Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1385: War ended

"You also have Saint Soldiers?" The Fourth Blood Progenitor was surprised.

Every sage soldier is unique and rare, and only the supreme clan and great religion can own it.

As soon as the Sun Moon Divine Sword came out, the stigmata manifestation of the sun, moon and stars, as well as the breath of just reaching the sun, suddenly crushed the fourth blood ancestor's butcher knife. How could he not be shocked?

However, immediately he recovered.

The holy soldiers must at least be controlled by the earth immortals. Ye Tian is only a god, and it is impossible to exert the power of the holy soldiers.

But in the next second, when Ye Tian opened a sword, his eyes instantly widened.


As if a star river was falling, the sky was gorgeous, and the boundless universe seemed to be split by this sword.

There are countless Chaos Thunders that followed the swordsman's slashes, which was even worse than his Thunder Purgatory.


The sonorous sound shook the earth, the flames splashed everywhere, and the sun in the sky was eclipsed, and the butcher knife suddenly retreated a hundred feet.

"Come again!"

Ye Tian bullied himself up, and another sword struck out, a bit more vigorous than the one just now.

"Damn, I fought you."

The butcher knife broke out, sublimated to the extreme, shining with a peerless blade, sharp and domineering, and shattered the sky.


Click! Click!

After repeated hard shocks, the butcher knife finally couldn't bear it, trembling violently, wailing bursts, a crack spread out, and it was about to break.

In fact, the butcher knife suffered internal injuries when struck hard with the three black gold **** iron arrows.

The level of the Sun Moon Divine Sword was even higher than the butcher knife, whether it was the number of stigmata or the material.

Ye Tian's arm was numb, and the tiger's mouth almost burst, and with every blow he played his supreme combat power, otherwise, how could he stabilize the butcher knife and eventually make the butcher knife rupture.

"Impossible, it's impossible. Why are the Saint Soldiers of my clan ruined?" The Fourth Blood Ancestor yelled, a little hysterical.

The fourth blood ancestor of his dignified blood clan, a generation of ancient gods, has lived for endless years, holding the supreme sacred artifact of the blood clan, he was defeated by a junior in the Age of Doom, which made him unacceptable.


I don't know if it was back to the light, but the butcher knife suddenly broke out again, and the momentum shocked the mountains and the mountains, the mountains shook, and boundless rubble fell down.

A blazing glow rushed out of the butcher knife, as bright as a divine sun, shining blindly, and suddenly turned into a huge white skeleton, which can be ten feet high, like a Titan skeleton.

The white skeleton is crystal clear like jade, but it has a metallic texture, as if it is a kind of divine iron jade, with flames beating in the eyes, and the whole body is filled with blood.

This blood light turned out to be strands of sword energy, splitting the void, and there were bursts of clank sounds.

"this is……?"

Countless spectators were stunned.

"Bone weapon spirit, go, kill this ant." The fourth blood ancestor roared and said the identity of the bone skeleton man, the weapon spirit of the butcher knife.

This kind of instrument spirit is not a sealed ancient soul, but is the interweaving of the rules of heaven and earth, smelting all ghosts, and endless golden sword energy, naturally born, and powerful.


The bone weapon spirit is like the same Titan Demon God, stepping through the void, rushing towards Ye Tian, ​​every inch of the bones in the whole body is shooting knife energy, like ten thousand swords, attacking Ye Tian indiscriminately.

At the same time, he waved the big fist of the house, smashing it like a meteor. His movements seem unfavorable, but they are as quick as lightning.

Qiang Qiang!

Ye Tian moved the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, slashing horizontally and vertically, hitting sparks everywhere, and the sky was chaotic.

The Bone Artifact Spirit is indeed powerful, and it can withstand the splitting of the Sun and Moon Divine Sword. It can only chop off a few bones at a time, not a full force.

However, after Ye Tian's fierce manipulation, the bones were still full of holes, almost turned into a pile of bone stubble.

After all, it is just a tool spirit, it has not evolved spiritual sense, and it has been injured during the butcher knife confrontation, how can it be Ye Tian's opponent?

