Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1136: Archenemy

"Misia, although you are a God Envoy, you are not qualified to adjudicate me. Moreover, I have not betrayed the glory of God, nor have I become an apostle of the devil. You must talk nonsense."

In the hall of heaven, the voice of Pope Francis came out, powerful and powerful.

"I am the God Envoy and enforce the law on behalf of God, but I can adjudicate all of God's people. You are your Pope, and you have to accept my ruling." The messenger Misia said, the word is sonorous and contains an irreversible Will is really like an apostle who walks in the world.

The breath on his body is very strong, there is a rhythm of the avenue stirring, and there is a ray of vitality that makes him connect with the heavenly palace, as if to be one.

"Heaven is God's habitation, but you let the demons of Middle-earth enter. With this alone, you can't atone for your sins! You don't think I can do nothing about hiding inside. The eye of God, open!"

The words just fell. Suddenly, his eyebrows glowed, a vertical pupil opened, and a beam of snow shone out, like a laser weapon, puncturing nothingness in an instant, and blasted on the bronze gate of the hall of heaven.

Outside of the main hall of heaven, there are ten layers of overbearing and very forbidden protection. The ten layers of light film are manifested, and even heavy ground-drilling missiles can't break through. In general, I couldn't stop it.

Suddenly, many people were shocked!

"The angel is worthy of being the angel, and his eyes are so domineering."

"Nonsense, as a **** messenger, if there are no two brushes, how to enforce the law on behalf of God?"

"Maybe the demons of Middle-earth can be killed by the gods."

"I will wait to pray on my knees and contribute my faith to the angel."


The bronze door of the Temple of Heaven is tall and magnificent, extremely strong, and engraved with a stronger prohibition, flowing out an inexplicable Dao rhyme, which is seamlessly bridged, but when the **** made the vertical pupil beam of Misia shine on it, the two The bronze door immediately opened a gap.


The bronze temple shook violently, and there were countless ripples in the void.

All the people on the field felt a horrible fluctuation, shaking their hearts.

Just at the moment when the door crack appeared, suddenly, a sound of clank and blaze came out, and a gleam of white light flew out of the blade of light, turning into an indestructible and sharp knife, which lasted more than a foot.

At first glance, you know that Taro Miyamoto is shooting.

This sharp sword is an invisible sword soldier who is purely formed by the gold line, and is highly condensed and peerless.


The Void blew, as if torn.

This is a terrible knife and gang, striking for Miyamoto Taro, the knife is dazzling, and the sword gas storm sweeps, and stabs directly to the messenger Misia.

Misia changed color, her sleeves flicked violently, and the holy light washed out like a waterfall, slamming on the Xuantian War Soul Blade Gang.


Xuantian War Soul Daogang was instantly shattered and became a fan.

The cuffs of Misia were injured by the invisible knife gas, and a mouth was cut out.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked!


At this time, the gate of the Bronze Temple of Heaven opened, and a figure stepped forward, with long hair and bright hair, scattered on the shoulders, the figure was not tall, but there was a wild breath, the eyes were extremely fierce, and there was blood in the heavenly cover Rush out.

A sharp sword was held in his right hand, and a ray of knife at the edge of the blade was turbulent and snarled.

"As an envoy, you invade God's palace without fear, blasphemy the glory of God. Do you know what sin you should be?" Taro Miyamoto asked, admiring the army of Misia.

"I came here to kill the demon, and guard the glory of the deity, there is something wrong, and God will understand."

"Misia, please go back and take care of the city of Ye. I can solve the matter of the Vatican. I only see the surface, everything is under control, and the Holy See will not fall."

Another figure came out of the bronze temple, and a word came out.

Pope Francis finally came out.

Facing the two earth celestial beings, the **** made Misia's expression dignified, and he was making a balance in his heart.

He is a veteran Dixian, with strength above Taro Miyamoto and Francis, neither of which is his opponent. But if the two joined forces, he would have a hard time trying to win, and would need a hard fight.

In fact, there are more than two earth immortals, there is a more terrifying existence in the bronze temple, young devil!

"Are the angels afraid?" Someone said below.

"One person confronts two earth immortals. The angel may be under pressure."

"Huh, there is pressure in the face of the two earth immortals, and you have to kneel in the face of the teenager?"

"Alas, unless the supreme God comes, it is impossible to win."

"Oh, if God was really there, he would have shot."

"After all, it is defeated, so go home and wash and sleep."


Many people sighed and sighed with despair, no longer holding hope for God's messiah.

At this moment, suddenly a vision emerged from the sky, the starry sky disappeared, and a whereabouts of the moon was hidden. The cold cold wind roared, making people feel depressed, throbbing, and cold in their bones.

A powerful monk quickly saw the reason. It was a strong death air that was worshipping. It appeared in the sky in the north direction. It came out of the sky and violently exploded, and soon spread most of the sky.



The roar of cold and cold winds, there are thousands of ghosts crying, the original holy earth of the city of Van, seems to have become a **** on earth.

"That is……?"

Countless people changed color and looked up.

I saw that a huge **** vortex appeared in the sky, engulfing the blood of this heaven and earth like a whale swallowing a cow and drinking it. There was a sound of howling ghosts crying, exuding a force that trembles all beings.

Indistinctly, there was a powerful and powerful will hidden in it.

There have been several wars in this world, especially the unilateral massacre of the destruction of the light cannons in the Paradise Hall, which caused a large number of deaths and injuries to the United Army.

The **** vortex in the void sucked for a while, swallowing all the blood in the sky and earth in a fingertip.

"Ji-Ji-Ji ..., so delicious and pure human blood, I haven't tasted it in a long time. However, it's not enough!" Accompanied by an exaggerated laughter, a terrible sucking force from the **** vortex Outgoing.

Suddenly, on the ground, a figure rose from the sky, and flew towards the **** vortex, like a moth putting out fire.

Boom, Boom, Boom!

Before being sucked into the vortex, all the figures burst out of thin air and turned into a **** mist.

Suddenly, countless people were frightened, and the crowd on the ground was running like a headless fly, screaming endlessly ~ ~ God, save me! "

"I don't want to die!"

"God ambassador, why don't you take action? You are a **** ambassador, I curse you not to die."


God made Miasia look indifferently, any life died before him, and he never shot, because this is an existence he can't afford.

In the **** vortex of the void, a phantom faded and appeared, with a terrifying look, carrying a pair of huge bat wings, and exuding a mighty power, as if it were the master of this world.

One of the thirteen blood ancestors of the blood tribe, old thirteen, is here!

At this time, deep inside the Secret Realm of the Bronze Temple, Ye Tian suddenly opened his eyes and shot two bright beams like a galaxy, and said to himself: "A big fish has finally arrived."


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