Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1443: 9 must be caught alive

The taboo curse is not really cutting off a person's Dao and deeds. It is more like a curse. It stays in the body and only occurs after activation, and each attack can only last for a while.

It's like a tight-fitting curse on Monkey King's head. As long as Tang Seng recites the curse, it will be activated.

The same is true for the taboo curse that Ye Tian planted on the old man Jiujue. As long as he pinches the mark, the taboo curse will be activated, allowing the old man Jiujue to fall from the earth fairy to the gods within a quarter of an hour.

Although only a short quarter of an hour, it was enough for Ye Tian to subdue the old man Jiujue.

Ye Tian is almost invincible in the same realm, and in the same realm, he can hang and beat Jiujue old man and abuse him thousands of times.

At this moment, I saw that the old man Jiujue's cultivation base fell from the earth immortal to the **** realm, and his body of vigorous essence that was originally flowing like the Yangtze River suddenly slowed down, and the spirit and spirit of the sun fell by a layer, yes. Aoki's control power has also weakened.

Dayin swayed down, as if drunk, and cracks appeared on the surface, and the sound of cracking and cracking came out, with signs of falling apart.

At this moment, Ye Tian clenched a fist with his right hand, urging the power of his whole body, exploded with an aura of swallowing mountains and rivers, and blasted out with a punch.

The fist imprint is like a dragon, shining with golden light, soaring to the sky!


At that moment, an unimaginable force erupted in the void, as if the Suzaku struck the three thousand realms, Tianzun broke through the nine heavens with an axe, and the sky was blazing, and there were billions of divine glory, and an aura of destruction scrolled. Out.

The one-hundred-meter-high cyan big seal fell apart under Ye Tian's punch, spreading out in the void, and the world with a radius of thousands of meters instantly turned into a sea of ​​vitality, with great waves of vitality, turning into shock waves sweeping across all directions, and drying up. The lake was almost overturned.

"Damn it, how could this happen? My mana...? What did you do to me?" The old man Jiujue looked terrified, almost crazy.

Suddenly falling from the earth fairyland to the gods, he felt as if his body had been emptied.

"It's nothing, just planted a small curse when healed you. Within fifteen minutes, your realm will fall to the **** realm." Ye Tian grinned, the sun was brilliant.

"You despicable kid, I'm going to kill you."

The old man Jiujue was so angry that he took the initiative to attack Ye Tian.

As long as Ye Tian is killed, the taboo spell will be automatically lifted.

Aoki's spirit body is small, and with the cultivation base of the gods, he can still display terrifying and monstrous combat power, which is rare in the same realm.

Once, when he was young, he was also a generation of arrogant sons and saints, not weaker than the gods and saints of the great sects!

This time, he didn't talk nonsense with Ye Tian at all, and shot directly, be sure to kill Ye Tian.

His figure flew swiftly at first, broke through several times the speed of sound in an instant, and pounced on Ye Tian.

Halfway through the flight, he took another palm shot, rolling up a terrifying storm of vitality. Those Yimu vitality scattered between the heavens and the earth gathered in his palm again.

In an instant, a giant palm formed by the condensed green gold divine light emerged from the void, the size of two or three houses.

This is a small achievement of the green wood spirit body, an awakened green wood type magical power, controlling the Otsuki aura between heaven and earth, smelting one's own law and way, and turning into a green gold palm.

I saw that the palms of the gods were as clear as colored glaze, and the details appeared, like immortal green gold.

"My green wood spirit body is small, invincible in the same realm, and I have the power to fight against the immortals. Today, I will use the cultivation of the gods to convince you." The old man Jiujue burned with anger, blood surging, Although the cultivation base has fallen to a large realm, it is more powerful than before.


After he finished speaking, he rushed to Ye Tian, ​​flipped his palm and slapped it off suddenly.

At that moment, it was as if the sky was falling, the sun and the moon turned over.

A azure gold palm rolled down from the top of Ye Tian's head, crushing the power of all things in the world.

"Invincible in the same realm, that's because you didn't meet me!" Ye Tian smiled coldly, the meaning of sarcasm was obvious, and Mount Tai collapsed on top without changing his face.


He responded to Jiujue with only one punch, simple and rude.

A golden fist, blooming with ten thousand strands of golden light, enveloping the chaotic energy, like a god-shaking hammer, intertwined with stripes, giving birth to strands of trajectories, facing the azure golden palm that fell in the sky, suddenly Boom out.

The young man's hair was flying, his eyes were deep, he was very confident in his fists, and he was extremely calm and calm.


Accompanied by a huge explosion, the old man Jiujue's green gold palm resembled porcelain, exploded in the void, once again turning into a storm of vitality, stirring up vast areas of heaven and earth.


Then, there was another crisp sound, and the palms of the old man Jiujue, and even the entire arm, were deformed, the bones were broken and the tendons were broken, and blood bursts.

"Your green wood spirit body doesn't seem so good!" Ye Tian said sarcastically.

His chaotic golden body, golden body, but one of the most combative physiques in the universe. Most people with this physique can fight across boundaries.

