Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1600: Squeeze

Being able to seduce the earth pulse dragon energy, this is what a heaven-defying method, it is close to controlling the heaven and the earth, and it requires extremely superb alien art to do it.

The ancestor of Jiuli was also surprised, staggering and taking a step back.

"The child enlightened the Tao here, imprinting his spirit and spirit, I am afraid that the nine great dragons of the earth veins are all under his control." Old Ancestor Jiuli muttered to himself, thinking of a terrible possibility.

You know, these nine dragon veins are not branch veins, but nine main veins, all of which stretch for thousands of kilometers, supporting the entire Kunxu Waiyan Gate.

"What? Control the nine earth veins dragon?"

A group of big earth immortals changed color again, as if they had heard the Arabian Nights, which was very unreal.


A big dragon with ground veins lay across the sky, like a continuous mountain range, extremely huge, by comparison, the seven fire dragons are much smaller and not on one level.


The earth-veined dragon opened its mouth and spit out, and the dragon's energy was billowing like a tide, like a boundless sea. The two fire dragons were washed away at once, disappearing like bubbles in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the big dragon opened his mouth and sucked again. The huge mouth was like a black hole, exploding with infinite absorption power, even the time and space was distorted, and two fire dragons were swallowed alive.

Then, the big dragon of the earth vein swept its tail, the sky rioted, as if hitting an egg with a stone, and the remaining three fire dragons collapsed inch by inch and shattered into countless pieces.

"Damn it!" The Lord Wan Pharaoh was angry, his eyes bursting with sharp divine light, and the ancient chariot that had rushed towards Ye Tian rushed towards the big dragon.


This blow was earth-shaking, and the ocean of supernatural power swept in all directions, and the scene was almost boiling.

The Great Dragon of the Earth Vein was crushed all at once and turned into a terrifying storm of vitality, like a nuclear explosion shock wave, impacting the four fields.

Even the ancient chariot under the feet of the Holy Lord of Pharaoh flew out.

The history is surprisingly similar. Another mountain was hit by an ancient chariot, and the smoke was sooting into the sky.

With this blow, the runes of the chariot dimmed, and the scars converged.

Ye Tian didn't stay for a moment, turned into a human-shaped lightning, and rushed forward, carrying the sky full of thunder, to take advantage of the situation to kill the Ten Thousand Pharaohs.


The thunder sea struck, as if the sky collapsed and the earth was sinking, peerless horror, the world was dazzling, and it was flooded with flaming thunder light.

This was a catastrophe, an extremely terrifying catastrophe, even Ye Tian was vomiting blood, his body was bombarded with scars, and the sky-turning mark on his head rolled violently, leaving dense traces.

The successive thunderbolts fell, and the Lord of the Pharaohs was like a lotus leaf in the wind, dancing wildly, and a little unstable.

He urged the ancient chariot just now, consuming a lot of energy, and his combat power was no longer at its peak.

"It's over!" Ye Tian walked from nothingness, holding a big sword dripping blood, his body was covered with blood and it was rotten, but the blood inside his body was tumbling, flowing like a big wave in the Yangtze River, spreading out The sound of thunder.


Ye Tian sacrificed the sky-shaking seal on the top of his head, which turned into a large mountain, which was several hundred meters high, with tens of millions of runes, and stigmata dancing in the sky, pressing down in the direction of the Ten Thousand Pharaohs.

Ye Tian's eyes were dazzling, and at this moment he was extremely powerful, as if he had become the incarnation of death.


The Holy Lord of the Pharaoh raised his hand and threw a golden shield. When the rune was shining, it zoomed in quickly, as if it had built a copper wall and iron wall to block the path of the skyshaking seal.


Amidst the loud sound of the beating of a heavenly drum, the Heaven-shaking Seal quivered, but the golden shield flew out.


Several cracks appeared on the shield, and it was very traumatized. Under the traction of the Qi, half of the Lord Pharaoh's body was also numb, the corners of his mouth overflowed, and he almost fell from the chariot.

"Fall!" Ye Tian squeezed the tactics, dazzled with light in his palms, blessed the supernatural power on the seal of turning over the sky, and continued to suppress it.

"Child, you are too arrogant, do you really think I am a soft persimmon for you to handle?"

Amidst the roar, the ancient chariot rushed out and rushed directly towards the falling skyshaking seal.

The Holy Lord of the Pharaoh must break free from the shackles, otherwise the consequences are unpredictable.


It was like a big collision like a meteor hitting the earth, the loud noise was shaking the sky, the sky-shaking big seal rolled violently, and it flew out thousands of feet upside down.

However, the ancient chariot also hit the ground, exploding a huge crater, a large amount of smoke and dust rushed up, and boundless earth and rock flew up.

Without the resurrection of the divine mark, the divine power of the ancient chariot would be reduced by several levels.


In his life, has he ever been so embarrassed and beaten by others?

His first fame was ruined!

The Great Seal of the Sky was quickly controlled by Ye Tian with great mana, and fell down again, carrying thousands of thunders, drooping chaotic energy, and sealing a large area of ​​the world.

The Holy Lord of the Ten Thousand Pharaohs squeezed the divine power and wanted to activate the divine mark of the ancient chariot again, but failed to do so.

The thunder blasted down one after another, making him tired of coping, and his clothes were stained with blood, not much better than Ye Tian's condition.

Qiang Qiang!

He waved the golden sword, cut out the marks of the sky, and cut gaps in the seal of the sky, but he couldn't shake the general trend of the seal of the sky.

"Amitabha Buddha, my child, you are too aggressive, let me save you!" The voice of the old abbot of Nanwu Temple came, dashing out a path in the sea of ​​thunder and rushing towards him.

However, a firebird with a broken body came before him, suddenly turned into a divine light, and merged into Ye Tian's body.

The Suzaku Dharma body has only six to seventy percent of the combat power of Ye Tian's deity, and it is impossible to be the opponent of the old host of the Nanwu Temple. At this moment, he is defeated and rushes back into Ye Tian's body.

As for the White Tiger Law Body, not far away, he was in a fierce battle with the Divine Lord Jiuli.

Seeing the hundreds of feet high of the sky-shaking seal fall down, the Holy Lord Pharaoh has nothing to do, his life is hanging by a thread, the old abbot suddenly shot out, and a large alien seal above his head flew out.

This is a weird big seal, irregular, showing the shape of a mountain, extremely lifelike, with a waterfall hanging down, ancient trees, birds and beasts,...

"this is……?"

"The treasure of Nanwu Temple, the Great Seal of Mount Xumi!"


The big lord of the earth immortal outside the barrier had a conversation and recognized this magic weapon.

Of course, this can't be the real Mount Xumi, but a strange treasure formed by the condensed beliefs of pure sentient beings.

The mountain is very old, UU reading www. criss-crossed many cracks. At this moment, the divine light is blazing, and the unpredictable power of belief flows from the cracks, shining all over the world.

In an instant, the Great Seal of Mount Xumi turned into a few hundred feet tall, comparable to the Seal of Overturning the Sky, rushing across the sky and rushing across.

Separated from a long distance, the auras of the two big seals clashed. They violently collided, and the void shook greatly. The vitality of the world rolled up like a tsunami, and rolled violently.

Two magic weapons clash!

It is not surprising at all, because the main material of Ye Tian's turn over the sky is the mysterious yellow divine soil, which is transformed by the belief power of the gods.

As for the Xumishan Great Seal, the main material is the power of the Buddha's beliefs.

The two magic weapons represent different beliefs in gods, so they are born with each other.

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