This is only a dozen steps. If you go deeper, the suppression will definitely be greater, and you ca n’t keep him from being pressed into meatloaf or even meat sauce.

The chaotic mist here is no longer an ordinary belief, and it has turned into a heaven and earth Xuanhuang, a kind of acquired **** soil, and a qualitative change has occurred.

If you look carefully, you will find that the chaotic mist is not pure gas, but a dense smog. The dense yellow particles are suspended and arranged according to a mysterious law.

Each particle is hundreds of times smaller than sand particles, but thousands of times heavier than sand particles, which is extremely strange.

It seems that this fluttering is not Xuanhuang haze, but a piece of gold bricks, a lot of steel ingots, too much to say.

"I don't believe it, open it for me!"

Taro Miyamoto tried to split the chaotic fog, and the Xuantian War Soul Sword was full of power. Under normal conditions, there is no problem in splitting a 100-ton main battle tank into two halves, but here, it only broke three feet Mist.

It seemed that he had stabbed into the hardest steel in the world, sparks were splashing, and his hands were numb, and the tiger's mouth almost cracked.

"Then you go back first, I will do it myself." Ye Tian said to him.

"Master, I think it's really a wicked gate here, maybe there will be a big danger, shall we go out together?" Taro Miyamoto said, looking worried.

He did have a bad feeling. He always felt a pair of eyes staring at him in the dark, but he couldn't find it.

The suppression here is not only effective for the flesh, but also the consciousness is shielded, walking inside, just like a blind man. Fighting hands and feet, the combat effectiveness is also greatly reduced.

"Hahaha, I told you a long time ago, you can't go in here, you can't go in, otherwise there will be a danger to your life, you must not listen. If you are afraid, get out now!"

The pope's laughter came in, revealing an arrogant gesture.

"The depth of my Holy Church is not what you can imagine. You can get away now, and it's too late, I can blame the past ..."

The Pope's hands are behind his back, his hair is thick, his eyes are like a torch, his body is strong, and a ray of Saint Hui lingers outside, with a dragon and tiger posture. Although he is a loser, he still maintains the majesty of the emperor.


While he was talking, a horrible sword gas suddenly flew out of the mist of chaos, accompanied by a thunderous sound of thunder and burst, a series of gorgeous sparks splashed, fierce and fierce, facing the pope's heart.

"Ah, **** it!"

The Pope's pupil shrank sharply and quickly fled to avoid, but still a slow shot, his left shoulder was wiped with sword gas, and the purple gold Saint Emperor's robe was torn to a small mouth, bursting out a string of blood.

"Your nonsense is too much!" Ye Tian's sharp voice came out, cold and cold.

The pope gritted his teeth and was eager to stab Ye Tian with thousands of swords. But because of Ye Tian's obscene prestige, he dared not say anything more, but a flash of cunning and fierceness flashed in his eyes.

"You old man, don't give me careful thoughts, otherwise my sword will not be recognized." Taro Miyamoto walked out of the mist of chaos, his face flushed, and gave the Pope a fierce look.

"Humph!" The pope snorted coldly and ignored it.

Now Taro Miyamoto's combat power stays in the divine realm. If he really fights, he is confident that with three strokes he will shoot Miyamoto Taro to death.

It is also because of the great loss of combat power and lack of blood and energy that Taro Miyamoto took a dozen steps in the mist of chaos and could not bear the power of suppression.

Moreover, his physical body is far from comparable to Ye Tian.

Boom, Boom, Boom!

A heavy footsteps marched in the mist of chaos, Ye Tian had already walked a hundred steps, and still did not reach the end, nothing was found, and nothing was visible.

There is a law of space inside, which is much larger than it looks from the outside. It is really like a small world of different dimensions, not in a space-time.

Here the power of suppression is greater, the beliefs are surging like the sea, the chaos is thicker, the mysterious yellow particles suspended in the void are larger, the glazed glass is generally crystal clear, the crystal is generally transparent, and it blooms brilliantly.

A thick layer fell on the ground, as if paving a golden avenue, leading to the unknown distance.

Ye Tianxiang was walking on a mountain, his feet were covered with shackles, every step was very heavy, and he stepped on a footprint on the "Golden Avenue".

If Miyamoto Taro came here, it must have turned into blood.

Banyetian is a golden sacred body, and it can't be eaten a bit. The time and space here seems to be solidified, and the feeling of binding hands and feet is very strong.

However, he did not panic, but rejoiced.

The particles of Xuanhuang surrounding the whole body at ~ are the essence of Xuanhuang, the extract of Xuanhuang, which is an extremely rare acquired material.

Taking these gods and smelting them into his big seal can make the big seal even closer.

This is one.

Second, his Chaos Divine Realm can also evolve after melting Xuanhuang God Earth.

In the evolutionary small world of Chaos God Realm, the four elements of earth, fire, wind, and water are indispensable, and the element of "ground" is the most important and the foundation.

Xuanhuang Shentu can provide earth elements, forming the foundation of the earth in the small world.

Moreover, Xuanhuang God Earth has the power of creation, and is indispensable for the evolution of the small world.

Third, with the help of Xuanhuang Divine Earth and abundant beliefs, Ye Tian's four-spirit divine form supernatural powers can also be cultivated.

Qinglong, Bone Bone, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and the four major gods have all got their hands, and they are carried on his body, smelted into the body, the blood veins are merged, and they can be transformed into **** shapes.

The divine form can also evolve, evolve into heaven, earth, and even avatars.

Thinking of this, it is because of Ye Tian's previous life that he combined the true spirit of the powerful spirit, and it is hard to hide the excitement.

However, it seems not easy to get these Xuanhuang **** soil. He sensed the danger, and a terrible angry machine approached him.

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