As for the Aoki Spirit Body, it was about to fall back.

However, this physique also has a great advantage. It has a strong healing power, and it is claimed to be immortal and immortal.

Just as the old man Jiujue set off a turbulent wave, his face was horrified, and shocked, Ye Tian carried his hands behind his back, his figure was like a streamer phantom, suddenly jumped into the air, and instantly appeared directly above his head, and then Step on it.

The young man's right foot burst out with golden light, and then strands of Dao patterns emerged, revealing an immortal breath.

Then, his right foot was like an inflatable, suddenly becoming bigger, like the **** foot of an ancient giant elephant, terrifying, and one foot could step on a mountain or river.

Divine footsteps!

Ye Tian hasn't used this supernatural power for a long time. Today, Jiujue old man has the honor to taste it.

Lan Meng stared blankly at the side, as if watching two gods fighting, the shock in his heart was beyond words.

She already knew the identity of the old man Jiujue, and she was full of doubts about Ye Tian, ​​eager to know an answer.

In the Outer Hidden Gate, I have never heard of such a person!

There is no outer hidden door, and there are two possibilities left, the secular world and the inner hidden door.

The spiritual energy of the secular world is exhausted, and it is obviously impossible to create such a freak.

She is more inclined to think that Ye Tian comes from the hidden door.

"Dare you!" The old man Jiujue was mad, his body shook, and a terrifying breath erupted from his body.

He even burned the original essence and blood, and the sacred tree behind the green wood grew crazily, reaching a height of twenty feet tall. The luxuriant branches and leaves covered the sky and the earth, bursting out to shake the sky and the earth, trying to prop up Ye Tian's divine feet.

Thousands of greenwood branches lashed away like a whip and tried to entangle them.

Just when the old man Jiujue resisted desperately, he was about to win a bit of life.

Suddenly, earthy-yellow divine thunder burst out from the feet of Shenfu Faxiang, smashing thousands of green wood branches at once. Even Wan Jun's tremendous strength pressed his body, causing the old man Jiujue's back to bend down suddenly.

Under the blessing of the Chaos Wutu Divine Thunder, in the next second, the twenty-foot-high Qingmu Divine Tree, from the top to the root, was trampled into powder by Ye Tian.


The earth quaked and the earth and rocks flew up and down.

A huge footprint pit appeared directly on the ground, which was ten feet long and could not be bottomed.

The old man Jiujue was stepped in the dirt, and he couldn't even see the figure.

"Dead?" Lan Meng was shocked.

That is the Nine Jedi Immortal, the unscrupulous existence in Kunxu was trampled to death by a young man?

If the rumors go out, no one can believe it.

"Not dead, but it's coming soon." Ye Tianao said lightly, standing in the void.

In his eyes, he saw a human-shaped blood stain in the big pit that he had stepped on just now. It was the Jiujue old man who had been stepped under the mud.

"Jiujue old way, do you think I will let you go by pretending to be dead? Get out of here!" Ye Tian sternly shouted.


In the pit of footprints, suddenly a piece of mud flew up, and a figure rushed out.

"Child, let me spare you today, and I will take your dog's head in the next day."

The old man Jiujue was bloody, and his body was deformed, like a mourning dog, rushing to the distant mountains.

"Flee if you can't fight, is there such a good thing?"

Ye Tian flexed his fingers and flicked, an unimaginable divine power burst out in the void. The old man Jiujue seemed to be hit by a heavy artillery shell, and his body was shot in all directions. Hit a corner.

The strength of Aoki's spirit body was manifested at this moment, and his vitality was extremely tenacious. The old man Jiujue was scarred, his bones were broken and N roots were broken.

"You can't escape."

Ye Tian's body was like a ghost, with a flash of magical powers, appeared behind the old man Jiujue out of thin air, making a fist with his right hand, and blasting a punch.


Half of the old man Jiujue was smashed all at once, blood and water gushing out like a spring, rotten meat and broken bones splashed in all directions, and the whole person was also thrown out.

The old man Jiujue suddenly let out a heart-piercing but still did not give up the hope of escape, burned the original essence and blood in the body, turned into a **** light, and continued to flee towards the distance.


Ye Tian suddenly gave a soft drink, displaying the Chaos God Realm.

Suddenly, the void of a radius of hundreds of meters, solidified into a piece of iron.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian put out a palm and pressed it sharply. The old man Jiujue was slapped into the mud with a palm.

Then, Ye Tian grabbed it with one palm, and the old man Jiujue was like an ant. He was grabbed by a palm and held in his palm. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get out.

Ye Tian's golden sacred body is small, but the innate can be torn by hand. How can the green wood spirit body of the old man of Jiujue be able to contend?

"How should I concoct you?" Ye Tian was lost in thought.

The old man of Jiujue is a green wood spirit body, all of which are treasures, which can be used to refine the wood-type great pill to help him transform the blue dragon **** shape.

Ye Tian's four gods had successfully cultivated two law bodies, and there were two left.

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