Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1357: Deprivation of cultivation

"Boy, dare you slap me in the face, I want your life!"

The roar of a white-haired old woman sounded, holding a dragon-head crutch in her hand, which seemed to be made of sacred iron, extremely heavy, and slammed down in the direction of Ye Tian.

The crutch glowed, the runes shone, and a dragon-shaped phantom appeared. It was as thick as a high-voltage electric pole, and it was powerful and powerful, just like the great stick raised by the monkey sun, which will burst into the sky with a stick.

It was the old white-haired woman whose face was smashed by Ye Tian just now, Dongyue Taoist called her Azhu, and the two were teachers and apprentices.

The white-haired old woman made a strong shot, playing the pinnacle of her life's combat power, to kill Ye Tian with one blow.

In fact, she was lying in ambush here in advance. Originally, she wanted to take advantage of Ye Tian being besieged by the big formation, but she didn't expect Ye Tian to easily break the big formation.

Now that Ye Tian is suppressed by the formation, the pressure is like a mountain, and he is almost immobile by the torrent of chaotic energy. It is a good time to kill him, so the old white-haired woman makes a decisive move.


Another young man in white yelled, with a violent murderous intent, holding a long sword, cutting it out crosswise, sweeping out a cold light of sword light, and hitting Ye Tian's waist.

"Boy, did you just hit your **** lightly, right? Dare to come and find death!" Changbai Sanzu shouted angrily.

"Death is imminent, and I dare to talk a lot. The furnace of my clan has been opened to you, and I will train you for seven or forty-nine days." The white-clothed youth sneered, and then shouted to the Dongyue Taoist: "Master, you still Don’t you want to kill? Just now!"

The mana in the palm of Dongyue Taoist surging crazily, urging the diamond to cut, the flaming silver shining, like a silver moon, the divine power is surging, and a breath of diamond to strong is permeated.

Obviously, he is also preparing to shoot.

However, I don’t know why, Daoist Dongyue suddenly became horrified, and he felt a bad premonition. He only felt that the phantom that was submerged by Chaos Qi on the battlefield was terrifying. He stood there quietly, like a demon god. , Shenwei overwhelming the world, invincible.

At the moment when the Dongyue Taoist hesitated, the figure on the formation turned around, and the curved back suddenly straightened, like a javelin, the whole body was golden, golden and bloody, calm and calm, as if suppression did not exist.


Ye Tian raised his fist and slammed it out, his fist was like a big golden wave, furiously for nine days, and the void seemed to be punched through, tearing open a dark crack.

"Not good!" Only then did Taoist Dongyue know that his premonition was true, Ye Tian was not suppressed by the formation, and still maintained a strong combat effectiveness.

"Brother Ye Dao, please be merciful." He yelled quickly, and took away the diamond in his hand.

However, Ye Tian ignored it at all.


A big dragon phantom burst into pieces, turning into a terrifying energy storm, scrolling in all directions.

At the same time, the leading cane in the hands of the old white-haired woman also turned into powder. The hands holding crutches were also suffering, blood splashed, bones and pieces of meat flew around, and blood and blood were blurred.

"Ah!" the old white-haired woman screamed.


Then Ye Tian slapped it again, smashing the long sword in the hands of the young man in white, and people flew out.

"Your clan is too arrogant, don't ask questions, and want to put me to death again and again, do you really think I'm bullying?" Ye Tian's face sank, his voice cold.

He stood on a high platform with a layer of radiance on his body, and every pore bloomed with immeasurable light, like the emperor awakening and the king over the world, with a tendency to swallow the mountains and rivers. Not only did he show signs of being suppressed by the formation, but the formation was suppressed. The Chaos Qi that was originally washed down started to flow backward.

"They are also motivated for a while. Brother Ye Dao don't have the same knowledge as them. I apologize to Brother Ye on their behalf." Taoist Dong Yue pleaded with an apologetic expression and looked very sincere.

"Capital sins are forgiven, but living sins are inevitable! I have taken all of your mana and go to be mortals, lest you still do evil in the future."

While speaking, Ye Tian waved his hand abruptly, and a cloud of chaotic aura whizzed out, and countless runes flickered in it, surging out an aura that made sentient beings tremble.

"This is...?" Taoist Dong Yue was shocked, he couldn't see through this chaotic energy, but his intuition was terrifying.

However, he wanted to stop, but it was too late.

The white-haired old woman avoided, but also failed to escape.


The chaotic air entered the body, and the white-haired old woman suddenly stiffened, and her body surging to the peak of the horror of the gods, suddenly like a river bursting a bank, slumped for thousands of miles, and fell straight down. In an instant, the divine realm reached the transformation realm, and then the inner strength, the outer strength, and finally turned into a mortal, the mana disappeared completely.

What's bad is that without mana, Shouyuan will also be deprived of her. Her white hair fell like autumn wind sweeping leaves, the wrinkles on her face deepened, her back also buckled down,...

"Ah, my cultivation base! Impossible, it's not true! Damn boy, you pay me back." The old woman yelled, almost wailing, spitting out teeth. When a sentence was finished, the teeth fell out of her mouth. Up.

"What kind of spell are you that can deprive people of their cultivation?" Daoist Dongyue asked Ye Tian in fear.

Ye Tian ignored him and looked at the boy in white.

"Master, save me!" The white-clothed boy's face was pale, almost out of fright.

"Brother Ye Dao, Ye Tianren, he is still a child, young and vigorous, please let him go." Taoist Dongyue said, both frightened and angry, and his body trembled.

"What about children, if you don't educate, I will help you educate."

Ye Tian was no longer soft-hearted this time, and waved his big hand again, a cloud of chaotic energy intertwined with countless runes surged out and rushed towards the boy in white.

"Young man, you are too strong, do you really think I don't exist?" Daoist Dongyue finally got angry, angrily rushed out from the sky cover.

With a wave of his sleeve cannon, the big sleeve suddenly grew bigger, as if he had used a kind of means in his sleeve, bursting out a force of absorption, to **** the chaotic rune played by Ye Tian into the big sleeve~ But it's useless, the chaotic rune is unmoved, and can't move at all.

"Master." The white-clothed boy cried and started to urinate. Depriving him of his cultivation is even more uncomfortable than killing him.

"go with!"

Daoist Dongyue's complexion was solemn, and more than a dozen streams of light suddenly burst out of the sleeve gun, with different colors, including gold, purple, and black...

Each streamer is a talisman, some are very old, some are brand new, and all are rare treasures in the world.

Bang, bang, bang...

More than a dozen runes burst one after another, forming a barrier in the void to block the chaotic runes played by Ye Tian.

"It's useless, this is the law of chaos, unless you can use the power of the law to fight." Changbai Shenzu said.

"What? The Law of Chaos? He is a young man of the gods, and he is not a god, how can he control the law?" Taoist Dongyue said in shock, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Otherwise, how can I say that my human brothers are geniuses, and you are useless." Changbai Canzu said jokingly.

Sure enough, as it said, the chaotic rune seemed like a divine light, which could penetrate everything in the world and easily penetrate all the rune barriers.

"Ah, no!"

In the end, the chaotic runes entered the body in the eyes of the young man in white clothes.

Like the old white-haired woman, his body was stiff at first, and after a few seconds, his cultivation was completely wiped out.

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