Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1248: Teenager shot

"Damn, why did the young demon fly over to us? Wouldn't it be seen that we were secretly photographing him? Kitashima-kun, please put the camera down quickly." The beautiful reporter shouted with fright at Huarong.

"No, I have to bravely take him down, so that people all over the world can see his ugly face." Beidaojun's forehead suddenly jumped out of several green muscles, which was generous and exasperated.

Although he was also scared to urinate and trembling all over, he forced himself to calm down, exhausted all his strength, and locked the camera's lens to the **** figure that was struck down by the volley.

This precious shot was broadcast live to thousands of households.

In the underground bomb shelters, countless televisions are also broadcasting live, and thousands of people are watching it seriously, intently.

Through the Internet, this precious lens has been spread to all parts of the world, and it has been followed by more people, hundreds of millions.

"This is not the young devil I know. The young devil I know, punish evil and promote good, help justice, kill only those who should kill, and will never kill innocents indiscriminately."

"He, wouldn't it be, got into trouble?"

"He is too young, his mind is not mature enough, he is not firm enough, he has grasped the power that he cannot control at this age. Once he is stimulated, or his mind is hot, he can easily do something wrong."

"I also think that the young devil is in danger. He will know by comparison. His previous qi is golden, giving a sense of nobility, now it is bloody, giving a sense of evil, and it is clearly depraved. Enchanted."

"So, isn't this world dangerous? Even the current great empire has been maimed by him, and this world has no power to check him."

"Who can tell me what to do? Is it too late for immigration to Mars?"


There was a lot of talk on the Internet, and there was a lot of talk, all about the young devil.

What the "Junior Demon King" just did in the current great empire is very popular, but looking back, it is still too radical, and it is not something a mature person can do.

Although the world's great empire has committed all kinds of crimes, all kinds of anti-human beings, all kinds of anti-societies, and the world's peaceful, stable and prosperous **** stick, but they are not willing to use their will to kill the three armed forces.

As soon as this happened, the criticism of the young devil on the Internet was overwhelming, thinking that he was cold and ruthless, and that he was **** and violent.

There are also countless elites standing on the moral commanding heights, criticizing the young demon king, calling out justice for the current empire, and listing the contributions of the current empire to the world. In all words, without a great empire in the world, there would be no world today. All mankind should be grateful to Dade. Even if there are all kinds of mistakes, we must choose to forgive.

Of course, all the discussion only stops at the discussion, and all the verbal criticisms only stop at the verbal criticisms. In the face of absolute power, this is just a few jumps, pale and weak.

However, there are some sufficiently savvy people who look to the east and think about their immigration plans. Their far-sighted eyes can predict that the scenery in the East will be better for a long time to come.

Bang, boom!

The void seemed to be thundering, and the sound of popping was repeated.

The **** Changhong grew thicker and thicker, and the **** figure wrapped in it became clearer and clearer.

Along with this terrible figure, there is an overwhelming spiritual will that runs through the void, sweeping through the earth and passing by, causing waves of shock.

The invisible coercion is like a mountain of Taishan, and it can't be penetrated. It is hiding in an underground shelter of tens of meters deep, which can't be avoided.

Thump, thump!

Someone keeps falling down, or kneeling, or paralyzing, and even the internal organs are overwhelmed, halo and rest.

Kitajima suddenly felt that instead of carrying a camera on his shoulder, it was a piece of iron lump of the same size, which pressed his internal bones to rattle, muscles tight, and bulging with ribs.

"I Taro Kitajima, never fall!" He bit his teeth, squeezing every strength of his body, his eyes almost glared out of his eyes.

"I don't want to die, I'm still young, I..."

Kitajima’s partner, a beautiful reporter, was pale as paper and was about to start crying, staggering, crooked, and standing unsteady.

"You will not die."

At this moment, suddenly a low and indifferent voice came.

The beauty reporter found out that there was a young man standing beside him, with his hands behind his back, a straight posture, and a pestle that looked like a pillar, and it seemed that he was not affected by coercion at all.

The beauty reporter didn't appreciate the sadness, but cast an eye on caring for the mentally disabled.

Then, the beautiful reporter stepped forward and stumbled out.

Ten feet ahead of her, a young mother and a four- to five-year-old girl fell to the ground, and the little girl cried in fright.

"Mom, I'm afraid." the little girl cried.

"Yuri doesn't cry, her mother is here." The young mother comforted.

The beauty reporter kindly wanted to help the mother and daughter, but the heavy coercion and pressure made her difficult to take a step.

At this moment, the body of the young tiger next to her was shocked, and an invisible coercion was released, even reversing the coercion falling from the sky, stirring a ripple, and bursting into a deep roar.

