When Ye Tian rose to the sky, he was noticed by countless satellites and tracked throughout.

That golden Changhong, tearing the sky and earth, extremely arrogant and overbearing, is difficult to be noticed.

Ye Tian did not deliberately conceal.

It is not only the great empire that he wants to deter, but all the hostile organizations with evil intentions are the objects he wants to deter.

By now, it's time for the world to get a glimpse of the Shura God of War.

The news that he was still alive was quickly spread, and caused an uproar on the Internet in an instant. The limelight suddenly overwhelmed the rod of God and became the focus of the world again.

The news was like a thunder, which shocked the entire world. Countless people, countless families, major forces, and countries were all stunned and stunned.

"Is the message certain? That's the rod of God. How could he not die?"

"Just a golden bolt of lightning doesn't seem to explain anything."

"What? A dozen fighter planes were destroyed? How could it be determined that the young devil did it? Perhaps it was the aliens who were shooting."


As soon as the news came out, many people didn't want to believe it was true, and found various reasons to deny it, because the news was so shocking.

In the previous big discussion, under the rhythm of some people, the "Stand of God" was taken to the altar and was blown into the first killer of the end of the world than the nuclear weapon, and then all kinds of current great empire Overcome and dominate the world for two hundred years. The great powers of the East will not be able to develop it in fifty years. The fighting nation will tremble, ...

At the moment, when the news that the young demon was still alive came out, many people were beaten, and naturally they did not want to believe that the news was true.

However, the news has come out, the evidence is as strong as mountains, and no one's will is transferred.

"The young devil is rushing towards the Mediterranean Sea, where there is a fleet of aircraft carriers of the current empire. His thoughts are self-evident." Someone shuddered with fear.

"No one may say that the carrier battle group of the great empire of the world is running and rushing towards the Atlantic Ocean, but it is impossible to escape! We may have to witness a naval battle with one's own eyes. Fixed naval battle. "

"One person shakes the aircraft carrier battle group, it sounds too illusory. But what happened to the young demon, it is not surprising at all. I even believe that even if the alien fleet comes, he can be punished by him. Chop. "

"How can there be such a powerful existence in the world? It's unreasonable. If he can retreat all this time and force the current great empire to bow his head, he will really come to an era. No one in the world can check him."

"In any case, I still have faith in the current great empire. This is a country loved by God. It has a deep heritage that is not what you can imagine. Their nuclear arsenal alone can destroy the world several times. If true 'S fight for a fish, the ultimate loser must be the young devil. "

"That is, when the great empire of the world bowed its head, the young devil might not be able to dominate the world. There are thirteen blood ancestors in the legend of the blood tribe, each of which is so strong that it is unmatched. The blood ancestors came out together to avenge their revenge, and the young devil has ten lives that are not enough to watch. "


Contrary to the hustle and bustle on the Internet, the originally aggressive Western world was collectively silent this time. No one dared to support the current great empire again, and no one dared to mention the cruelty of the young devil.

Instead, all nations are silently praying that the young devil will not kill them.

Of course, the Western powers are secretly preparing, the whole army is mobilized, and the country enters a state of war, just in case.

As the old empire of the peninsula is the center of the battlefield, the three armed forces acted just five days ago, and various war weapons have entered a ready state until now.

Beep beep!

The defense center of the old peninsula suddenly sounded a violent siren, and the radar system accurately captured a figure.

"Master President, the young devil is out, are we going to intercept?" A general asked.

The commander-in-chief of Giovanni was trapped on the aircraft carrier of the current great empire. He could not return for a while, and the president temporarily assumed the post of commander-in-chief of the military.

"Submit the order, do not move the soldiers, do not allow interception, don't let me release a gun, it is best not to breathe in the atmosphere, otherwise I will personally send it to the military court."

"The fighter planes of the current great empire have entered and violated my airspace. Should we stop it?"

"Stop? Do you think you can stop it?"


"You do n’t have to shoot, the young devil will do it yourself. It ’s up to them to make trouble. We have made a mistake once and let the country fall into disaster. We ca n’t go wrong again and again. Now I just want to send away the young devil as the first star . "

"All follow the instructions of the President."


咻咻 咻!

In the dark night sky, a ray of fire was like a fluttering meteor shower, overwhelming, and shot away in the same direction, with a wailing scream, like a prelude to death.

This is a cluster of fighter planes. More than a dozen fighter planes are coming together and are carrying out a saturated attack on a golden rainbow ahead.

Each fighter is a sky fortress, incorporating the most sophisticated technology in the world. Combat power is claimed to be the first of its kind. It has had outstanding performance on the battlefield, and the slaughtered creatures can not be counted.

Every fighter is armed to the teeth, and the wide wings are covered with suspension, carrying an amazing amount of weapons and ammunition. Even if an armored division encounters this fighter cluster, they may be destroyed instantly, lose their combat effectiveness, or even be wiped out by the whole army.

In front of the firelight, a fiery golden rainbow came out of the air, facing the overwhelming metal storm without shining. The speed of this golden rainbow is too fast, so fast that there is no shadow, and I can't see clearly what it is.

In the horrified eyes of countless people, this golden rainbow rushed into the metal storm hit by a dozen fighters.

This should have been a picture of a sheep entering a wolf pack, looking for its own way of death, but it turned out that the wolf entered the flock. The dozen fighters that should have played the role of the big bad wolf became lambs to be slaughtered.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

It seems that fireworks are blooming ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The sky is full of splendor, the flames are skyrocketing, and the airspace with a radius of several kilometers is swept by the surging energy storm.

The metal storm, which was as dense as a copper wall and an iron wall, which could knock down an armored division, was slammed out of a straight hole by the golden Changhong.

"Is it really impossible to kill? I don't believe it!" Said a blond man with a stern expression. The fighter he sat down was like a beast, continually uttering his tongue.

His voice had just dropped, and his face suddenly stiffened. The dense metal storm wall in front of him was suddenly torn, and a golden rainbow appeared abruptly, hitting the fighter he sat down like a chariot.

The golden rainbow is a young man's figure. Although he is blonde and golden pupil, he is a typical oriental face with a clear eyebrow. He was very close to each other and he saw clearly.

He flicked the ejection button between the flashlights, but it was still a bit late.

With a bang, he even brought the fighter plane down, exploded into the sky, and spread a sea of ​​flames.

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