Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1579: 9 Reishin Miko

"I've never been his woman. You threatened him with me, trying to interrupt his enlightenment. It was of no use." Lan Meng said, his expression was surprisingly calm, without sadness or joy.

The girl has ice muscles and bones, beautiful and beautiful, with long hair and waist, and a graceful figure. She is a well-known beauty in Kunxu. I don't know how many men are fascinated by her pomegranate skirt, just to kiss Fangze.

She had lived with Ye Tian for a period of time. Under the same roof, with handsome men and beautiful women, dry wood and fire, something would inevitably happen. That's why she was pulled out at this moment, threatening Ye Tian, ​​and it was useless to let her argue.

Since being taken away by the Jiuli Divine Cult, her life has been at the mercy of her.

At this moment, she was not even the fish on the knife, but was just a bait for fishing, and she could discard it as a mess at any time.

"Do you care about him very much?" Jiuli's new **** son sneered gloomily, his head full of thick black hair dancing, his eyes were deep, and the purple and gold robes on his body were cold and cold.

He held a zhangba spear in one hand, and the blade vomited blood, and with a slight shake, the cold killing intent bloomed, making the whole world cold to the bone.

It is completely different from Xiao Yifei. Although Xiao Yifei is also a stubborn stubborn stubbornness, he shows his elegance and has an elegant posture that makes people want to get close. And this new **** son is strong from head to toe. This dark and fierce feeling makes people startled when looking directly at him.

"What's the ability to threaten a woman? As a great monk in Kunxu, I feel ashamed!"

Suddenly, a taunting voice came from the side of the road.

Although it was just a complaint, it made the faces of many land immortals in the field dark, and their faces were a little bit unbearable.

Of course, these big land immortals are also very guilty. At this moment, using a woman as a threat is really shameless and can't get on the stage. But they really had no choice, and they came up with this. They are not easy to do it themselves, so they let a junior do it.

However, during this period of time, there were a lot of secret opinions, and many people were very incomprehensible about the practices of the top ten sects, but due to the lustful prestige of the top ten sects, everyone maintained restraint and did not dare to make a lot of noise.

Now, it would be unwise to say it in person, and it would not give the top ten sects any face.


Many eyes followed the prestige and saw a young man talking with a look of contempt.

This is a casual cultivator in the Northern Territory, a child of a family. Although he has not joined any sect, but with the resources of the family, he also stepped into the gods two years ago.

A group of people stood beside him, all from the Northern Territory, faintly headed by him.

"What are you talking about?" Jiuli Xinshengzi asked coldly, staring at this casual repairman in the Northern Territory with cold eyes.

"The mouth is on me, I can say whatever I want, can you control it?" The San Xiu from the Northern Territory snorted coldly and rolled his eyes.

Suddenly, a large group of onlookers burst into laughter and couldn't help but laugh.

"Shut up all of you, let me see who dares to laugh!" Jiuli's new **** son became angry and shouted.

"Can't speak, even laugh, God Child Jiuli is so powerful! Even if Xiao Yifei is alive, he doesn't dare to talk to me like this. Do you really think you are over the world?" Continue to sarcastically.

"Yeah, you are too much, why don't you let us talk? Why don't you let us laugh?"

"Kunxu is the Kunxu of our Kunxu people, not the Kunxu of your Jiuli."


The sentiment was infuriated, and everyone was disgusted with the strong style of the Jiuli Church.

But I saw that the face of the new **** Jiuli was getting darker, his chest was undulating, and the monstrous blood came out from his body, and he said coldly: "Although I have not ruled the world, it is not you, these ants can give pointers. Yes. Since you talk too much, just go to death for me!"


As soon as the voice fell, the new **** of Jiuli shook his hand, and Zhangba's spear erupted with a Weng cry, and then he was thrown out, crossing a splendid and terrifying trajectory, like a bolt of lightning breaking through the sky, reaching its extreme , Is also extremely strong.

Between the electric light and flint, the North Territory San Xiu took out an ancient shield, blocking it in front of him, the rune flickered, but it was suddenly pierced by the spear, breaking into several pieces.

"Ah, no!"

In the next second, the Northern Territory Ran Xiu let out a scream, there was a blood hole in the skull, and it was nailed to the ground alive, and the whole skull was almost torn apart.

The red blood and white brain fluid flowed down the spear shaft, shocking.

This is a young God Realm who was nailed to death by a spear like this.

Those onlookers who were still laughing just now were all startled, and a cold air from the soles of their feet rushed towards the sky.

Jiuli Xin Shenzi walked forward, raised his hand, picked up the dead Northern Territory, slanted to the sky, and then suddenly shook his palms. The dead body was torn apart and broken into **** mud and debris. Bone, shocked everyone back again and again.

"How dare you kill someone?" someone gasped and asked.

"It's just a dog, kill it if you kill it. Why, are you not convinced?"



The spear was slashed out as a big knife, and a human head rolled down, rushing into a waterfall of blood, extremely tragic.

"Your speed is too slow." The new **** of Jiuli yelled in a low voice, killing people like chickens, UU reading www. didn't care at all.

Next, he made a heavy hand and killed several more people. The blood stained the ground, and even the air was filled with a pungent smell of blood.

The **** scenes were cold and piercing, making people empathize,

No one dared to speak badly anymore, all of them shivering in the corner like a frightened bird.

A small episode brought the new **** child Jiuli into the public view of Kunxu.

Many big land immortals nodded, seeming to appreciate the new method of Jiuli's new god.

The old saint master of Wanfazong even praised in front of the **** master Jiuli: "This kid has a future!"

Jiuli Divine Lord smiled softly, noncommittal.


The new **** child Jiuli held a **** spear in one hand and Lan Meng's white wrist in the other. He leaped up into the air and stood at a higher place, shouting to Ye Tian.

"Children of the secular world, if you think you are still a man, get out. Your woman is in my hands."


While talking, the new **** of Jiuli pierced out with a spear, and a thick killer shot out quickly, piercing a solid on the golden core barrier.

Suddenly, a large area of ​​the ancient formation revived, filled with terrifying auras, sweeping out a series of sword lights, all of which were thousands of feet long, and even the big clouds in the sky were chopped and chopped with holes, peerless and sharp.

This is the Golden Core Killing Array!

Everyone was shocked and didn't know what Jiuli New God was going to do.

"Come on, I only shout ten times. If you don't come out, I'll let go. Let your woman die in front of you with her own eyes." said the **** child Jiuli Xin, his eyes were dark and his expression was so cold that there was no trace of emotion.

Upon hearing this, Lan Meng's body was slightly shocked.

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