The beauty reporter suddenly felt light, and the whole person ran quickly.

The same is true of Kitajima, and a pair of mothers and daughters who are ten feet away. The pressure on him is swept away.

"Young Demon King, die for me!"

At this moment, a thunderous sound of a clear sky suddenly came from the sky, shaking the sky over the entire Tokyo.

Naturally, this is the witch **** will shout, using the international language.

He was just learning in the course of a bombardment of the current great empire, and acquired a lot of knowledge of the earth.

At this level of existence, it is close to God. Not only the limbs are developed, but the brain is also very developed. The thoughts are outside, and they invade the earth’s brain. Knowledge is like the whale drinking water.

As soon as Wu Wu made this remark, the whole world was stunned, and countless people opened their mouths with doubts.

"What do you mean by the young devil?"

"Aren't you the young devil yourself?"

"This sound, it seems, is not the voice of the young devil!"

"What happened?"


In the eyes of countless people in the whole world, the figure wrapped in a **** storm fell on a wide street in Tokyo. The same street as Kitajima, but there is a distance of about twenty feet between them.

And among them, it happened to be the young mother and daughter, and the beautiful reporter who was still running.

The voodoo will land at several times the speed of sound, resulting in motion similar to that of a massive missile, and burst.


Just to hear a deafening sound spread across the world, the hard asphalt road was instantly hit by a huge pit, countless earth and rocks were flying, wrapped in a terrible **** storm, turned into a shock wave, sweeping in all directions, and a bombardment , Torn everything along the way.

On both sides of the road are high-rise buildings. Shock waves are hindered. They mainly swept across the road in two directions. Like the stormy waves, the bang banged the ground of the asphalt road.

The camera carried by Beidaojun shouldered this scene accurately.

At that moment, he was only 0.01 seconds away from death.

However, his look was unprecedentedly calm, his spine was straight and his body was not shaking or shaking.

The middle mother and daughter are closer to death, only 0.005 seconds.

The beauty reporter is among them, and the time to death should be around 0.007 seconds.

Well, time is negligible.

At this moment, the whole of Tokyo saw the live broadcast of tens of millions of citizens, collectively silent and silent. Their nerves are all tense, some people's teeth are clenched, some people's iron fists are clenched, and they all wish to rush to the front line with lightning, use the tiger body to block the violent shock wave, and save the poor mother and daughter, The dedicated beautiful journalist and the master of the camera are in the front line between life and death.

Unfortunately, they can't do it!

At this moment, the teenager who was not far from Beidao Jun stepped out sharply, and the figure just appeared in the live broadcast.


In the astonished eyes of countless people, the teenager fell to the ground, and the ground sinked into a big pit.


As the earth and rocks flew over, an earthy thunder and thunder cracked the ground of the asphalt road, like a ground dragon turning over, and lightning flashed out like a blast wave.

"Xiao Tian?"




A group of people watching the live broadcast in Villa No. 8 Dongshan, Tianhai City, at the same time recognized the master of this back, very determined.

Yes, this person is Ye Tian, ​​who stepped on it and displayed the five elements of Chaos and the Earth God Thunder.

With the help of Xuanguangtai Teleport, Ye Tian came to Tokyo in advance many times faster than Wujin.

The reason why the battlefield was chosen in Tokyo was that Ye Tian hid a little selfishness, adding a little chaos to Dongying, and a little revenge.

Wu Shen will know that he is here because he received his thoughts and was deliberately drawn by him.


Just one foot in front of the young mother and daughter, the earthy chaotic thunder and **** shock wave confronted each other like a mountain cracked stone, bursting into a loud bang.

The torrential shock wave was torn open at once, was split in two, and rushed across the sides of everyone's body without causing any harm.

The chaotic shoal **** Lei went straight to the witch god, but was smashed by the witch god.


"Who is this person?"

"Why does this figure look familiar?"

"It must have been a great **** from In the underground bomb shelter in Tokyo, there was a quiet first, and there was a sudden thunderous cheer.

Kitajima quickly adjusted the camera lens, but only one back shot was captured.

The beauty reporter turned her head and looked suspiciously. She couldn't believe it was the teenager who thought she was a fool to save her.

The young woman and the woman reporter reacted in the same way and they couldn't believe it.

"Big brother." The little girl shouted loudly, surprised and happy.

At this time, North Island Jun was about to rush to Ye Tian and shoot the front face. Suddenly the figure of Wu God appeared, and the tiger's body flicked in shock, and the camera was almost thrown out.

It turned out to be a strange face, not a young devil!

At this moment, the whole world was stunned.

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