Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1139: 1 finger defeat

"Hahaha, I can't think that the Holy Church and my blood clan will also have a day together to deal with the demons of Middle-earth. Sure enough, there is no eternal enemy, only eternal interests." The haha ​​of the thirteen blood ancestors came and cried with the ghosts The howling sound is very boring.

He turned into a **** Changhong, flashing the speed of the flash electrode, and was galloping.

And the big fingerprint of the blood evil he found out, it is necessary to touch the threshold of the bronze temple.

"Middle-earth demon sages can handle it by themselves, and don't bother your blood clan." The messenger Misia said, not giving face to the thirteen blood ancestors.

During his speech, he made an amazing move, holding a fiery halberd, and stab the **** hand of the thirteen blood ancestors.

Qiang Qiang!

The legendary sacred soldiers erupted in the hands of the gods with terrifying power. Thousands of killings came out like a galaxy, a vast expanse of land, boundless, and murderously rolling through the sky, shaking the world.


The sound of metal clashes was endless, and the sparks were splattering, as if hitting iron, dense and rapid.

The thirteen blood ancestor's blood-stained big handprint rune flashes, and various road marks are intertwined, solid and immortal, resisting the impact of the battle halberd killing the mans.

The Blazing Battle Halberd was urged to the extreme by the angel, and all the marks were restored, and more terrifying power was surging.

Moreover, the god's use of the fiery halberd was almost fascinating, and he punctured hundreds of times in a flash. The sharp halberd tip spit out an endless killing, dazzling and cold, spurting a ray of ripples in the road, killing the surprise world.

"Holy sect, do you dare to deal with me, is it to find death?" The thirteen blood ancestors screamed, opened their mouths, and a blood arrow flew out, the golden wind roared, the sharp cold awn, shining through the void, right God made a stab.


Almost at the same time, he was shocked, a big hand burst a blood hole, the palm of the hand was transparent, and there was blood flowing.

The large fingerprints condensed by the Qi of Blood Fissure burst, and the real hand was traumatized by the backlash.

How powerful the Thirteen Blood Ancestors is, everyone sees it, and it was incredible that it was injured by the gods. Although it is only a minor injury, it is far from fatal.

Countless people looked at this scene in amazement and couldn't help but worship God.

"Damn sacred child, you hurt me!" The thirteen blood ancestors were split.


God shook the battle halberd and smashed the blood arrows spit out by the thirteen blood ancestors.

"I said, the demons of Middle-earth can handle it by themselves, and don't bother your blood clan." The angel said coldly, and then stepped into the gate of the bronze temple.

The hall of paradise is the supreme sacred object of the sacred religion. It hides the great secrets. God makes it impossible for nature people to enter.

He wanted to rule that the pope had made a big mistake, and he had no personal grudges.

But it said that the main hall of heaven was originally hidden in the first holy city, Ye City, but it was later transferred to the city of Brahma.

The reason why he moved to the city of Vatican was because after the split of the Holy Church, the pope of the Holy See had a unique line, and the number of believers far exceeded that of several other brothers.

In addition, the unstable situation in Yecheng and frequent unrests are also a big reason.

"Holy priest, you shouldn't provoke me. The majesty of the ancient gods, not one of your ants can offend. Today I will clean up all of you together." .


He shot again, the giant claw of the grinding disc protruded, tearing the void, and grabbing the body of the angel with his real body.

He is more than three feet tall and has the general body of the Titans. The vitality in his body is like a furnace, and his power is so powerful that he can move mountains and throw Yue.

On the back of his hand, covered with a layer of hard **** scales, dark and shiny, as if cast from tungsten steel, indestructible.

His five fingers are comparable to the five arms of an adult. They are astonishingly thick. Their nails are like the claws of an eagle. They are curved to an extreme sharpness. They can easily tear the armor of the tank and smash a hill. They are indestructible, yet indestructible.

If it were not the legendary Holy Soldier of the Holy See, how could ordinary weapons hurt him?

I saw that the blood hole on the back of his hand had disappeared, and the wound healed in a very short time.

The blood race has a natural self-healing ability to damage, and it is difficult to kill, so it is also known as the undead Xiaoqiang.

The **** messiah ignored the thirteen blood ancestors and stepped into the bronze temple in one step. Then he prepared to close the gate of the Bronze Temple, shut the thirteen blood ancestors outside, and deal with the demons of Middle Earth alone.

However, when he stepped into the bronze temple, he was about to turn around to close the door. Suddenly, the whole person was stunned and looked straight into the depth of the bronze temple. There seemed to be something incredible there.

"It's a big word, you're just an ancient demon, and you're still the most evil blood demon, and dare to be called the ancient god?"

Accompanied by a sarcastic voice, a young man's figure was coming from the depths of the bronze temple.

The whole body of the teenager was shrouded in divine light, the body was crystal clear, the light was bright, and there was a haze of chaos, hazy, so that people could not see his face, it seemed very mysterious.

Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, the Four Spirits and Beasts divided into four directions, surrounded him in the center, all radiant, lively, and bloomed in the whole body, like the real mythical beast in mythology, set him off like a heavenly emperor.

His pace has a wonderful rhythm, which is in harmony with the Tao, one step halo, as if a golden avenue is spreading. Moreover, he can seduce the whole palace's vitality, and every step of the hall was rumbling, like thunder and roar.

His entire body seemed to be integrated into the hall, and there was an inexplicable charm flowing out, super yet majestic, and at the same time there was a trembling breath.

"Congratulations to the gatekeeper for leaving the gate." Taro Miyamoto bowed his head and finally let go of a dangling heart.

He now has a fascinating worship of Ye Tian, ​​as long as the teenager appears, everything can be turned into safety.

It can be seen from the vision spreading on Ye Tian at this moment that the five-day retreat has gained a lot.

"Well." Ye Tian nodded gently.

He ignored the presence of the messenger Misia, and looked out of the gate of the bronze temple. The thirteen blood ancestors were rushing in, violently terrifying.

He took a few steps, as if shrunk into inches, and soon approached the gate of the bronze temple.

The **** messiah was pressed by his momentum, his chest was sullen, his face was crimson, and he turned back involuntarily.

He is the messenger of God, and from Ye Tian he felt a breath of God, more divine majesty, his own instinct was suppressed, even breathing became difficult, and his thoughts were confused.


Misia slipped, UU read books www. turned upside down, withdrew from the bronze temple, and fell from the air.

Everyone was stunned and looked at this scene in disbelief.

"Are you the young devil of Middle-earth? Don't pretend to be a ghost and die for me!" Thirteen blood ancestors shouted angrily, hesitating for a second, the iron claw that was originally intended for the god's envoy caught Ye Tian.

Compared with the angel, he is more interested in Ye Tian.

In the face of the thirteen blood ancestors, the giant claws that could tear the heavy armor tanks apart, Ye Tian raised his hand gently, pointed out with a finger, and a small finger burst like lightning, bursting with a terrifying thunder sound.

In a negligible time, the giant claws discovered by the thirteen blood ancestors shattered into powder, and the blood mist rolled into a mushroom cloud.

A terrifying shock wave swept through, and the thirteen blood ancestors flew backwards, and also fell towards the ground, more embarrassed than the gods.

After a few days of savings, this blow of Gengjin Chaos God Thunder actually hit the destructive power of a miniature nuclear weapon!

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