Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1430: 1 palm flies

Xiao Wenlong may not be afraid, but his elder brother is Xiao Yifei, the contemporary **** son of Jiuli Shenjiao, the first person on the Yinmen Tianjiao list, the future leader of Jiuli Shenjia, and the leader of the entire Kunxu Wai Yinmen.

Due to Xiao Wenlong's lustful prestige, some people began to leave one after another, because the Lord couldn't provoke them, and whoever provokes them is unlucky.

"The younger brother of the son of God, and not the son of God himself. It is Xiao Yi who has come, and he dare not insult me ​​and wait for the monks in the Southern Territory like this. Too presumptuous, do you really think you are king?" Suddenly, a blue-clothed monk took the scene He stood up, holding a long sword, cold eyebrows erected, and glared at Xiao Wenlong.

"Brother Mingyuan, don't be reckless." Someone next to him persuaded him.

"If you still consider yourself to be a monk of the Southern Territory, don't stop me." The blue-clothed monk was very angry and refused to listen.

"What's wrong with insulting you?" Xiao Wenlong sneered: "Except for the one named Luo Feng in the Southern Territory, the others are **** in my opinion. What a pity, the only one who can see He died a year ago, otherwise I would personally kill him."

Luo Feng is naturally Luo Feng of Qingshanmen.

After all, the hidden gate does not have the efficiency of information transmission in the secular world, and the changes in the southern region have not yet spread in the middle region, at least the people of this ship seem to be unaware.

"It's just because of your brother's prestige. What kind of big-tailed wolf? If I wait to respect your brother, it doesn't mean that I will respect you." The blue-clothed monk drew out his sword magnificently, his whole body exploded, and his hair fluttered with anger. Monstrous, said: "Xiao Wenlong, let me see what qualifications you have to look down on my Southern Territory monk."

"I see, he is the chief disciple of the Southern Territory Chilian Sect, Zhou Mingyuan, who has been on the list of young masters, and is one of the outstanding young generations of the Southern Territory." Suddenly someone exclaimed and recognized this one. Blue monk.

"Just like an ant, you dare to yell in front of me!" Xiao Wenlong sneered, eyes full of disdain, and the Euphorbia in his hand shook slightly, and suddenly a tragic breath came out, making people creepy.


Xiao Wenlong shot, holding the halberd in one hand, slashing straight down, bringing up a splendid killing light.

It was as if a mountain had been crushed down, rumbling, and the void trembled.

At the same time, a terrifying aura erupted in his body, like an ancient barbaric beast awakening, the whole body was shrouded in a group of divine glory, boundless killing intent, like a stormy sea, surging out.

Suddenly, everyone in the audience was shocked, feeling a sense of suffocation, depressed to breathe.

"No, Mingyuan brother, he is the realm of God!" a southern monk reminded loudly.

Zhou Mingyuan's pupils shrank suddenly, his face turned pale, and a terrible pressure was like a mountain and a tsunami, suppressing his fighting spirit.

Xiao Wenlong was so young that he had also cultivated the God Realm, which was unexpected to everyone on the scene.

"Young Master Xiao, you have to be forgiving and forgiving." Someone persuaded Xiao Wenlong.

But Xiao Wenlong ignored it, and the halberd smashed it down.


Zhou Mingyuan hardened his scalp and swung his sword to greet him, only to feel that a sword had struck a mountain.

For an instant, Zhou Mingyuan fell into a desperate situation of death.

However, Xiao Wenlong did not slash him in the end, deliberately tilted an angle, and only cut off his arm.


Everyone in the audience was frightened.

With just one blow, Xiao Wenlong defeated one of the outstanding players of the Southern Territory's generation and shocked everyone.

"The mere bead of rice, dare to shine? If it weren't for my gentleman's kindheartedness, it would not be your arm, but your head that would have been cut off. Pick up your broken arm and roll."

"And all of you, let me go what you see. My son is going to have a tryst with Miss Lan Meng here."

Xiao Sihu pretended to be a tiger, and reprimanded loudly.

No one dared to refute this time, one by one they had broken their teeth, but they could only swallow in their stomachs and left in a desperate manner.

The girl named Lan Meng has beautiful eyes, like an idiot, and seems to appreciate Xiao Wenlong's methods. She gently gathered her black hair, revealing her snow-white neck and crystal earlobes. She was charming and charming in an instant.

"Girl Lan, I'm sorry, didn't you startle?" Xiao Wenlong asked, his eyes full of love.

"That's not true." Lan Meng smiled.

"Why didn't you leave? Did you live impatiently?" Suddenly, the young man shouted.

"Brother Dao, go quickly!"

A monk in white kindly shouted to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian only smiled, appreciating the kindness of the white-clothed cultivator, but sitting still.

He was sitting at a table by the window, and the viewing effect was excellent, and he could see the floating mountains in the dense fog.

He was considering whether to fly up and see.

"Take my words as a breeze? Believe it or not, I threw you into the Chishui River to feed the fish?" The young man was furious.

At the age of sixteen or seventeen, he was both a small servant and a monk, with excellent roots and cultivation skills of the Zhunhua realm. If you are in the secular world, you can be called a martial arts arrogant.

"It's just a minion. It's not your turn to speak here yet. Let me roll as far as you can." Ye Tian sipped a sip of tea and said lightly. He looked out the window, but he didn't even look at the little servant.

"Is this guy crazy?"

Those who left stopped to looking back, with an incredible look on their faces.

"Are you forcing me to kill you? Believe it or not, I can kill you without my son?"

The young man was furious and really slapped Ye Tian over with a slap, facing the Tianling Gai position.

He pretended to be a monk, and Ye Tian said that he was a slave, which was so insulting that he couldn't bear it.

A ray of divine light flowed out of his palm, and the entire palm seemed to have turned into metal. When the palm was out, the air in the palm was suddenly compressed, and even the sound of wind and thunder sounded.

"Strong Vajra hands, the foundation of Jiuli Outer Sect is a foundation-building technique. I can't imagine that a small servant can be perfected." Someone said in shock.

Although it is the foundation building skills, if you practice to the extreme, it will have amazing power.

The palm of Xiao Si can easily smash a boulder.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound, and the little boy seemed to have been hit by something, and he flew out in an instant, half of his face was bloody, and even an eyeball was thrown out.


The walls of the palace were knocked down by a big hole, even though it was engraved with protective patterns.

In the end, the young man fell at the feet of a group of southern monks he had just driven away and passed out.

"what happened?"

"It was the boy who made the hand and slapped people flying, I saw it."

"What? A slap? How big is this slap?"


Suddenly, the audience was in an uproar.

Ye Tian shot too fast, like a ghost, many people did not see how he shot.

After slapped away the young man, Ye Tian stood up, made a decision, and took a look at the old place of Sun Moon Sword Palace.

"I want to leave after hitting someone, is there such a good thing in the world?"

At this moment, a terrible voice came, and a tragic murderous intent swept out.

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