Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1134: Invincible Old God of War

A terrible metal storm rolled the world, sending out sharp waves of roar, sonic boom roaring, shrill and harsh, as if a symphony of death was playing.

Although this intensive firepower was mainly aimed at Xiao Qingtian alone, everyone in the field was discolored, the soul was trembling, and the liver and gall were cold.

Because the lethality of these war weapons is extremely huge, once they explode, it will inevitably bring accidental injuries, even if they are separated by kilometers, they may be harvested by shrapnel.

"Damn, how dare they fire at this time? There are still hundreds of thousands of onlookers on the scene who have not left. Are they going to kill everyone?"

"We all blame the pope. If it wasn't for brainwashing with his chanting, we would have left here long ago."

"It has nothing to do with the pope. He mainly blames the young devil, and he is the culprit."

"Run fast, Hallelujah, God bless!"


Countless people cursed loudly and ran away.

Although this is just a small attack, it is aimed at Xiao Qingtian alone, but there is no guarantee that there will be a large carpet-like coverage behind it. But there were thousands of tanks, tens of thousands of artillery, a long rocket launcher, a missile launcher, and other war killers around, which made people dizzy and frightened.

At this time, in the air, Xiao Qingtian was locked in by a dense metal storm, became a target, and fell into a passive state.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Long Xiaoyun shouted eagerly, his hands clenched into fists, and his palms were cold and sweating.

"I have a good way, absolutely easy to use." Liang Fei said suddenly, he did not wait for others to ask him, he yelled out loudly, said: "General Xiao, you are hiding in the dense western crowd, I don't I believe they dare to kill themselves. "

As soon as he made this remark, the entire audience immediately shouted. The crowds of Western people were all scared, lest Xiao Qingtian hid among them and lead the artillery fire.

Long Xiaoyun looked at him at a glance, his eyes widened, and he walked round and round, but said nothing.

"I think it's feasible." Sima Xuankong nodded seriously.

A small amount of non-gentlemen, no poison, no husband.

If the Western Legion is damaged, we will lose more than them.


A meteor fell to the ground, a heavy phantom was pulled out, and Xiao Qingtian's feet stepped on the ground in an instant, and the hard concrete floor was stepped out of two big pits.

Thirty years ago, the old general had killed the dark world of the West and was frightened, and the spooky ghosts dare not cross the Chinese-Turkish border half a step.

Thirty years later, the veteran general is not old yet. He is making a comeback. He fights again and again, killing the old patriarchs of the Golden Family.

"It's enough to have a juvenile demon king, and now an old **** of war is emerging. Is this the great kingdom of the east going against the sky?"

Countless countries are envious of jealousy and hatred, and their moods are not calm.

The old general's eyes were condensed, as deep as the deep sea, looking at the starting point of the artillery fire, a robe hunted, and the murderous surging in the body surged.

"Made, what is the old thing to do? Is it really going to harm us?"

"Dead old man, it's too bad. Take us as a shield."

"Not a shield, but a shield!"


A large number of Westerners were pale and scared, and another curse.

Then, in the eyes of all the people in wonder or fear, Xiao Qingtian's figure moved, but instead of rushing to the Western crowd, he deliberately avoided the Western crowd and greeted the Liantian artillery fire against the United Army. The position rushed away.

"Old General ...?"

"he wants……?"

"The old general shoulders great justice, but he is too kind to bear the harm to the innocent."

"Benevolence? Not sure, look at the posture, he wants to upset the entire United Army alone!"


Rumble, Rumble ...

One by one, the shells landed and exploded beside Xiao Qingtian. The earthquake shook the mountains and the earth flew over, but he couldn't stop his footsteps.

His speed is very fast, breaking through the speed of sound, bringing a long white wave of waves, the plow court sweeps the hole in general, wherever passed, there is a large crack that is as wide as one foot and six or seven feet deep on the ground.

A distance of several kilometers, surging at supersonic speed, which is just over ten seconds, can be reached.

Once Xiao Qingtian rushed into the joint legion position, it was that the wolf entered the flock and slaughtered unilaterally.

Boom, Boom, Boom ...

More tanks, more artillery, more rocket artillery, etc. war weapons spit out their tongues, launched a devastating attack, carpet-style bombing.

The blood and cruelty of modern warfare are most vividly reflected at this moment.

"My gold family has a bounty of 10 billion US dollars to kill the old God of War in China."

"The three great disciples of the young devil, each with a reward of 500 million US dollars."

"Long Wei's three people each cost $ 100 million."

At this time, in the joint operations command room, a phone call from the Golden Family came over and said such a cold word.

Suddenly, the commanders of the western countries were excited.

By the way, there is still money to be made for murder, why not do it?

"What about the young devil? How much did your gold family give him by killing him?"

The commanders of the various countries asked almost in unison, glowing in the eyes like the rich.

After pondering for a moment, the cold voice came from the phone: "50 billion dollars."

Suddenly the commanders of the nations took a breath.

Fifty billion dollars will cost a life, which is too sensational.

There are many organizations in the world that have offered rewards to the young devil, but far less.

A mouthful is more than 60 billion US dollars, and the wealth of the gold family is rich, which can be seen!

According to rumors, the wealth of this family is measured in trillions of dollars, so much that it can scare people to death and make them truly wealthy.

