Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1625: Worship

Ye Tian slowly descended from the sky, blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and his face was a little pale. When his feet touched the ground, he staggered slightly, giving people a feeling of overwhelming power.

This battle seemed to have won him very calmly, but in fact it was also extremely costly. It was dangerous, his energy and spirit fell sharply, and the true essence in his dantian was almost dried up.


The vitality from the heavens and the earth whizzed out, especially Yimu vitality, which was attracted and absorbed by his dried flesh and turned into the nourishment of the flesh.

Now, with his cultivation base in the middle stage of the earth immortal, his vitality in a radius of hundreds of miles can be aroused, and he follows his orders like a soldier.

In addition, he also took out a Nine-turn Wanling Great Pill with many magical effects, swallowed it in his stomach, and slowly refined it to enrich his dantian essence and repair the wounds of his body and soul.

At every moment, the vitality in his body is recovering and rising continuously.

In this battle, the violent bear also made a great sacrifice. Both arms were cut off. Although they were both connected in the end, they were almost alive.

It can be said that if there were no violent bears to stop Furukawa Sword Immortal, Ye Tian could not have won so quickly in this battle, and there might even be unpredictable consequences.

As a result, Ye Tian also gifted the Great Dire Bear a Nine Ranks panacea as a reward.

This made many people greedy, especially the elderly Jiujue, who almost opened their mouths to ask Ye Tian, ​​hoping that Ye Tian would be able to calm down.

Although he also worked hard, but he was far incomparable with the Grim Bear, and he was not yet qualified to get a Nine Ranked Panacea.

"I should fight it." He felt extremely regretful.

"Shuiyuemen Sect Master Yueyue, pay respect to Ye Zhenjun. May Zhenjun live forever and live in Kunxu!"

Sect Master Shuiyue brought his disciple Luo Li to come forward, the first week to worship Ye Tian.

When she said this, she was tantamount to acknowledging the identity of the master of Ye Tiankun Ruins.

Ye Tian accepted the courtesy of Sect Master Yue Yu and asked her to get up.

There was a commotion among the spectators in the distance. They stood in groups of three or five, all from different sects. In the previous battle, most of the elders or sect masters under the sect participated in the battle.

They wanted to celebrate their success in the end, but they didn't expect this sad ending.

Next, how to face Ye Tian, ​​all the sects of the outer hidden gate of Kunxu, all aristocratic families, faced a choice.

Once the news of Ye Tian's complete victory was passed on, it would soon sweep the entire Kunxu.

"The Patriarch of the Zhou Family in the Northern Territory, Zhou Mingshan, pay homage to the true monarch! The grace of the true monarch's preaching will never be forgotten. There are ten vitality pills here. I hope the true monarch will not dislike it and can accept it." The second visit to Ye Tian Zhou Mingshan, the head of a family in the Northern Territory.

Ye Tian taught him to practice alchemy, although there is no name of teacher and apprentice, but there is a teacher and apprentice.

He had been watching the battle just now, and he couldn't make a shot in time, which made him feel a little ashamed.

"You are interested." Ye Tian smiled and nodded, accepting his breath recovery pill. It is also very understandable that he did not help himself.

After all, an aristocratic family, in front of the top ten sects, is almost like ants.

Ye Tian was already very pleased that Zhou Mingshan had not been threatened and lured by the Ten Great Sects and besieged himself.


A flag fluttered, and a jeweled flying boat sailed from the sky and dropped from the sky 100 meters in front of Ye Tian.

This is the flying boat of the Wanfazong, the strongest refining weapon sect of the Kunxu Outer Hidden Sect. It has a certain aggressiveness, but it is not a real battle flying boat. After stopping, an old and disrespectful old man walked out first, and then a group of The disciples of Wan Fazong filed out, followed the old man, and walked towards Ye Tian step by step.


Ye Tian's brows jumped slightly, and he was somewhat shocked. This old man was actually a condensed pill, but he did not participate in the battle just now.

However, even thinking about it, it is understandable that every sect cannot be exhausted, and that would be too extreme. The major sects must have a certain foundation and will not fall down.

This old man is a condensed pill, and there is nothing to be afraid of. Just now, he killed a golden pill with a single sword.

Moreover, looking at the appearance of this old man, he was a sect of immortality, unarmed soldiers, and he didn't seem to be looking for fault.

"Xuan Zichen, this old thing is still alive? I think the last time he showed up was a hundred years ago."

There was a sudden commotion in the crowd, and there was a cry of exclamation. Someone recognized the old man as coming.

Xuan Zichen, and the figures of the ancestors of Jiuli, once left countless legends in Kunxu.

The terrible bear instantly tensed its nerves, opened its fangs, and tried to rush, but it was stopped by Ye Tian.

"Xuan Zichen, the supreme master of the Ten Thousand Fa Sect, led all the disciples of the Ten Thousand Fa Sect to visit Ye Xiaozhen. I used to be offended by the Ten Thousand Fa Sect. I hope that the true monarch can Haihan."

In the stunned eyes of everyone, Xuan Zichen actually gave Ye Tian a fist.

All the Wanfazong disciples behind him also bowed their heads and held their fists in salute.

Everyone thought that he was going to fight Ye Tian, ​​which was so shocking.

"I killed your Sect Master and several elders of the Earth Immortal, don't you plan to avenge me?" Ye Tianqing smiled coldly.

"As the saying goes, if you win or lose, if you lose, you lose. My sect master and several elders of the Earth Immortal, who were bewitched by the Nine Li Divine Sect, did not take a word of truth to you, and were killed by you. They deserve it. My Ten Thousand Fasects definitely won't do this kind of black and white things again."

"From now on, my Wanfazong wishes to respect Ye Zhenjun as the co-lord of Kunxu, but if there are any instructions, my Wanfazong will go all out and die."


Xuan Zichen said, very courteous.

He pushed six and five, and put all the responsibilities on Jiuli Divine Sect, and said that Wanfazong was a victim, because he was bewitched by Jiuli.

His remarks made all the other sects in the field bright.

The general trend is irreversible, in order not to be liquidated, surrendering to Ye Tian is the only choice, and pushing the blame on the Jiuli Divine Sect is just to make myself feel light.

Next, more sects surrendered to Ye Tian, ​​wishing to respect him as the co-master of Kunxu, saying that all they did was deceived by the Jiuli Divine Sect, and they didn't want to be an enemy of him.

The wall fell down, everyone pushed, and the drum was beaten by thousands!

There were people from Jiuli Divine Sect in the court. After listening to them, all of them were itchy with hatred and cracked.

"The true monarch is here, I know that I was wrong with the Jiuli Sect. UU read and hope that the true monarch can forgive me the Jiuli Sect."

"True Monarch, don't listen to their nonsense. I am the victim and the most innocent one."

"My Jiuli God Sect is willing to pay millions of spiritual stones and thousands of spiritual medicines in exchange for the lenient treatment of the true monarch."


The several elders of the Jiuli Church kneeled on the ground, trembling, begging for forgiveness.

Ye Tian once gave Jiuli Divine Lord a chance to submit to him, then he would not blame him, otherwise there would be no Jiuli in the world.

Divine Lord Jiuli finally made a move, and Ye Tian naturally couldn't break his promise and get fat.

Since all the sects put the blame on the Jiuli Cult, Ye Tian didn't mind pushing the boat along the river once and destroying the Jiuli Cult, so that he could also have a stronghold in the outer hidden gate of Kunxu.

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