Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1411: 1 finger

Excalibur, but so!

A plain and unremarkable sentence, but like thunder, shocked everyone in the audience.

How silly and arrogant is this to say such things?

In the distance, a figure of a young man leaped into the air, walking step by step, with his hands behind his back, his breath was flat, his expression was as usual, he was not accompanied by any amazing vision, and he looked ordinary.

Just now he made the shot, and at a distance of thousands of feet, he shattered the stunning sword light with one finger.

Unfortunately, the speed of his shot was so fast that many people couldn't see clearly, only a golden light flashed in their eyes, and the sword light shattered.

"Is it him?" Zhao Qingyi was startled suddenly and recognized Ye Tian at a glance.

"Ye Xiaoyou."

Li Chundao also recognized Ye Tian and was also very excited, not because Ye Tian broke the sword light, but because Ye Tian kept his promise and really helped him.

At that time, outside the Fengleigu Mountain Gate, he thought Ye Tian was just joking, and said that he would help him unconditionally once, but he didn't expect the boy to make a promise.

Frankly speaking, it was Li Chundao who had gone too far, because this time Ye Tian made the move and faced an almost impossible task.

However, he had a clear conscience for Zhao Qingyi to tell the truth.

Ye Tian still chose to shoot, which made him both surprised and moved.

The boy was still that boy, nothing changed at all. He looked ordinary, but his personality was cold and arrogant, arrogant, and even a little arrogant, fearless about everything, confident that his fists could crush everything.

He couldn't help feeling chills when he thought that Fengleigu was destroyed by this young man.

This young man is a demon king, and when he becomes fierce, I dare to kill the heavenly king.

"Did you do it just now?" Zhao Qingyi asked, her expression full of disbelief.

As soon as she pounced on Master and Senior Brother, she didn't see how Ye Tian made the move.

"How about it?" Ye Tian smiled faintly, showing two rows of sharp teeth, his face was delicate, like a big boy next door, looking harmless to humans and animals.

Zhao Qingyi shook his head slightly, still couldn't believe it.

"This guy is also a god-level failure?" Zhao Qingyi speculated in his heart, "It's just that he is much younger than Brother Luo, I am afraid that he is not even twenty. I am only the top three Tianjiao in Kunxu. Cultivating the gods at this age are all descendants of the immortal heritage."

"I'm sorry just now. I didn't leave you on purpose. It's because the sect is in danger of life and death. I have to rush over immediately." Zhao Qingyi apologized, very embarrassed.

"Understand and understand." Ye Tian nodded without complaining.

"Ye Xiaoyou, don't come to nothing. I didn't have much hope. I didn't expect that you would really want to make a move. I am so grateful." Li Chundao bowed his hand and bowed to Ye Tian, ​​expressing his excitement.

"Elder Li is polite. What I promised you, I will do it naturally, otherwise, wouldn't it be unbelievable?"


On the flying boat and warship, a pair of eyes looked at them, their scorching eyes were full of aggressiveness. They wanted to see Ye Tian through, but no one could recognize him, nor could he see the depth of his cultivation.

However, from the moment he took action, he knew that this young man was not easy, and might not be under Luo Feng.

"Who are you?" Xiao Tianshu held a sword in one hand, his back was straight as a gun, his eyes condensed.

He wears a Nine Dragon Cannon and a purple-gold crown on his head. He has a majestic, breathtaking power, majestic, and aura covering the sun and the moon, like the emperor of the world, which makes people unable to help but want to worship.

How powerful was his sword just now. The several elders of the Qingshan Gate made a move, and they couldn't shake them for half a minute, but they were broken by Ye Tianyi's guidance. How could he not be surprised?

"There must be some magic weapon on this kid. Just now he played an unknown magic weapon, instead of actually pointing a finger." said Sun Wushuang, the head of the Silver Frost Sword Sect.

The Silver Frost Sword Sect is the second sword repair sect in the Southern Territory. It has a good relationship with the Sky Profound Sword Sect on weekdays. This time the Sky Profound Sword Sect wants to dominate the Southern Territory. The Silver Frost Sword Sect is the first to surrender. Didn't even resist.

It's not that the Silver Frost Sword Sect has no spine, but that they know the strength of the Profound Sky Sword Sect.

As soon as Zhang taught this, he won the approval of a group of people.

Even Xiao Tianshu felt reasonable and closed his head slightly.

A young man broke his sword with a single finger, which is too unreasonable. Even the gods of the realm cannot do it.

At this time, I heard Ye Tian say:

"You don’t need to know who I am. Just know that the Qingshan Gate is covered by me. If you dare to invade the Qingshan Gate, you are against me. If you retreat and promise to compensate the Qingshan Gate for all the losses, I can leave it alone. ."

As soon as Ye Tian said this, everyone in Qingshan Gate was dumbfounded.

I have seen someone with a big tone, and never seen a person with such a big tone.

"This guy is really narcissistic, do you think he is a god?" Zhao Qingyi was speechless for a while.

Elder Li Chundao smiled bitterly and shook his head. As long as he can solve the life and death of Qingshanmen, he will say what Ye Tian said.

"Junior, you are so arrogant, do your parents know? Watch me cut off your dog's head and let you know how many catties you have." Said Sun Wushuang, the head teacher of the Silver Frost Sword Sect, with murderous aura and eyes full of disdain.

As he spoke, he moved his hands together, squeezing out a sword tactic like lightning, accompanied by a clamor like a crash of organs, behind it, like a peacock on the screen, two rows of densely packed long swords were displayed. .

Every sword is a flying sword, and the silver light is bright, as if covered with a layer of frost, giving a feeling of coldness.

"Child, go to hell!"


His arms shook, and the hundred flying swords behind his back spewed out infinite sword aura, and in an instant they gathered into a vast river of sword aura, as if ten thousand swords were shooting, amidst the sound of swords tearing the sky, an angry dragon faced Ye Tian swept away.


The terrifying river of sword qi covered the sky, like a waterfall of nine gods scouring down, trying to shatter the world and destroy everything.

At this moment, the sky and the earth faded, and the sun and the moon were dull.

"Ye Xiaoyou, be careful!" Elder Li Chundao shouted, with a look of horror on his face.

He suddenly lifted the war knife in his hand and slashed it down, cutting out a hundred-zhang knife gangway, which was intercepted in front of the river of sword energy like a moat.

But in the next second, this sky moat collapsed and was washed away by the long river of sword energy like a waterfall.

"Li Chundao, you can contend with my sword spirit?" Sun Wushuang sneered.

At this time, I saw that Ye Tian didn't evade, calm and calm.

Facing the long river of sword energy scouring like a waterfall, he still only pointed out a finger. This finger glass is generally crystal clear, whiter and more delicate than a woman's finger.


A golden glow at the fingertips throbbed, like a **** of gold, bursting out infinite golden light.


As he gently swipes, one finger of the golden light turns into a peerless sacred sword, breaking the void and drawing a trace of the sky.

This trace of the sky continued to spread, breaking Sun Wushuang's sword-qi river at once, and going upstream, beheading the flying boat and warship all the way.

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