At this time, Xiao Qingtian's pace slowed down in the frontline battlefield, under the turbulent firepower.

He danced wildly with long hair and his clothes were stained with blood, and he was injured.

After thirty years of retreat, he did not have a comprehensive understanding of the current war killer, and he underestimated it.

A rocket shell is probably nothing, but if dozens of them are fired together, the destructive power will show a geometric multiple increase.

Moreover, he just experienced a war, the spirit and spirit spent a lot, no longer in the peak state.


Suddenly, a violent explosion like a cannon bursted out, and the sky collapsed, the sea was raging, and the earth with a radius of 100 meters was instantly turned upside down, and even a mushroom cloud rose in the void.

Xiao Qingtian couldn't dodge and was swallowed by the flames of fire.

This is a chain of ground bud arrays, with 800 anti-tank ground buds buried, all exploding, powerful enough to shake the earth, almost destructive of a miniature nuclear weapon.

"Eight hundred anti-tank ground buds, even the earth immortals have to fade. I don't believe that the old God of War of China can survive."

In the Aurora Small Front, a commander with a star on his shoulders holding a telescope in his hand, looked into the ground bud array facing the sea of ​​fire, muttered to himself, his eyes showing the light of killing.

"General Carson, you did a very good job and gave me a long face of Aurora."

Soon, General Bowerman, the commander of the three armed forces, came over and praised him.

"Hahaha, it's the land bud array of my small aurora kingdom. Xiao Qingtian's death belongs to my small aurora kingdom. Ten billion dollars, huh."

In the joint operations command room, General Ballman's face glowed with red light, and he laughed with excitement.

The joint operations command room is not on the front line, but is located on an aircraft carrier of the current great empire aircraft carrier battle group, docked in the Mediterranean Sea, hundreds of kilometers away from the city of Vatican, and is safe enough not to worry about being caught.

The generals of the Western nations squashed their teeth, envying jealousy for a while.

Ten billion dollars, a large sum of wealth is enough to build several aircraft carriers.

"General Bowerman, you are too happy. The gold family's $ 10 billion may be a great empire for me." Lying on the sofa seat, General Wilson, who was still smoking a cigar, suddenly smiled cheaply. Road.

Hearing the sound, the generals looked at the big screen and saw a very shocking picture.

A tall figure is walking out of the turbulent sea caused by the ground bud array, covering the whole body with a dazzling divine light, just like a demon god.

"he is……?"

At the sight of this figure, countless people's pupils shrunk and were shocked.

"It's the old God of War in China, he didn't die."

"Oh, is it still a human? Is his body ironed?"

"That's the iron body, it should be turned into molten iron."


General Carson, the commander of the aurora small country on the front line, was trembling, and the telescope fell to the ground.

Xiao Qingtian raised his head and glared ahead, his pupils blooming two cold electricity, that was the essence of the murderous intention.


Suddenly, he spit out blood, and his body staggered.

Anyone knew at a glance that he was injured and was very serious.

"Hahaha, just a dying person, scared me to death. Fired and beat me to death. I want to see him die in vain." General Carson of the Aurora small country shouted with a terrible complexion.

"No, I'm going to save the old general." Long Xiaoyun said anxiously.

"I'll go."

Sima Xuankong first came forward.

"Late." Zhao Tianlong gasped and looked straight into the air.

Just above General Xiao's head, about a thousand kilometers above the ground, several thick flames are falling down, like falling meteorites.

Several heavy missiles launched by a 10,000-ton drive from the world's great empire arrived!

This is a real killer, one can withstand ten large-caliber rocket artillery.

General Xiao seemed to be aware of the crisis and suddenly looked up.

In an instant, the face is ashes.

"Damn! Which AIA fired a missile?"

The duck to the mouth is about to fly away, and General Carson of the Aurora Small Country bites his teeth resentfully.

But at this moment, a pair of sharp eyes stared at him.

call out!

Accompanied by two sharp eyes, a war halberd flew by, turning into a terrifying sky, incredibly fast.

Xiao Qingtian knew that he could not escape, and he was going to take a burial before he died. General Carson was closest to him, so arrogant, and then on his blacklist.

"General, chee

s! "

In the carrier's joint operations command room, the female assistant brought two glasses of red wine to celebrate with General Wilson.

"Twenty billion dollars in hand ~ ~ is a good time to celebrate." General Wilson smiled.

"General Wilson, I don't think it's time to celebrate yet." General Ballman of the Aurora Small Country said, his two faces were as dark as the bottom of the pot, but his eyes were full of terror.

In his eyes, he saw a thick beam of light suddenly burst from the hall of heaven, traversing the void, and several bursts of fire that had fallen to the ground at several times the speed of sound exploded.

Several heavy missiles launched from the 10,000-ton drive were all intercepted!

Immediately afterwards, a more terrible scene took place. Above the main hall of heaven, more beams of light were on, sweeping away the frontline positions of the United Legion several kilometers away, like a handle of a peerless heavenly sword, and launched a unilateral slaughter.

Inside the Bronze Hall, Miyamoto Taro and the Pope were shocked because they did not control the Destruction Cannon.

It was Ye Tian who shot, and controlled all the destroying light cannons in the Bronze Temple of Heaven, using divine thoughts.

And this means a terrible reality, the entire bronze temple of heaven is under his control.

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