Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1147: Rod of god

"Ten, nine, eight ..."

In the Mediterranean, in the combat command room of the Joint Army Aircraft Carrier, all the generals muffled and looked straight at the big screen, only the countdown of General Wilson ’s female assistant came out.

This is a sweet voice, crisp and sweet, exquisite and beautiful, but the people in the room heard it, clearly a note of death, declaring the moment of death of a group of people.

No one knows how powerful the rod of God can be, but everyone knows that many people will die, not only the objects they want to beheaded, but also more bad luck with bad luck.

Those who become major events are not inconspicuous.

As long as they can kill the young devil, maintain world peace, maintain Western orthodoxy, and kill or injure some people, even thousands of people and tens of thousands of people.


Over the city of Van, it seemed as though ten thousand thunders were roaring, and the momentum was earth-shattering. Six flames enveloped a series of sonic booms. They were coming out of the air, and the ring-shaped air waves spreading behind them highlighted the speed of their terror.

The fire there is so blazing, it's dazzling, it's a thousand times brighter than the sun, even if it's a hundred kilometers away, it can be seen with the naked eye. But in the vicinity, they dare not look directly, otherwise the retina can't bear it, and it will blind the eyes.

"Farewell, young demon king. The gate of heaven is closed to you, the gate of **** is opened for you. Be an ordinary person in the afterlife. If you still have an afterlife."

Under the door frame of the hall of paradise, the spirit of the angel made a smile to Ye Tianbaya, murky and very gloomy.

Although he was beaten to the flesh, the deity was not in pain because someone was more unlucky than him and would soon lose his life.

Moreover, he has a mystery, he can use the faith of the sentient beings to rebuild his body and regenerate himself, although his combat power will drop significantly.

"Only dead people enter heaven." Ye Tian squinted at him, instead of chasing down the hall of heaven, but turned into a streamer and rushed to the ground.

For him, saving the family is the most important thing, even if the messenger is run away.

"Go to heaven and have eternal life. How can you know the breadth of the true **** world if you are a tiny ant?" The angel sneered, though a ray of god's soul, he was proud like a penguin.

Driven by his ideas, the two gates of the Paradise Hall closed quickly.

When he was a little later than Ye Tian, ​​he also sensed that there was a big horror in the sky. He guessed it was nuclear weapons.

With the help of external nuclear weapons, killing the young devil is also a part of his plan. Now it seems that the plan has worked, the only thing that I didn't expect was that Ye Tian's strength exceeded his expectations and exploded his flesh.

However, as long as the young demon king and the glory of the patron saint can be killed, the body is beaten and worthwhile.

The angel is very open.

With a bang, the two gates of the main hall of heaven were closed, and here became a confined space made of copper and iron walls.

The angel finally sighed with relief and let go of his heart.

It is safe enough here, and the ten layers of forbidden protective circle outside can intercept almost all weapons on the earth today, even heavy bombs, even small and medium nuclear weapons.

Unless a large amount of annihilation-level nuclear weapons can be deployed, the human category wants to attack the Paradise Hall, and don't want to destroy the Paradise Hall.

This is the dwelling place of God, not at all accessible to humans.

"Damn, this guy escaped and didn't enter the hall of heaven."

In the aircraft carrier combat command room, the head of the Aurora small country's army, General Ballman, suddenly yelled.

The six God's rods were all blasted towards the hall of paradise and could no longer change direction.

"Yeah, it's a pity to close the door but hit other dogs." The commanding general of the Bourbon Empire also hated.

"Fortunately, the euphorbia of the **** envoy came down and hit the relatives and friends of the young devil, otherwise he might escape." The commanding general of the Sunset Empire solemnly said.

At this time, Ye Tian was rushing down from the void, rushing to a group of relatives and friends who were seriously injured, or a group of oil bottles.

"He can't escape!" General Wilson gritted his teeth.

Almost as soon as his voice fell, the beauty assistant shouted to zero.

At this time, the speed of the rod of God displayed on the large screen was 33 times the speed of sound.

The speed of sound is 340 meters per second, 33 times the speed of sound is 11220 meters per second, which is equivalent to 11.2 kilometers per second, which is just the speed of the second universe.

At this speed, artificial celestial bodies can break through the earth's gravitational **** and rush into outer space.

In the field of war killers, this may be the highest speed that mankind can create in history. Air and space fighters and hypersonic aircraft are far from this speed.

Of course, except for light weapons.

Because of a great war, the city of Vatican attracted the attention of the whole world, and hundreds of millions of people followed the situation here through live broadcast.

The space-based kinetic energy weapon, the "God's Wand" tungsten rod bomb, was the first kill created. Fortunately, it was witnessed by hundreds of millions of people at the same time.

In Tianyu above the city of Van, I do n’t know how many satellites have been collected, and all the major military powers have gathered, including of course my great power in the East.

"Faucet, phone, from the Sky and Sky Army."

Yancheng, the Longwei base camp, and Xiao Tianqi, the leader, are watching the live broadcast of the battle situation in Fancheng.

Ye Tian punched thirteen blood ancestors with a fist, and he saw his blood boiling.

Although the battle was not over yet, he knew there must be no suspense.

At this moment, suddenly the assistant came to tell him there was a call to answer.

"Airborne Corps?" He was stunned, because Long Wei had little contact with the Skyborne Corps.

He did not dare to neglect and he answered in a hurry.

"General Xiao, a hypersonic weapon was detected over the city of Vatican. The current altitude is 150 kilometers, 30 times the speed of sound, and the trajectory is straight down. It is initially suspected that it is a space-based concept weapon launched by the current great empire, the" rod of God "tungsten rod. Bomb, the target is the big hall hanging above the Vatican City. You quickly contact General Xiao and let them evacuate, and then you can't bear to imagine. "There was a quick voice from the phone.

"When did you know? Why didn't you say it early?" Xiao Tianqi was frightened first, then furious, because the time left for him was too short.

Ye Tian also discovered the rod of God at this time using his consciousness.

And I was detected five minutes ago by the Air and Space Corps, because there was no contact with Long Wei, and wasted a few minutes in vain before the call was made to Xiao Tianqi.

It was too late.

When Xiao Tianqi contacted Long Xiaoyun for the first time, the angel suddenly rose and a euphorbia fell down.

Xiao Tianqi took the phone in his hand and watched the staff of God invisible from the naked eye, photographed by the camera, and then bombarded on the hall of heaven. The whole process was ashamed.


"Finally won."

Yan Han ’s girl ’s dormitory, Qing Han watched the live broadcast on the computer ~ ~ When she saw Ye Tiansheng hit the messenger Misia, she was finally relieved and almost wept with joy.

"If only I could be so strong, I would be able to fight alongside you." She said to herself, the figure of a white woman, Su Mengyao, appeared naturally in her mind, and then she was sour.

Meng Yao's beauty is so beautiful that she can be regarded as a peerless beauty, and she feels ashamed.

"That is……?"

When a burst of fire appeared in the camera, and a huge sonic cloud burst into the ground with the overwhelming momentum, she suddenly woke up and suffocated.

"Damn young demon king, what did you do here?"

In the main hall of heaven, the envoy came to the deepest chamber and found the situation here, suddenly furious.

At this moment, the hall of heaven shook violently, and then a thick tungsten steel column reddish like a soldering iron appeared in front of him. Above the secret room, a huge hole was torn in the ceiling.

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