Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1566: Make a bet

"Made, just a little bit, come again!" Old man Jiu Jue screamed with anger, clenched his fist, and was about to do it again.

"Just a little bit? Haha." The Supreme Elder of the Palace of Heavenly Secrets sneered, and said: "My sect's nine-layer protection sect array, which seems to be nested with nine large arrays, is actually one. Unless you can break through the nine major formations in one breath and destroy everything in one fell swoop, the cracks you have opened will soon heal."

Sure enough, as his old man said, the three cracks that Jiujue old man pierced in one breath, in a dazzling brilliance, only took a few breaths, and they healed. They are tightly connected, and there is no strangeness, like a crack. It didn't exist at all.

Everyone was shocked. The punch of the old man Jiujue just now was so powerful that it was almost equivalent to the strike of a meteorite, but failed to break through the large array. It can be seen how strong the large array is. When Dan came, I was afraid that he could be able to block it, and he was truly indestructible.


   The old man Jiujue refused to accept, and punched again, the momentum was still earth-shaking, but only two major formations were broken.


   A burst of laughter came from the formation barrier, all kinds of ridicule, sarcasm, and ridicule.

   嘭, bang, bang!

   Jiujie old man was full of black hair and stood upright. He was so angry that he was so angry that his whole body seemed to run away. He blasted more than ten punches one after another. Each punch produced his peak combat power, with the power to shake the world and the earth. But at most it only penetrated three major formations, and a few punches only penetrated one major formation.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted!

   Jiujue old man's fierce operation exemplifies this very well.

"You are very good. You can break two or three major formations with your bare hands. Many earth immortals can't break even a major formation with their fists. You know, the guardian formation of the Palace of Heavenly Secrets, but there are all kinds of magic. Zong participated in the creation, and I don’t know how many geniuses and treasures have been spent. After nine generations, each generation only builds a major formation, carefully polished, and finally achieves this inexhaustible big formation. Jiuli Sect, and other ancestors , On the way here, if you know the interest, you can roll as far as you can." Washing Chen Tai squeezed his beard with one hand, said lightly, resorting to aggressive tactics.

   Of course he doesn't want Ye Tian and Old Man Jiu Jue to leave like this, but it is not easy to keep people behind.


   At this time, Ye Tian suddenly took out a broken sword. It was extremely old and rusty. It looked like a piece of broken copper, very inconspicuous.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   However, the laughter and all kinds of discussions in the enchantment stopped abruptly.

   Brush Brush!

  All eyes were fixed on this broken sword, as if this was an extremely invincible soldier, making everyone look anxious.

"Sect Master Wu is indeed kind to me, but that is just out of gratitude to me for helping him refine alchemy. I killed him because he wanted to kill me. He was killed by me because his skills were not as good as me." Ye Tian Kankan said, staring at the broken sword in his hand and wiping it with one hand, without even looking at the people in the enchantment.

   The surging chaotic essence gushes out from his palm, the ancient sword hums, blooms with glow, and the rust is beginning to peel off, as if rebirth from a cocoon.

   Shushan Broken Soldier, Kunxu's fourth magic weapon, has long been spread throughout Kunxu, how could the people of Tianji Temple not know.

   The nine major formations of the Palace of Heavenly Secrets are tyrannical, but once the magical soldiers are out, everything is unbreakable, and this great formation may not be able to stand firm.

   I saw that not only the disciples of the Temple of Heavenly Mystery were panic, but also a group of elders of the earth immortals and the deacon Xichen Taishang had a look of anxiety.

   Ye Tian didn't talk nonsense with them at all, he would directly use the magic weapon when he came up.

   According to rumors, urging a magic soldier once can exhaust the true essence of an earth fairy.

   If the rumors are true, the Palace of Heavenly Mystery is not afraid. Because after Ye Tian swung a sword, even if he broke through nine major formations, his true essence was exhausted, and he became a soft persimmon, the Palace of Heavenly Secrets captured him in one fell swoop.

   But in the Medicine God Sect, Ye Tian held the Shushan and cut off his troops. He didn't know how many times he was urged, and his body was still not exhausted.

  This unreasonable situation is also being discussed in the arena of Kunxu. Everyone thinks that there is a magic weapon in Ye Tian that can inspire the magic weapon.


   The broken sword trembles, filled with an extremely tragic breath, which makes people tremble.

   The soldiers of the gods are resurrecting, like an ancient beast awakening, and it is very terrifying to choose people to eat.

   "Stop your hands!" Washing Chen Taishang suddenly shouted, with fear in his eyes, and then said: "You are not capable of breaking through a large formation with a magic weapon. If you have the ability, you don't use your sword."

   "Joke, why should I use my sword?" Ye Tian sneered, suddenly felt that the old man was a little bit funny, his brain circuit was strange.

"Let’s make a bet. If you don’t use a sword to break through my sect, I will give the teleportation formation with both hands, how about? To tell you the truth, the teleportation formation has been hidden by my sect. Don’t step on the iron shoes. I want to find it." Xichen Taishang said, eyes flickering, and the breath on his body was overwhelming.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   This is a powerful existence. When he was young, he was ranked among the Kunxu Tianjiao. After wandering in the peak of wonderland for many years, he tried several times to condense the pill. It ended in failure once.

   "This old thing is not a good person at first glance. It must have a bad stomach, be careful of fraud." Jiujie reminded him.

   "Okay, this is what you said." Ye Tian put away the broken sword, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com agreed without thinking.

   Seeing that he had promised so neatly, everyone was shocked. Could it be that there are nine major formations capable of destroying the Palace of Heaven's Secrets without using weapons?


   Suddenly, Ye Tian clenched his palm into a fist, squeezed the air in his palm, and made a cracking sound like a tire, which was terrifying.

   Then, he bends down like a full bow, his body suddenly burst out, rushing towards the big array of the Palace of Heavenly Secrets.

   At that moment, the whole body of the young man was covered with a layer of radiance, and his hair was shining brightly, like a **** king awakening, swallowing mountains and rivers.


   This fist seems to have penetrated the nine heavens, with various runes lingering on the golden fist, and the terrifying sound effect like a avenue and humming, with immense light everywhere.





   Various boxing skills are also blessed.


   Amidst the earth-shattering blast, one major battle, two major battles, three major battles, and up to the fifth major battle, the momentum was like a broken bamboo, and they all rushed out.

   The sixth major formation, Ye Tiancai felt a trace of resistance.

   The seventh major formation, the resistance increased.

   The eighth major formation was deadlocked for a few seconds before it exploded.

   In the ninth major formation, Ye Tian poured out all his strength with a single brain, but only tore a tiny gap open, only a fist penetrated.

   In the end, it was exhausted and it fell short.

   Ye Tian retired, his expression was plain, and he was not much disappointed.

   But the people in the Palace of Heavenly Secrets, but they are all scared to pee.

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