Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1250: Lost again

"Get out of here, I know you are not so crisp!"

Facing the ruins of the tall buildings outside Baizhang, the witch **** will roar, and the whole person is like a great demon king. Overwhelming.

At this moment, countless people who ate melons screamed, and their eyes were almost staring out.

Everyone thought that the young devil was crazy enough, and the pressure overwhelmed the world, and no one could outright, and now there was a more crazy one now.

"Everything falls, and the young demon encounters a dead rival. I'm afraid it will be more fierce this time."

"Although this guy with a hammer is certainly not a good person, I just can't help but want to like him."

"It's so cool to see the young demon being beaten!"


All over the world, the voices of gloating and gloating are ringing, and many people clap their hands and applaud.

For a long time, it was the young devil who repaired others, punched and kicked in the wild, without losing a lot. Many people have long seen him as unpleasant, dreaming to see how he was beaten, and now finally got his wish.

However, the next word the witch **** will say to the camera lens will make the boiling schadenfreude suddenly come to an abrupt end:

"Listen, the indigenous people of the earth, from now on, I will rule this star! I am your supreme god. Dare to blaspheme, kill no amnesty!"

The witch **** shook his voice like a thunder, an irreversible spiritual will, through the sound waves, stirred in everyone's heart, and there was a faint expression of the mood of the law.

If ordinary people say this, they will definitely be considered as mentally retarded, and their heads are funny.

But these words came out from the mouth of Wujin, no one thought so, and they were shocked at the first time.

Sorcerer of course will not be talking about playing.

He originally wanted to destroy the earth, and buried his nephew and old wind, but now he dismissed this idea. Because of the destruction of the Star Teleportation Array, he could not go back for the time being, and he might not even be able to return to the Great Western Mother Star for a lifetime.

Rather than killing all the creatures on the earth, it is better to leave them a way to live, to be a soil emperor in the lower realm, and to be a star emperor, wouldn’t it be beautiful?

"Want to dominate the earth, let me pass this level first!"

In the sound of clang, the ruins of the high-rise building outside Baizhang suddenly burst into a turbulent chaotic thunder, like a volcanic eruption. The violent breath rolled the world, blowing the sand and rocks, and cleared a large area of ​​ruins. Only the figure of a teenager was left standing.

The young man was wearing a damaged thunder uniform, covered with golden light, and his body was like a golden glaze. Every pore was spraying thin Ruixia, exuding monstrous fluctuations, and his eyes were like blades, and he glanced at the witch god.

In his right hand, he held a brick-shaped Xuanhuang Daotai, which was turbulent and turbulent.

"Is this your weapon? A brick?" Witch God will sneer, his eyes full of contempt and sarcasm.

He was carrying Thor's Warhammer in one hand, wearing a gold armor, and wearing a red cloak on the back. He was equipped with godlike equipment and set Ye Tian like a beggar.

His momentum is also in the sky, enveloped in a group of **** battle gangs, the whole person is like a bottomless abyss, swallowing all the power of the world, and filled with a terrible aura.

"A brick can still kill you!"


As soon as the voice fell, Ye Tian stomped on the ground and stepped out of the ground into a huge deep pit, rising from the ground, accompanied by a dazzling chaotic golden light, traversing a parabolic trajectory, blasting away at the witch **** outside Baizhang .

Halfway through, he raised his right arm and smashed down holding the Xuanhuang Daotai.

He really used Xuanhuang Daotai as a brick.


Although the Xuanhuang Daotai was only the size of a slap, in one shot, it was shocked by the waves of terror like Wang Yang. It was extremely heavy, and the void was almost collapsed.


The witch **** narrowed his eyes and was a little surprised.

In his field of vision, he only felt that a high mountain and a mountain was hitting himself. The tyrant's might was suffocating, and even torn apart the soul of the gods, making him deeply disturbed.

However, this unrest only lasted for a moment, and passed away in a flash.

"The magic weapon is good, that is, people are too bad." The witch **** shook his head and said lightly.

Then, he did not shy away, moving the Thor's Warhammer in his hand 360 degrees, pulling out a blazing circular trajectory, from bottom to top, facing the Xuanhuang Dao platform that Ye Tian smashed down. Attack against attack, with a hard touch.


In Thunder God's Warhammer, thousands of Thunder Mansions sprang out thinly, converging into a huge thunderstorm, making the voids buzzing and shaking.

At this moment, time seems to be still, and the whole world seems to be still.

All the people closed the conversation box, stopped typing on the keyboard, held their breath, widened their eyes, and looked at the two godlike figures in the camera.

"Big Brother, you must win!" the little girl shouted loudly, holding hands with pears in the shape of a horn, which was pressed against her mouth.

"Yuri, don't call it."

Her mother was startled, lest the shouts would be heard by the witch god, and she would quickly stop it.

"Mom, don't be afraid, there is a big brother." Youli said to her mother seriously, not nervous at all, not afraid at all.

She was really scared when the Witch God was going to shoot her just now, but when a big golden palm suddenly appeared in front of her, blocking the light of destruction, all the fear in her heart vanished.

Later, when the elder brother shot again, hit a chaotic air, took her and her mother, and threw her to a safe place in the distance, she felt more at ease.

At this moment, she looked up at her pretty little face, staring at her big round eyes, looking at the golden figure slamming down in the sky. Great God, shoulders can carry mountains, spine can support the sky.

With this big brother present, it seems that all dangers are not worth mentioning, and all enemies can be easily defeated.

"This big brother, I feel unexpectedly reliable!"

She thought in her heart that a light smile gradually appeared in the corner of her mouth.


At this moment, a tremendous loud noise came from the field, Ye Tian's Xuanhuang Daotai and the Wujin God's Thor's Warhammer hit hard, bursting out a ball of fiery light like a nuclear explosion, and turned into a shock wave sweeping in all directions, engulfing all.

Tall buildings on both sides of the street were shaken by countless cracks, crumbling and feeling that they might collapse at any time.

Ye Tianhu's body shook, his arm burst into numbness, the tiger's mouth cracked, and hemorrhage splashed, but he failed to grab the Xuanhuang Daotai and flew out all of a sudden. And his whole body also leaned forward, flew out, and lost again.

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