Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1592: Invincible posture

Ye Tian turned into a golden lightning, and his body was disillusioned. The ghosts generally appeared in front of an elder of the Tianwang Pavilion who was attacking the Xuanguangtai. A big golden hand appeared to suppress it. It was as if a sky was shot up.

There is nothing to say. Ye Tian came up with a fatal blow. The big golden hand was like a golden millstone to suppress it. The runes flashed on it, and the mysterious Taoist rhyme flowed out. It weighed tens of millions of knots, as if it could hit nine days. , Down Zhen Jiuyou.

The earth immortal elder raised a big hand to greet him, a faint blue light gleamed, and his dry palms swelled like inflation, and he was performing a wonderful mysterious technique.

In a blink of an eye, the withered big hand turned into a giant palm with rough skin, thick joints, and green gold like a dragon, furiously facing Ye Tian's golden palm.

"Child, go to death!"

"Oh no!"


To everyone's heart, the giant green palm was blown up all at once.

Tianwang Pavilion Old Dixian only felt as if he had been hit by a heaven-shaking hammer, and had no strength to fight back.

Ye Tianyi broke through ten thousand laws, with endless power, sweeping all obstacles!

Click, click!

Immediately after that, the whole arm of the Tianwang Pavilion Laodixian began to crumble every inch, with broken bones and flesh splashing on all sides, blood dripping and shocking.

"Let me go, I don't want to die." The elder of the Heavenly King Pavilion was shocked, desperate, and gave up all resistance in an instant.


Ye Tian smashed his palm to the bottom and shot a big pit on the ground. Another elder of the earth immortal disappeared and turned into a pool of blood.

"Aren't you going in soon?" Ye Tian yelled.


"Ye Xiaoyou, be careful."

"Um, Master, I stayed to fight alongside you."



Ye Tian fought and protected the people around him to escape.


A ground immortal elder who did not know which school screamed softly, spit out a piece of brilliance in his mouth, turned into a big net covering the sky, crushed the sky and covered it, and headed towards Ye Tian.


Ye Tian's eyes exploded, and he rushed out of two golden pillars of fire, with the power of burning embers and the void, all of a sudden, the big net covering the sky was burned to ashes.

The golden pillar of fire surpassed the sky, like two fire dragons dancing in a long dragon. In the next second, the earth fairy who played the magic weapon of the sky net was swallowed in, and was burnt in the heart-piercing screams. Linen. When he was rescued by other immortals, he was completely different, and even his parents could not recognize him.

"Get out of the way!"

A broad-waisted earth immortal elder screamed, and he smashed a big hammer with the size of a grinding plate, blasted the void, swayed tsunami-like ripples, and smashed his head against Ye Tian.

This is a powerful body refining power, his skin is bronzed, his body is cast like copper and iron, his muscles are like iron, and his muscles are like a dragon. At this moment, he looks like a violent dragon, so fierce as a mess.


Amidst the roar of a meteorite hitting the earth, a bottomless crater was smashed into the ground. The shock wave swept across, and when the earth and rocks turned over, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

"Hahaha, he is dead. I killed the little devil!" The body refiner laughed, almost dancing with excitement.

"Be careful, he is behind you." Suddenly someone reminded.

Ye Tian's flashing supernatural powers have unpredictable abilities, what he hit was only an afterimage.

After smelting the Void Avenue, Ye Tian's number of flashes not only can cast more times a day, but also the distance of each flash can be longer.

It used to be only a dozen times a day, but now it should not be less than a hundred times.

As for the flashing distance, the farthest flashing was a hundred feet before. Ye Tian has not tried yet, but a few hundred feet should be no problem.


The body refining might react quickly. Hearing that Ye Tian was behind him, his body swiftly swooped forward, and at the same time he turned his body and blasted the sky-shaking sledgehammer.


Ye Tian's palm pointed like a **** of gold, and pointed like a knife. He had originally stabbed his heart and left, but was blocked by his sledgehammer.

In the deafening sound of the explosion, the sledgehammer and Ye Tian's golden palms slammed hard.

The terrifying shock wave was released from the hammerhead, and hit Ye Tian's palm fiercely, causing his arm to numb and almost bend.

At the same time, there was also a violent force, spreading from the hammer head to the hammer handle, and finally transferred to the powerful arm for refining the body. The shock caused him to lose consciousness in a moment, his muscles collapsed every inch, and even the arm bones were shaken. Cracked.

His whole person, together with the sledgehammer, flew out all at once.

Unfortunately, the direction of the landing happened to be a sinkhole, and the turbulent flow of void inside swallowed him all at once.

Ye Tian's body skills are like ghosts and charms, everything happened between lightning and stone fire, and even slaughtered four earth immortals. At this time, Qingyun Sword Master had just gained a foothold on the other side of the tiankeng.

With the sword domain, Void Turbulence did not come into close contact with his body.

However, the legendary holy soldier in his hand, the Great Sword of Heavenly Cloud, was eroded by the Void Turbulence because it cut a channel in the Void Turbulent Current, and the metal luster became dim, densely covered with spots, as if rusted in the wind and rain century.

The Qingyun Sword Master was terrified, and even if it were a saint soldier, if it were him, the consequences would be disastrous.

At this time, the three people of Qingshan Gate and Bai Ling'er had already entered the time-space gate, the old man Jiujue was entering, Mengyao was still outside, with a worried expression on his face.

"If this is all escaped by you, wouldn't we be useless?" The old saint master of Wanfa shouted angrily, driving the nine-flame flame dragon chariot, soaring in the air, falling down the great power of the avenue, and sealing the void.


Ye Tian blasted out the sky-shaking seal, golden light and turbulent chaos, like a million-dollar mountain, rumbling across the sky, blasting a solid on the chariot, bursting out a string of sparks, supernaturally powerful.

The Heaven-shaking Seal was knocked backwards twice, but the Nine Fire Flame Dragon chariot was also knocked laterally by more than ten feet, and the divine light of the great road dimmed a little.

After all, this is an artifact that cannot be countered by the Heaven-shading Seal.

"Let's go!" The old man Jiu Jue looked back, grabbed Mengyao's arm, and rushed into the door of the space-time domain.

"Shoot can't let them escape!" someone shouted.

If people are allowed to escape in this situation, they are really useless.

There are more than fifty earth immortals present!

They were initially stunned by Ye Tian for a while, only to feel that the young man was too strong to be true, but they soon recovered.


Long flame dragon, long river of ice waterfall, sword gang, sword glow, fist print, giant palm,...

All kinds of attacks, all sorts of attacks, came all over the world, as if the end of the world had come.

The void became unstable again. The old man Jiujue and Mengyao who had just rushed into the void passage only felt like they were riding a roller coaster. They were dizzy and shook violently, and they might roll out of the void passage at any time.

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