Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1604: Thunder Tribulation is over


In the fierce and violent thunder sea, a young man was fighting against the sky and let out a loud roar.


The Heaven-shaking Seal was split and flew out, Ye Tian coughed up blood, his body was about to split, the two god-shaped magic bodies turned virtual, and the golden primordial villain was almost broken up.

Ye Tian insisted, while using Vermillion Bird's Nirvana Regenerative Magic to heal the wounds, while contending against the thunder.

Boom, boom!

Earthhuo Fengshui, four kinds of sky thunders, also known as the thunders that open the sky and the earth, are really terrifying to the extreme. Every thunder strikes, the earth will shake, as if it is convulsing.

With Ye Tian as the center, within a radius of several thousand meters, there is no good place, all of it has turned into scorched earth, even the mountains have been flattened, and everything has turned into ashes.

"I smashed eighty sky thunders, it should be over soon?" Ye Tian smiled bitterly, looking up at Gao Tian, ​​his pupils gradually contracted, and the bitter smile on his face quickly disappeared, replaced by horror.

I saw that above the sky, the small world of thunder sea evolved from the four kinds of sky thunders of earth, fire, and feng shui was re-transformed into a chaotic thunder sea, and the scale was shrinking, seeming to condense into one point.

"Jiu Jiu return to true, there is still a thunder, is this going to kill Lao Tzu?"

Ye Tian felt hairy in his heart, his nerves were tense, and he had a bad premonition, so he quickly prepared.

The wounds on his body healed quickly, his body was reorganized, clean and flawless, and his whole body was like a sea of ​​energy.

The golden villain flew back and rushed into Ye Tian's eyebrows.

After the baptism of thunder, the villain of the Yuanshen became more and more solid and immortal, like a cast of **** gold, gorgeous and dazzling.

He could obviously feel that his divine consciousness had become stronger, and could cover Fangyuan for hundreds of miles, even thousands of miles. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, and I can try the limit of divine consciousness later.

The two dharma bodies of Suzaku and White Tiger also belong to the body, with innate patterns imprinted by Thunder Tribulation on their bodies, filled with tyrannical auras, which look like flesh and blood, incomparably real.

The biggest change is undoubtedly the Heaven-shaking Seal. From nothing, it initially imprinted its own rules and began the evolution of the avenue, condensing a stigma, and becoming a true holy soldier.

The material of the overturning seal is very special, such as the mysterious yellow **** earth, the magnum **** mountain, and the dragon tiger mountain town thunder seal. Each piece is a **** material, so once it is cast, it has Shengwei. Now that the stigmata is truly condensed, the evolutionary path has begun, and it has become more powerful, and it is a veritable holy weapon.


The sea of ​​thunder was shrinking sharply. It originally had a radius of tens of hundreds of kilometers, but in a very short period of time, it shrank to only a thousand feet. It was like a huge divine sun, hanging on the sky, and the lightning was dazzling, making people unable to open their eyes.

However, in Ye Tian's eyes, it was not like a day, but more like a **** cage, and the existence of terror could rush out at any time.

"It should be the last sky thunder." Outside the barrier, the old ancestor Jiuli muttered to himself, involuntarily grasping the Tiger Soul Sabre in his hand.

Next to him, there is a huge dragon, as thick as a water tank, as long as several tens of feet. It is covered with palm-sized scales, shining and shining. There is a powerful air in its body, like a lava volcano. , Do not move, it will destroy the world with one move.

Ye Tian didn't dare to neglect, his physical body was ascended to the extreme, and his combat power also climbed to the extreme, his head turned overwhelming, and he even took out the army of Shushan.

However, all his efforts were in vain when the huge thunder with a radius of thousands of feet fell.

It was a shocking thunder comparable to a supernova explosion. It was enough to shake everything in the sky and earth into dust. The Heaven-shaking Seal and the Shushan Soldiers all flew out. There was only a huge halo pit left in place, and the walls were as smooth as colored glass. A young man was lying at the bottom, motionless, bloody, completely devoid of humanity.

In the void, there are a few drops of golden divine liquid floating, and each drop is the size of a baby's fist, like a golden diamond, shining brightly, extremely crystal clear, gorgeous, and even ordinary people outside the barrier can see.

"That's...?" A group of big earth immortals had their eyes straight.

"Lei Jieye! Unexpectedly, this kind of **** fluid in myths and legends really exists."

In the voice of the words, the ancestor of Jiuli disappeared in the same place, pulling out a afterimage, rushing to the Golden Core Great Enchantment.

"This thing is comparable to the holy medicine. It is a gift from the will of heaven and earth. It has a very strong healing effect and cannot be obtained by that child." said the ancestor Jiuli while speeding.


The dragon swayed its tail, and the old dragon next to the old ancestor Jiuli swept away its giant tail and pulled out a bottomless pit on the ground, and then ejected it with force, like an arrow from the string.

When the other land immortals heard that Lei Jieye was a good thing, they all rushed out.

Of course, it was mainly because Ye Tian's life and death was unknown at this time after the Thunder Tribulation ended.

According to the plan, there will be a period of weakness after the robbery, and they would have taken action at this time.


The ancestor of Jiuli shouted loudly, holding the tiger soul sword in both hands, and the surging mana was poured, urging a divine mark, and slammed down.


The void trembles, and a sword light bursts out of the sky, stirring up the chaos of the animation sky. A phantom of a red tiger appeared on it, and a tiger roar that shook the sky.

After experiencing the thunder tribulation just now, the dilapidated golden core enchantment has not been destroyed. It senses the aura of the tiger soul sword to destroy the world and destroys the earth. After being stressed, it resists. Numerous formations appear, and a ray of avenues. The divine light leaped into the sky, and finally interweaved a murderous light that was more than ten feet thick.


After all, the big formation was lacking, and the power of protection was drastically reduced, and the avenues with a diameter of more than ten feet were instantly split by the Tiger Soul's sword, and it was shattered every inch.

In the shocking gazes of countless people, the tiger-shaped sword of the Tiger Soul Sabre all the way to the end, and finally smashed firmly on the golden core enchantment.

One, two, three,...

A total of 18 layers of enchantment were cut open by the Tiger Soul's sword to 14 layers, almost completely split.

"The ancestor of Jiuli, I will wait to help you and make another knife." A group of big immortals who rushed to shouted.

"No need!" Jiuli ancestor whispered.

At this time, I saw Jiuli’s Zhenshan sacred beast, Ning Dan’s old Jiao rushed over, his body collapsed straight, like an arrow from the string, sharp and boundless, following the edge of the tiger soul sword just opened, UU看书www suddenly penetrated the last four protections, and rushed to the inside of the barrier.

Ning Dan Old Jiao didn't stay for a moment, driving the wind and thunder, as fast as a flash of lightning, rushing toward the luminous divine liquid in the void, he must first grab his hand.

"Do you dare to **** Lao Tzu's Thunder Tribulation Liquid, are you impatient?" A roar came from the faint pit below.

Ye Tian was wounded, his body was scorched, and his soul almost died. He stood up hard in the halo pit, put out a big weak hand, and grabbed the Thunder Tribulation Liquid in the void.

Ning Dan Old Jiao rushed, opened his mouth and spit out, spewing out an icy energy that could freeze the stone into powder, and even the void was completely frozen where he passed.


The icy cold energy came violently, first the golden light hand that Ye Tian protruded was sealed by ice, and then the whole body turned into an ice sculpture.

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