At this time, I heard a voice coming from thousands of feet away:

"Bone weapon spirit, explode!"

Hearing the words of the Fourth Blood Ancestor, Ye Tian's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly backed away.

However, the white bone spirit chased after it, like a tarsal maggot, and a body of white bones creaked, collapsed abruptly, turned into condensed sword energy, and continued to shrink.


The explosion of the void sounded into one piece, which was caused by the collapse of the space, because when the white bones collapsed, the surrounding space was also distorted, as if absorbed in it, and finally condensed into a small sun-like flaming light spot.

A cold sweat broke out on Ye Tian's forehead. He suddenly thought of the Sword Realm. When the Sword Realm broke out, it was such a sign!

In the end, he couldn't get the distance, and the spot of light burst in the next second.


The ball of light, blazing like a small sun, suddenly expanded and exploded. The terrifying energy was like a nuclear explosion, sweeping hurricane in all directions, and everything tangible was turned into dust.

A large area of ​​void was shattered, the mountains on the ground were destroyed, and a mushroom cloud rose up on the spot.

At this moment, the world was eclipsed.

The Bone Spirit is the fruit of the butcher knife, and blew itself no less than the sword world.

"Young Devil..." Countless people yelled loudly, looking nervous.

"Hahaha, finally died." There are countless people gloating.

The fourth blood ancestor used his soul to control the butcher knife, temporarily making a weapon, hovering in the midair thousands of feet away, carefully watching.

"Should be dead?" He muttered in his heart.

But the next second, his face turned dark, and he took a breath.

A golden figure walked out of the mushroom cloud, with its head hanging over the sky, and the chaotic air hanging down. The golden sacred body that was mobilized to the extreme was covered with scars, as if it had been cut by thousands of swords.

Ye Tian's expression was ugly, and his eyes fiercely fluttered. He also didn't expect the Fourth Blood Ancestor to use this ultimate move. If it weren't for the body protection, he would definitely be injured more severely.

"Fortune telling you." The fourth blood ancestor controlled the butcher knife, and immediately flashed away.

Because it was thousands of feet away, Ye Tian shot a sunset arrow, but failed to catch up, and finally let the Fourth Blood Ancestor escape.

"Yeshi, are you okay?" Taro Miyamoto leaped into the it doesn't matter. Haven't you been to the base camp in the deep mountains of the blood clan, tell me where it is. "


The fourth blood ancestor drove the butcher knife and ran all the way, fleeing to the blood clan base camp, to return to the blood sea secret realm through the altar there.

However, when he returned to the old base camp, a figure stood under the gate of the old castle, waiting for him for a long time.

There are many dead bodies in front of the door, not ordinary humans, but all vampires. There are hundreds of them. The Trusted Blood King is on the list, and there are many respectable elders.

"You? Why are you here?" The Fourth Blood Ancestor was mad, as if he had seen a ghost.

Ye Tian stood with his hand in his hand, the corner of his mouth was like a smile but not a smile, like a door god, stepping forward step by step, and the fourth blood ancestor stepped back.

Above the castle, thunder and lightning flashed, blood clouds filled, the cry of ghosts was endless, and there was a strong will permeating, feeling that it might come to this world at any time.

Boom, boom!

The castle vibrated like a big earthquake.

"It's not good, Ye Shi, the altar is very dynamic, I am afraid that some blood ancestors will break through the seal and rush out." Miyamoto Taro rushed out of the castle, panicked.

"It's okay, the seal I put on is not so easy to break through even Jin Dan Tianxian."

Yes, Ye Tian sealed the altar, temporarily locking the passage of the Blood Sea Secret Realm and the secular world.

"Damn it, you sealed the altar, I fought with you."


The fourth blood ancestor became anxious and took the lead, driving a butcher knife to Ye Tian.


Ye Tian ignored the sharp blade light and directly blasted out a golden iron fist.


The butcher knife was smashed with a punch, but Ye Tian's fist was unharmed.

A phantom rushed out of the butcher knife, trying to avoid Ye Tian, ​​and rushed into the castle, but was imprinted by Ye Tian's overturning seal.

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