Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1212: Escaped 1

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"Aboriginal, let me die! I swear to kill all humans in this whole star."

The chirping sound of a young girl sounded like a silver bell, but it was full of murderousness.

Then, I saw a terrifying blast of thunder element magnetic jet blasted out, like an erupting torrent, overwhelming and blasting towards Ye Tian's location.


The sky collapsed, the mountains and rivers collapsed.

The Thunderbolt magnetic jet hit the ground, bombarded indiscriminately, and swept all the way. Wherever it passed, the solid hills were like paper paste, turned into powder, and the ground was plowed out more than ten meters wide. The long straight grooves, which are more than a foot deep, seem to have been eroded by running water for thousands of years. The rocks were not directly melted into magma, they were directly gasified, and the smoke of the wolf was transpired.

Even the void is blasting, and thousands of heavy ripples are swaying. It seems that it can't bear the destructive force of the thunder jet, and it must be penetrated.

The old man with silver pupils died, and the beauty in the short skirt finally had no worries. The magic gun fired crazy firepower, and Ye Tian never died.

"When I step on you, I can see you can say such a big talk." Ye Tian snorted.

Facing the overwhelming Yuan magnetic thunder jet, he did not dodge and faced away, holding the sword in his hand and slashing down with a sword.


Long Sword Zhengming, a thousand feet of spurs burst out of the air, with the sword, falling into the air, and chopped into the Thunder Elementary Magnetic Jet. If it was cut, the torrential Thunder Elementary Magnetic Jet Divided into two, and strong upstream, chopped off the hill where the short skirt beauty stood.

Along with the crack split by Jianmang, Ye Tianshen united the sword, suspended the Xuanhuang Daotai above his head, and hung down a thousand shields of chaotic gas, turning into a golden divine rainbow, and rushed past.

The beauty of the short skirt changed color, she drank again and again, and fired crazy.

When Ye Tian rushed to the front thousands of feet, she had to accept a reality, this violent thunder yuan magnetic firepower, it seemed that Ye Tian could not help.

In fact, at this time, Qianjian Jianmang had been worn away by the detonation of the Thunder Element magnetic jet, and the wear and tear was completely exhausted. Ye Tian relied on the Xuanhuang Daotai magic weapon protection body, relying on the sharpness of the Sun and Moon Excalibur, against the strong and arrogant upstream.


The torrent-like elementary magnetic thunder jet suddenly dissipated, and the world was instantly clear.

It was the short skirt beauty who stopped the firepower output. When switching the magazines, Ye Tian wanted to taste the destructive power of the magic nuclear projectile, and it was the highest order magic nuclear projectile of 100 tons.

Of course, the highest order is only relative to this magic gun, the highest can only play a hundred tons of magic nuclear projectiles. There are more powerful magic guns, which can blast thousands of tons of magic nuclear projectiles.

Ye Tian knew that the magic gun was terrible, and it was impossible for her to blast out the magic nuclear projectile. The Sun and Moon Excalibur flew out immediately and cut into the magic gun in the hands of the beautiful women in short skirts.

At the same time, Ye Tian snapped, a drop of rhinestone-like crystal clear Thunder Pill also shot at the short skirt beauty, because the speed was too fast, the originally round sphere, pulled into a drop shape.

This is Thunder Tribune, which he just collected in Siberia. This is a rare type, which can be used as a treasure medicine to refine and refine the body, or as a forbidden device to hurt people.

Ye Tian wanted to capture the beauty of the short skirt alive, and asked something out of her mouth, so she only shot a drop of Lei Jieye. The Sun and Moon Excalibur is also the body of the beauties, not the skirt beauty.

Between time and time, the Sun and Moon Excalibur shot in front of the short-haired beauty, spraying a thin tsunami-like sword gas, and stabbing the muzzle of the magic gun obliquely.

As a result, I saw that the short-haired beauty switched the magazine faster than Ye Tian imagined. Almost at the moment when the Sun and Moon God stabbed into the muzzle, a magic nuclear projectile screamed out, accompanied by enough foot The blinding glare of human eyes.


