Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1113: Immortal war slave

There is no sorrow and joy in the eyes of the teenager, the body is like a golden gold glaze, the golden radiance flows, gorgeous and radiant, even the hair is dyed with gold, and the roots are crystal clear like jade silk, dancing with the body frantically, like a Tufts of golden fire are burning.

In his body, the golden blood was boiling, the golden blood was roaring, the ocean was turbulent, and an unparalleled strong breath erupted.

This is the golden holy body in which the spirit spirit has climbed to the extreme state, making him seem to have an inexplicable charm, like a golden **** of war walking in the world.

This is the first time he has fully exploded since he achieved the Golden Eucharist!

His opponent is too strong, he dare not reserve any more and go all out.

Tian Da Dayin was held in his hand again, and the lightning burst between his palms, and the surging mana poured into it.


The earth is imprinted with agitation, and the energy is surging, as if it can't wait to harvest life.

A striking rift runs through half of the large seal, which was caused by the punch of the Titan war slave.

The body of the earth can be turned into a mountain that is 100 feet high, and it is far stronger than an ordinary mountain that is 100 feet long. The heavy earth-piercing missiles ca n’t be destroyed, and they are almost unbreakable, but they are cracked by the Titan war slaves. incredible.

The Titans, this is a fabulous ethnic group, can move mountains and throw Yue, turn over the river and the sea, and even pick stars.

Ye Tian had achieved the Golden Eucharist, and he dared not fight with the Titan War Slave, otherwise he would die miserably.

He tried his best to urge the Great Seal to serve the half-bent body of the Titan War Slave. It would be unrealistic to smash one seal, and it would be good if one seal could knock it down.

The Titan War Slave is only half of the body, and it has lost its head. It is still very scary and maintains a strong fighting power. The bronze body is like a magic mountain, towering, as if it can crush the world and make people creepy.

Unexpectedly, just as Ye Tian was about to shoot the sky, the head of the Titan War Slave flew back again.

At the same time, the two hands of the Titan Warrior also protruded out, to take back the head that flew back.

Ye Tian was shocked and had no doubt that the Titan War Slave could take his head back and become a complete Titan again, which would be very scary.

He didn't dare to hesitate. He stepped up into the sky with a violent step, and suppressed the overwhelming seal against the huge head flying.

Just now the five gods of Thunder Road Fruit exploded and the void was destroyed, showing a large vacuum. Not only did the restraining force on Ye Tian decrease again, but he was able to mobilize more Tuxing Yuan force.

In addition, he is in an explosive state, so he can go up to the sky in one step.


The head of the Titan Warlord flew like a cannonball, dragging a long string of afterimages, and found Ye Tian to suppress him, roaring loudly, and exhausting.

His two eyes are larger than the grinding disc, and the scarlet blood gleam is fierce and scary.


He spit with a sharp mouth, and a chaotic murderous spirit swept away like a rain of arrows to the sky and sky, making a piercing clang sound, cutting the world.

This is a kind of dragon-shaped copper bronze made of Gengjin Qi, with a strong cutting power, like a sword like a sword.

But it's useless at all. The sky was pushed to the extreme by Ye Tian. It was suppressed in this space, and it swelled to more than thirty feet tall, majestic and powerful, and the weight was unknown.

The murderous chaos in the mouth of the Titan warlord swept to the top, and could not be shaken for half a minute, only a thin layer was peeled off, and there was no harm.

Click, click!

The mouth of the Titan war slave suddenly stretched out two fangs, more than a foot long, like two war spears, suddenly burst out, and stabbed Ye Tian fiercely.


At this moment, the huge head of the Titan war slave sank, like a nail, was nailed into the earth, a towering mountain pressed against it, the energy of chaos surged, and the light was radiant. Even the two war spear-like tusks that were finally exploded failed to fly out, and they were suppressed under the sky.

"It should be broken!" Ye Tian was relieved.

Without the head, the remaining half of the Titan War Slave is ready to deal with.

However, in the next second, he raised his heart to his throat again.

A terrifying monstrous breath came from behind him, and there was a violent blast in the void, and the space seemed to become unstable.

When he looked back suddenly, he saw the depths of chaos, and a large spiked rod as thick as a high-voltage telephone pole was coming out of the air, flashing the cold and quiet metallic luster, as if cast from black gold, full of solid The sense of power and the terrifying killing gas are overwhelming when faced directly.

Ye Tian suddenly took a breath, looked at the dense spikes on the mace of the mace, and there was a feeling of thorns on the back. If it is caught by a stick, it will be crippled if it doesn't die.

Undoubtedly, this is the weapon of the Titan War Slave.


The Titan war slave had two hands in the sky, and accurately took the mace in his hand.

Then ~ ~ Without staying for a moment, the mace of the mace was moved, and it slammed into the sky.

With the soldiers in hand, the momentum of the Titan war slaves shook sharply, exuding tremendous fluctuations.

At this moment, he seemed to be a **** who had lost his head, and he overwhelmed the world, causing the entire bronze temple to tremble because of him.


There was a great shock in the void, a black light swept through, and everything was destroyed.

This is pure power, and it is powerful and overbearing.

Ye Tian was too late to summon the Da Yin Seal, only to flash away.


A terrifying loud noise came out, and a horrifying scene took place. More than thirty feet tall, and the overwhelming weight of more than ten million averages, was swept out by a stick of Titan war slaves.

It is as if ordinary humans are playing baseball with baseball bats, and they can hit the baseball without any effort.


The overwhelming seal was almost shattered, and dozens of cracks were densely packed.

What's even more shocking is that, under the sky, a house's big head was squashed and it remained intact.

What's more, the large disc's eyes can still be opened!

The Titan war slave held the mace in one hand, and grabbed the flat head with the other.

How could Ye Tian let the Titan Warlords succeed, the tiger's body shuddered, the golden blood fluttered, the iron fist waved into a golden light, and slammed into the squashed huge brain on the ground.

At the same time, he summoned four types of gods, including the Green Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, to attack the body of the Titan slave.


One step ahead of the Titan War Slave, Ye Tian punched on the flattened brain shell and flew it out. Although he failed to bomb the brain shell, he broke an eyeball.


The Titan War Slave fell off with a huge palm print on the ground.

At the same time, the blasted head gave a startling roar.

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