Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1122: 1 drop of blood

The tall 18-wing figure is not a real body, but a remnant, a ray of will, and is in a state of chaos. There is very little mana left. By Ye Tianyi's sword, it turned into a rain of light, like a dream bubble, Fading in the world.

The real body of this 18-wing figure should be a divine power. Ye Tian made a guess based on the vision of the true fairy in his previous life.

God, what a deep level that is unimaginable on earth, because it was the ancient immortal cultivation period, and the most powerful existence that could be born was nothing more than an infant.

The Huashen is even above the Yuanying, and is a true power. It is respected as the **** monarch, not to say that a star is a field of stars. It is a remarkable thing to be able to give birth to a Huashen.

Transfiguration is a heaven, a watershed, too many monks in the cosmic sky are trapped in this state, and can not break through after a lifetime.

The God of Immortality cultivates the immortal Yuanshen, not only can the body cross the universe, but also the Yuanshen can trust the void and roam the galaxy.

Therefore, Huashen is also called the true God!

According to the laws of heaven and earth on the earth, it is impossible to give birth to a deity, so Ye Tian said that this person does not belong to this star, is an outsider, and has some conspiracy.

Above the Daotai, where the tall figure disappeared, a nine-story exquisite pagoda appeared, about three feet tall, and the whole body was black, as if cast by the golden glaze of the gods, the crystal luster flickered, the glorious glory, and the aura of light, Like a beautiful piece of art.

The four walls of the pagoda are imprinted with sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, flowers, birds, insects, fish, birds and beasts, and so on. They are vivid and lively, adding the simple atmosphere of Baoding, as if they contain the secret of the beginning of evolution.

These patterns are interwoven with the pattern of the Dao, which is the imprint of the law of the heaven and earth. The circulation of the rhythm of the Dao contains the principle of heaven and earth, and is not artificially engraved.

Above the Daotai, the mysterious yellow air that fell like a **** waterfall all flowed into the pagoda.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was also a throbbing heartbeat from the pagoda.

"Is this the legendary Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda?" Miyamoto Taro suddenly startled, his eyes almost glaring out of his eyes, and looked straight at the top of the platform.

The figure disappeared, the suppression of space also disappeared, and Taro Miyamoto regained his freedom.

However, the nine-story Taoist still showed strong coercion, which was not what he could reach.

He stood at the foot of the platform, looked up, and still had the illusion of looking up at a vast mountain.

Now, the Linglong Pagoda on the Taoist platform attracted all his attention.

The legendary Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is the supreme treasure, born innately. It is rumored that a pagoda was conceived in the chaos before Hongmeng opened, and it absorbed the endless heaven and earth Xuanhuang Qi.

"It's just an imitation, but it's also a bit delicate." Ye Tian said.

This pagoda may rent out the hand of the deity of God, how could it be worse. Compared with his dragon-shaped copper treasure tripod, he surpassed several levels.

This is a superb holy artifact, and may even be a quasi-artifact.

The pagoda is filled with Xuanhuang chaotic gas, lightning and thunder, blood gas rolling, thousands of weather, as if opening up to the earth, evolving a small world.

Boom, boom, boom!

In the haze of the chaos, a heart is beating, shining brilliantly, exquisite and chic, crystal clear, with seven tips, eyes, ears, nose and nose.

It is a seven-knowledge heart!

Outside the heart, the figure of an eighteen-winged angel has been manifested, but it is only the size of a child, looming, seemingly real and virtual.

This is a chaotic **** child, which has been bred, but has not yet been able to grow up.

That mysterious waterfall-like mysterious yellow gas flowed into the Linglong Tower, and was absorbed by this chaotic **** fetus and became his nourishment.

Inside the heart, a drop of projectile-sized blood beads is terrifying, the black light flashes, the blood is monstrous, as if there is a sea of ​​blood in it.

This is the law of the Dao, the fragment of Dao, which was enlightened by the God of Power.

A drop of blood that transforms the power of God contains endless vitality, as well as endless power of destruction, which cannot be measured with common sense.

Seeing such a horrible, such an incredible scene, Ye Tian was very calm.

With the vision of the true fairy in his previous life, he has already seen the truth inside.

The initial is a drop of blood, of course not ordinary blood, but a drop of blood essence, then grows into a Qiqiao Linglong heart, and eventually transforms into a chaotic fetus.

Like this kind of god, once it grows up, it will be terrible, at least it will have the strength of Yuanying.

"Are you using a drop of blood to reincarnate? Are you just building a Taoist body?" Ye Tian said to himself.

If it is a reincarnation of blood, it means that the deity is dead.

If you cultivate a Taoist body, or a doppelganger, it is terrible, which means that the deity is still alive.

Ye Tianxin is like electricity, thinking that the second possibility is more likely.

Because reincarnation is a taboo, an eternal mystery that cannot be understood.

Ye Tian's previous life lived in the Immortal Realm, and indeed I heard some legends of reincarnation. It is impossible to confirm and not to say that there is no memory of the previous life after the reincarnation, and there is no ability of previous life.

If Shenwu has learned reincarnation, it is equivalent to seeing Shimo through longevity. Where can he go through so many hardships?

It seems that Ye Tian's "borrowing a dead body" has nothing to do with reincarnation.

If there is a taboo secret technique, it can indeed achieve rebirth.

However, if Mighty wants to take advantage of seizing the house, immortality will not work, because a person ages, and the soul will rot, that is, seizing a young body, and will not die.

A divine **** can use a drop of blood to build a moral body with the help of the belief in the sentient beings of the earth. This should be the ultimate secret of the Holy See.

At this moment, Ye Tian was really pulling down the Holy See's underpants.

Of course, UU reading will have serious consequences, because Huashen might be alive. What Ye Tian is doing at this moment, he is also able to perceive it across the billions of stars. If vengeance comes, 10,000 Ye Tian are not enough to see, the whole earth can be smashed with a slap.

However, at this point, Ye Tian has not looked back.

I saw that the chaotic fetus in the Linglong Pagoda began to dissipate and turned into a gleaming rain and glory. With the Qiqiao Linglong heart, the drop of chaotic blood essence containing fragments of the Avenue is also decomposing.

This is the rhythm of Nirvana!

The birth of the chaotic gods is like sitting in the deadlock, going through life and death, and not being disturbed, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

If you go outside the Bronze Temple at this moment, you will find a strange scene, the sky that was originally shining in the sun, suddenly the clouds rolled, the wind screamed, and the thunder and thunder struck.

A sad emotion filled the world.

The divine womb is about to fall, and the world is in sorrow!

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