Although the Sun and Moon Excalibur is strong, it was still hit by a high-end magic nuclear projectile with nearly 20 times the speed of sound and a 100-ton weight.

If the Sun and Moon Excalibur stabs the muzzle obliquely, but stabs straight, and the hard bar on the front of the magic core projectile, under this heavy blow, it may be deformed or even broken.

Regardless of the energy burst, pure physical impact, a high-level magic nuclear projectile is better than a space-based kinetic energy weapon, the rod of God.

Although the speed of God's Staff is even better, it has 33 times the speed of sound, but its quality is ten times worse than that of high-level magic nuclear projectiles.

What penetrating power is the rod of God, which is not something that the Sun and Moon Excalibur can contend, let alone high-level magic nuclear projectiles.

Unless Ye Tianxiu reaches the middle and late stages of Dixian, he has the guts and ability to hold the Sun and Moon Divine Sword to split the rod of God.

If he had reached the golden pill stage, he would dare to take the rod of God, and even hit a vitality projectile with his fingers, he would be able to explode the rod of God.

Of course, this is a long-term future.

It was this impact that caused the magic nuclear projectile to deviate from a small angle. It originally blasted towards Ye Tian. As a result, Ye Tian passed by and torn the chaotic energy shield of the Xuanhuang Daotai.

A thousand miles away, at twenty times the speed of sound, the magic core projectile flew to the horizon.

After walking away from the ghost gate, Ye Tian couldn't help but feel terrified.

He should have dodged when he sacrificed the flying sword, but he did not dodge.

"Damn it!"

Just as she was about to blast out the second magic nuclear projectile, a horrible scene happened. An inconspicuous droplet-like crystal clear liquid hit her in the sky, and suddenly burst into a violent thunder plasma, She engulfed her in an instant, and rushed away in all directions like a torrent, covering the whole mountain in a blink of an eye.

This mountain was already riddled with holes due to the powerful recoil of the magic gun. After being shrouded by the Thunder Plasma, it was bombarded, like boiling soup and snow, into pieces. It melts and turns into hot red magma, and some also directly gasify.

After a while, the energy of Thunder Tribulation Liquid was exhausted, and the mountain had disappeared, leaving only a large pit with a diameter of ten feet, and the magma at the bottom of the pit was surging.

With just a drop of thunderstorm liquid, the erupting energy is so powerful, it is simply appalling. One can imagine how devastating crit monks a monk would experience when he thundered.

The beauties in short skirts floated up and down in the magma, holding the magic spear in their arms, motionless. The purple-and-pink battle armor on her body is totally unrecognizable, black and burnt, and some parts are even damaged, but it is not a big deal. Her life should be okay, maybe she was just comatose.

Ye Tian reached out a big hand, manifested Chaos Jinguang Shen Palm, and grabbed her directly.

But at this moment, she suddenly opened her eyes, and then set up the magic moving lance, it was necessary to give Ye Tian a bullet.

Ye Tian was taken aback, and the big hand that he found suddenly stopped.

However, none of the beautiful women in short skirts pulled the trigger frantically, and none of the magic nuclear projectiles exploded.

The gun broke abruptly.

"Come on, don't struggle." Ye Tian couldn't help laughing, and his big hand continued to catch. UU reading

"Damn Aboriginal, you never want to catch me."

Amid the angry squeal, a round altar appeared in the hands of the short skirt beauties, only slap big, as if made of Shenyu material, crystal clear, glare flowing, runes flashing, beautiful and beautiful.

This is the Xuanguang Observatory, which is engraved with the teleportation circle, which can open the space-time channel.

However, like this small Xuanguang Observatory, the transmission distance is limited and cannot be transmitted across the stars.

"I will come back and kill all the stars, you will wait for me."

At the last whisper, the beautiful woman in the short skirt was enveloped by the glory of Xuanguangtai. The figure and Xuanguangtai disappeared instantly.

Ye Tian's palm fell, and the lava was splashing, but he only caught an empty space.

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