Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 130: Su Meng fights

He Kaiwen and Xie Caijun also looked surprised. They knew that Lin Feng could never be Ye Tian's opponent, and Su Meng stepped in to make it clear that he was worried about eating salty radish. However, with regard to Lin Yu, they looked forward to it and heard the prestige of his young master, hoping that Lin Yu could beat Ye Tian for a bit of anger. Su Meng stood up at this time, making a mess!

When Lin Yu heard Su Meng said Ye Tian had taught him boxing, he was basically certain that Ye Tian was the young master in Brother Liang Fei's mouth. There may be many young people called Ye Tian in Tianhai, but there are only a handful of people who can martial art. Coupled with the calmness shown by Ye Tian, ​​facing him as a strong man without changing his face, and other various performances, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to do it.

In this way, Lin Feng challenged Ye Tian and the possibility of losing the battle is very high. Now, since Su Meng stood up, let's play with the kid of Su family. Lin Yu has no objection, because Lin Feng will surely win, even if he kills the chicken, tamarin, and Ye Tian.

Ye Tian taught Su Meng Quan, and Lin Yu also pointed out Lin Feng. Therefore, Su Meng and Lin Feng played against each other, representing Ye Tian and Lin Yu.

Ye Tian didn't expect that Su Meng, who had been very persuaded just now, would stand up and insist on his behalf. He was able to make such a statement, and he had a conscience, and he did not teach him boxing in vain.

"Are you sure you want to fight for me?" Ye Tian teased.

"Why are you afraid I can't beat him?"

"You really can't beat it."

"Shiba don't look at it for three days! Ye Brother, don't look at people with old eyes. I'm just half your apprentice, you have to look forward to my order." Su Meng refused.

"I'm for your good." Ye Tian smiled bitterly. He said what he said just now, and he had his own reasons.

Su Meng is just a half-bucket little martial artist. He once learned taekwondo and can be considered to be successful. Later, Ye Tian taught him a few ways of boxing, but he just taught them a few ways. He has been busy practicing and has no time to point him. In such a short time, Su Meng couldn't learn how.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, came from a martial arts family and was a professional martial artist from a young age.

In terms of temperament, the two are different. Although Su Meng is a rough man, he still has his books angry, while Lin Feng is a fierce warrior. He always stands upright and walks. Opening and closing, at first glance, are people who practice martial arts.

Su Meng was desperate, and he did not listen to Ye Tian's advice, he had to prove himself.

"Tianhai Su Meng, ask for advice one or two." Su Meng held his fists in both hands, solemnly.

Lin Feng's face sank. "What kind of thing do you consider to be my opponent?"

"Why, are you afraid of defeat and dare not fight with me?" Su Meng grinned, yelling at each other, and looked a little bit serious.

"You're looking for death, boy. Well, since you seek your own way of death, if I can't do it for you, wouldn't it be nice to you ?!"

Lin Feng's complexion instantly gloomed, with a few traces of crickets, Kaka Kaka, the finger joints crackled and crackled. He was wearing short shorts, and his thin body suddenly burst into muscles, and a strong sense of strength poured out, turning into a person.

Alas, Ye Tian's eyes stared, only to find Lin Feng's short-handed shorts familiar. When he and Lin Zimo passed Li Yuxuan, the big men standing at the door were wearing the same short shorts as Lin Feng.

It seems that they are all from the Lin family, no wonder that Mr. Lin Zimo is called Miss. The Lin family is a martial arts family. This style of short-handed shorts is afraid that the Lin family customized exercise clothes.

"What incomprehensible for the Lin family to do at Li Yu Xuan tonight?" Ye Tian wondered.

Speaking of Su Meng, in the face of Lin Feng's threat, the boy was not afraid, his waist was upright, his tiger's body was shocked, and he was quite overpowered.

In size, Su Meng is a lap bigger than Lin Feng, and he is a head taller than Lin Feng. Everyday everyone sees that he is very strong, a lion and a tiger, one can play several, but at this moment compared with Lin Fengyi, he feels that his figure is a little bit weak.

This is nothing!

If Su Meng is a piece of iron, then Lin Feng is a piece of steel. Although steel belongs to iron, it is the best in iron. A piece of iron must be refined to become steel, and Su Meng is just a piece of ordinary iron.

This is how they intuitively feel to everyone. The gap between the two is quite obvious.

So much so, when Su Meng showed his demeanor, he got a hiss instead of a good cry.

There are not a few people who know Su Meng at the scene. They all know how many people they have. They fight in schools, and they can deal with small messes. It is not enough to face real martial artists. Therefore, many people are not optimistic about him.

As for Lin Feng, although everyone met for the first time, knowing that he came from the martial arts Lin family in Linjiang, he naturally favored him.

Everyone's booing was clearly insulting when Su Meng heard it.

Su Meng was angry, but before fighting with Lin Feng, he cracked and punched, and wanted to show his power first, so that everyone would know that he is not a casual person. He did not perform a punch demonstration. A punch punch demonstration not only booed louder, but also some people laughed out loud and made sarcasm.

"What the hell? Is this dancing?"

"My grandpa's Taijiquan is better than him ~ ~ Isn't he learning Taekwondo? Legend has it that the black belt has five stages. Taekwondo is mainly based on the leg method, and the boxing method is not good. Besides, his boxing It doesn't seem to be Taekwondo. "


The boxing skills demonstrated by Su Meng couldn't understand directly, showing a breath that was low to burst.

In fact, Su Meng demonstrated exactly the boxing techniques taught by Ye Tian, ​​a simplified version of Wu Ji Shen Quan, but he played a kind of feeling that drawing a cat would not be an anti-dog, and he did not understand the essence.

"Wu Ji Shen Quan" is regarded as the best boxing method in the world of cultivation. It has the reputation of immortal boxing and ordinary people cannot learn it at all. So Ye Tian simplified the boxing method, and picked a few tricks to teach Su Meng to learn and use.

In just a few days, Su Meng was afraid that he didn't learn well. After all, even if it was a simplified version of Wu Ji Shen Quan, Su Meng wanted to learn it. Fortunately, this boy is strong enough and has a martial arts base, which is easier to learn than ordinary people.

"Wu Ji Shen Quan" has a characteristic. It is ancient and clumsy. Its moves look soft and soft like water. It flutters like catkins. It has a certain artistic conception of Tai Chi. Unlike other boxing methods, it is as powerful as a wolf. But as soon as it was hit, the power burst out.

This is like a guide, which looks harmless to humans and animals when flying in an air cruise. It is no different from other spacecraft, but once it hits the target, it will burst into a terrible power.

This book's first release comes from 17K Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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