Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1132: Summon Blood Ancestor

This is a huge ancient castle with a dark body and a dark atmosphere. I do n’t know the history of thousands of years. It is located in a small neutral country, deep in the steep Alps, surrounded by ancient wood wolf forests, and it is rare.

This is not the home of the witch in the fairy tale world, but the base of the dark blood.

At this moment, deep in the dark castle, in a dark lacquered room, **** smelling tangy, bursts of ancient spells came out, revealing a very mysterious atmosphere.

In the center of the Chamber of Secrets, there is a huge altar. I do n’t know how much blood was impregnated. It turned out to be bleeding red, like a huge piece of blood jade.

Above the flat altar, criss-crossing blood grooves crisscrossed, there was red blood flowing, and all was fresh blood.

In front of the altar stood thirteen giant statues with bat wings and fierce faces, ghosts and awesome works, all of which were more than ten meters high, as if they could stand upright against the wall.

These are the thirteen blood ancestors of the blood clan in mythology and legend, belonging to the thirteen clan.

They claim to be the most powerful vampires in history, with strength comparable to gods.

"Thirteen supreme blood ancestors, come to the world quickly. Now the blood race is facing unprecedented catastrophe, ..."

"The devil of Middle-earth was born, sweeping the world invincible, not only my dark blood clan, even the Holy See was trampled underfoot."


Beneath the altar, thirteen powerful elders of the blood tribe pray on their knees, from the thirteen clans, and pray for the blood ancestors to come to earth.

According to legend, the thirteen blood ancestors were imprisoned by the gods in the sea of ​​nether blood because they disobeyed God's will and did not really die.

Of course, this is just a legend.

But within the blood clan, there is another set of rhetoric. The thirteen blood ancestors were not imprisoned by the gods in the nether blood sea, but self-styled in the nether blood sea.

The blood race is not an immortal body, but only a little longer than humans.

The age of the thirteen blood ancestors has not been known for tens of thousands of years, but it is possible to live again, and it is impossible to live to the present.

They self-proclaimed the sea of ​​nether blood and were pressing the pause button for life to wait for the "resurrection" in the future.

If the blood clan encounters a huge crisis and concerns the life and death of the clan, they can be summoned, otherwise they must not be disturbed.

Now, the blood race is facing a huge crisis, the blood king is tragically dead, the powerful vampire has also been killed and injured a lot, and the ethnic group is facing the test of survival.

"Fresh blood, fresh blood ..." A blood clan elder shouted.

Although there was a lot of blood on the altar, but it could not help flowing fast, all flowed into the body of thirteen statues through the blood trough.

"Ah, no!"

In the scream of sorrow, a blond human girl was caught in by two vampire lords and went out a few minutes later, leaving only a shrivelled skin.

And similar human skin, there is a large mountain volume outside the ancient castle, it is really a **** sea of ​​corpses.

This is a blood sacrifice, but also a human sacrifice!

I don't know how many people sacrificed and how much blood was contributed, and finally a statue responded. It was the thirteenth statue at the end, the oldest of the thirteen blood ancestors, the old thirteen.


A burst of blood rushed out of the elder thirteen celestial cover, and a moment later condensed into a huge blood-red vortex, hovering above the head, a burst of **** lightning exploded in it, and a burst of ghostly crying and howling.

After a while, the statue burst into a tremendous blood, like a **** magic lamp illuminating, and an ancient and powerful will was revealed, as if a demon **** was waking up and could come to the earth at any time.

At this time, in the city of Vatican, hundreds of kilometers away, a war has come to an end.

The fire cloud lion appeared to destroy the enemies by sweeping the power of the eight directions with the power of ruin.

Peterson, the eldest son of the Golden Family, was crushed on the ground by his paw and trampled into meat.

Its strength is even higher than that of the black scale eagle, its four hooves step on the flames, and its mouth can breathe fire, and its strength is completely messed up.

The elder patriarch Carlos of the Golden Family was extremely angry, but he had no way to do it, because his engagement with Xiao Qingtian was clearly at a disadvantage. One is not good, and he may have to explain it here today.

The millions of people on the crowd have begun to spread out, fleeing in all directions. Even the Pope is useless no matter how he reads the Scriptures, and it is not easy for the light rain to sprinkle, and he cannot control so many people.

Because of a melee fight just now, thousands of innocent people died, and everyone could not calm down, and even the fanatical believers ran away.

In front of life and death, nothing really matters.

A few kilometers away from the Vatican City, thousands of tanks, tens of thousands of artillery pieces, and how many missiles are still unknown are ready to be launched.

This will be a devastating fire pouring, enough to destroy a medium-sized country, even if God sees it, he must squeeze a cold sweat.

And this is just the ordinary firepower, the real big weapon is hidden in the invisible place.

"General Wilson, what is the conventional super killer, can you tell us now? Let's open our eyes and prepare ourselves."

In the combat command room of the United Legion, a group of generals from various western countries surrounded General Wilson, like a steamed bun.

General Wilson was sitting on the couch, his legs leaned over the table, looking lazy. Suddenly he picked up a cigar, and a group of generals scrambled to take out the lighter.

"Maybe we can launch the general attack in a few moments, and it's okay to tell you." General Wilson took a deep cigar and said lightly.

He snapped his fingers, the female assistant turned on a projector, and a picture was opened in front of the generals.

"this is……?"


"Oh, General Wilson, you're really kidding. We're going to look at conventional super-killers. What are you doing to show us satellites?"


The female assistant smiled, her eyes very interesting, as if to say: a bunch of dumplings!

"Generals ~ ~ you will take a closer look." Said the female assistant.

A group of generals opened their eyes wide and took a closer look.

The commander of the three armed forces of the Aurora Small Country, General Ballman, suddenly shrank his pupils suddenly, and seemed to see something, very shocked and surprised.

"Is this a concept-based space-based kinetic energy weapon system, God's rod, tungsten rod bomb?" General Ballman said.

"General Ballman's eyes are discerning. This is exactly the tungsten rod bomb known as the 'Stand of God'. It is not nuclear weapons, but better than nuclear weapons." The female assistant nodded and smiled.

Suddenly, all the generals changed color!

Tungsten rod bomb, a space-based kinetic energy weapon, a super conventional war weapon, launching a metal tungsten rod from space, attacking the target at dozens of times the speed of sound The rod of God.

There is no more suitable weapon than the "Stand of God" to shatter God's Heavenly Hall and to slash the young devil inside.

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