Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1617: Ziying Sword

True Monarch Lei Xiao suddenly attacked Ye Tian, ​​using the technique of thunder escape, it broke through seven or eight times the speed of sound in an instant, giving people the visual impact of shrinking the ground into an inch, which was simply shocking.

During the flight, the lightning flashes on his body continuously flashed, and every flash flashed in the void like tsunami-like ripples, and the speed was still climbing, and finally crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and rushed in front of Ye Tian, ​​breaking through an amazing Ten times the speed of sound.

And this does not seem to be his limit!

"Die me!"


In the roar, he slammed out a big hand that was holding countless electric ray silks, and with the power of piercing the void, he directly grabbed Ye Tian.


Ye Tian didn't fight him hard, his feet flickered, flashing light and shadow steps, his body seemed to blend into the void, half-empty and half-solid, and the speed was so fast that he suddenly left the place where he was standing, letting True Monarch Lei Xiao use his hand. Catch a blank.

"Child, where to go!" True Monarch Lei Xiao shouted, turning into a human-shaped lightning, and chasing Ye Tian.

"If I want to leave, you can't stop ten of you." Ye Tian walked away, like a ghost, light and breezy, he didn't seem to put True Monarch Lei Xiao in his eyes.

His body style looks very slow, like a floating light and shadow, but it is real but fast to outrageous.

This is an advancement of the Floating Light and Shadow Step, integrating flashing magical powers, and the avenue of the void.

True Monarch Ren Leixiao worked hard, his body flashed with lightning, and his speed climbed all the way, eventually breaking through to nearly twenty times the speed of sound, but he was still left behind by Ye Tian and could only eat dust.

"Damn it, my Lei Dang body technique has the world's fastest speed, so why can't I catch up with this kid?" Zhenjun Lei Xiao muttered in his heart, extremely angry.

He originally wanted to kill Ye Tian in one fell swoop, and show off the majestic appearance of the immortal on the hidden door, but now he touched his nose and felt a little discouraged and even more angry.

Sword Immortal Furukawa also frowned, his expression shocked.

The boy in front of him was beyond his expectations time and time again.

"Hold the sword!" As soon as he flew, Ye Tian raised his hand, and a big sword that hovered around the sun, moon and stars flew out, facing the violent bear on the ground.

At this moment, the Golden Crow Prince's Golden Crow Fa body was swooping down, and against the breathing storm of the violent earth bear, he bravely smashed a path of blood, and he was about to rush to the front of the violent earth bear.

Boom boom boom!

This was an extremely horrifying scene. The Golden Crow Prince used the power of the golden core, and he was so tyrannical that the violent bear that could break the mountain and breathe the storm couldn't stop him.

"Bug, die for me! It's my temporary retreat, and it's not your little Ning Dan that can be insulted." The Golden Crow prince burst out, like a rolling thunder, shocked and deaf.

His wingspan reached a hundred feet, like a cloud hanging down from the sky, casting a large shadow.

In comparison, the ten-zhang-tall violent bear is very small.

Suddenly, the Golden Crow Prince pierced out a giant claw that was scorching golden light, shaped like an eagle claw, more than twice the size of the head of a violent bear on the earth, and flare up, like a red soldering iron.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

The giant claw pierced the air and grabbed it fiercely, seemingly forbidden to fall from the sky, and the air instantly solidified.

The terrestrial violent bear only felt like it was trapped in a quagmire, and a tarzan fell on its top, binding hands and feet for a while.

However, the Grim Bear is the Grim Bear after all, with overwhelming divine power, his body shook violently, and Beng shot a rainy sword energy, and broke free from the restraints at once.

At this moment, Ye Tian threw the Sun and Moon Divine Sword at him.


The terrestrial violent bear reacted swiftly, slammed out two bear claws, grabbed the Sun and Moon Divine Sword in his hand at once, and slashed it out without breaking his hair.

This is an epee, usually as long as one foot long, and the Grim Bear can just hold it in his hand.

In the sound of Qingyue's swords, a galaxy of sword glow whizzed out, piercing the sky and cutting the sky.

Without any swordsmanship, a sword swung by pure physical brute force.


Suddenly, a sad scream came out.

The sword light broke through the air, and suddenly chopped a strong claw on the big claw that the Prince Golden Crow protruded, like cutting a rotten wood, with a sneer, the whole golden light giant claw was chopped off.

Had it not been for the quick response of the Golden Crow Prince, he might even be split in half under this sword.

Amid the screams, Prince Jinwu suddenly swooped up, pulling away from the violent bear.


The violent earth bear uttered a sky-shattering roar, grasping the sun and moon divine sword in both hands, pouring the surging sword line true essence, the divine sword continued to expand.

His indestructible sword body is innately compatible with the sword. Although this divine sword is used for the first time, it does not have the slightest sense of strangeness, as if it was born with it.

The Sun Moon Divine Sword, which was originally more than one foot long, immediately swelled to more than ten feet long as it was filled with the true essence of the sword. It was about the same height as its height and weighed tens of tons, but it was more handy to use.

Facing the direction where Prince Golden Crow was swooping out, the tyrannical bear raised his sword with both hands to the top of his head and slammed down angrily.

Qiang Qiang!

The giant sword broke through the air, the wind sounded like a dragon, the sword light was dazzling, and it was as sharp as an angry dragon.

The Golden Crow Prince flapped his wings and fanned out the dense wind blades, trying to stop the violent bear on the ground.

However, the sword power of the violent earth bear is too The power is so heavy that everything is unbreakable, just like a hot knife cutting butter, easily breaking through the dense wind blades, and slashing straight to the golden black body of the golden crow prince.

At this moment, Furukawa Jianxian made a move.

A long sword hanging from his waist had long been held in his hand by him. It had a plain appearance, but it could be transformed into a long sword in the shape of a purple electric power after it was injected with vigorous true essence.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

On the sword body, the purple light is exquisite, the electric glow is scorching, and the visions are numerous, extremely gorgeous and dazzling.

"Ziying Sword!"

As soon as the sword was unsheathed, there was an exclamation of the great master of the earth immortal.

This is a legendary supreme soldier, it has existed forever.

"No, this is not a magic weapon, it does not have the breath of a magic weapon. It should be just an imitation." Another elder said.

"The imitation is undoubtedly, but it is not much worse, at least it is a legendary holy soldier."


In the midst of the discussions of the great masters of the earth, the purple long sword in the hands of Lord Furukawa suddenly flew out, turning into a purple electric changhong. The speed was so fast that it was not inferior to True Lord Lei Xiao’s thunder escape method. .

Sword Fairy Furukawa stood still, using his mind to control the sword like an arm!

At this time, the Grim Bear's sword was almost about to smash into Prince Golden Crow, and the purple long sword flew directly at him.

"Bear, be careful, someone attacked you!" Bai Ling'er shouted loudly, pulling his throat away.

Everyone in the audience also believed that the sword of Furukawa Sword Immortal was smashed into the ground by the bear, in order to save the Golden Crow Prince.

But the result was unexpected. Halfway through the journey, the purple long sword turned around in the air, turning a big bend almost ninety degrees, and slashed towards Ye Tianli below.

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