Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1742: Rescued by beauty

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The giant python is like a dragon, dancing in the sky, sweeping with one tail, and collapsed into the sky.

Ye Tian was wounded again and again, and at an absolute disadvantage, facing the python tail that slashed like a battle axe, he suddenly felt enveloped by the breath of death, unable to escape, and hard to shake.

Although he took out the Ziying Sword, there was not a lot of true essence infusion, it was just a mortal soldier. Even if the divine mark is not urged, and if you want to explode the terrible sword power, you still need enough true essence supply and a powerful physical body to summon it.

Therefore, monks of different realms must be equipped with weapons of different levels. If it is a weapon higher than one's realm, if you don't take advantage of it, it will be difficult to use the full strength of the combatant, causing waste.

A cultivator of the Transformation Realm, holding the Great Dao Weapon, looked ridiculous.

"Do you really want to use the power of the original pill?" Ye Tian panted heavily, making the final balance in his heart.

The two Yuan Pills in his body, the Earth Xing Yuan Pill and the Water Xing Yuan Pill, were injured by the void fragments when they passed through the void channel. They are now in a dormant state, and they are divinely powerful.

If you forcibly awaken the dormant essence pill, it will be very dangerous. Once the terrifying power of the essence pill erupts, his physical body may be destroyed. After all, his physical body was also seriously injured. After the second elementary pill broke out, It may be abolished, and eventually become a waste pill, and the path will be destroyed.

One side is the path, and the other side is life!

It's really hard to choose!

"Daotu is sincere and precious, but there is no life, everything is a white tower."

Ye Tian was not an indecisive person. He made up his mind in an instant to explode the power of the essence pill, even if he destroys the pill, spurring the purple sword to smash the black giant python to death.

But at this moment, a sudden change emerged, and a circular air blade shot out like a swift meteor.

Ye Tian narrowed his eyes and found that the circular air blade was a high-speed rotating silver disk, but the outer edge was jagged. When it flew, it looked like a high-speed chain saw.

The black giant python danced in the sky and couldn't dodge it at all. The swaying giant tail was cut across by the circular air blade, and the hard scale armor that could shake the heavy artillery was suddenly broken.


Accompanied by a burst of flesh and blood, blood and water splashed, the body of the giant python was cut in half.


The python roared in pain, and did not die on the spot.

Under the strong inertia, the tail part separated from the body was like a small mountain bag, slanting and smashing against the ground, flying over Ye Tian's head, not hurting him, only a few drops of blood spilled on his body. Scorching hot like magma.


A piece of ruin was razed, and a huge pit was smashed by the tail of the python.

There was no danger, Ye Tian took his life back, but he didn't dare to take it lightly, because something more terrifying was coming.


Accompanied by a earth-shattering sound, in the direction where the circular air blade flew out, a huge white wolf and a black panther were flying by one after another. A man and a woman were sitting on them, both young and twenty. It looks like every year.

The huge white wolf is nearly ten meters long, with a snow-white coat of smooth and shiny, without a single hair, its head is as big as a water tank, and its eyes are like copper bells, emitting a green glow. Its four thick iron legs can fly every time they push the ground. Sweeping dozens of feet away, the real pursuit of wind and electricity.

Sitting on the back of the white wolf sits a young and beautiful woman with extremely delicate facial features without any traces of makeup, impeccable figure, undulating curves, graceful and graceful, wearing leather armor, a war skirt, and a pair of slender legs. His skin was as crystal clear and fair as ivory, and his dark purple straight hair was dancing with the wind like silk, faintly shining with a gorgeous purple halo.

This is a beautiful temperament, elegant and noble, like a **** walking in the world.

In fact, she is indeed a god.

Under Ye Tian's fiery eyes and golden pupils, there was nowhere to hide.

This young and beautiful woman, in her body, is dormant with energy like a storm and snow, which is more than the young man who is riding a black panther behind her.

"Earth immortals, two earth immortals!"

After only two glances, Ye Tian made a judgment in his heart on the strength levels of the two uninvited guests, and both had the cultivation base of the immortal. And their mounts and cultivation bases have also reached the gods.

This made Ye Tian had to be frightened. As soon as he came to this world, he encountered three beasts of the gods and two earthly immortals.

It seems that this world is not simple, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger!

With just a few clicks, the White Wolf rushed to Ye Tian like a whirlwind, spinning around. The young woman sitting on the wolf's back was also looking at him, holding a sawtooth disc in her hand, her eyes full of alertness.

"Who are you?" the young woman asked.


At this moment, the giant python, which was only half of its body, let out a stern roar, and his eyes were flushed, almost bursting into flames. At the same time, he pounced on the **** the white wolf. At the same time, he opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, scarlet and bloody. It poured down like a torrential rain.

However, the young woman didn't even look at it. The white wolf she sat down had a big mouth, and the icy air that could almost freeze the world gushing out like a tsunami.

The scarlet blood pouring down like a torrential rain was instantly frozen.

Immediately afterwards, the giant python also turned into an ice sculpture, completely sealed by ice.

This is a demon wolf with powerful ice element magical powers.

At this time, the Yingting man who mounted the Panther also arrived.

The black panther was about the size of the white wolf, and it was so powerful that it made one's heart palpitating. A vertical leap fell on the frozen giant python, cracked the ice, stepped on the giant python's head, and turned into a pool of blood.

The Ying Ting man is two meters tall, blond and blue-eyed, with facial features like a sword and axe. He wears a battle armor of God iron and is holding a warrior of God iron. His body is like a furnace burning, his fighting spirit is surging, and his heroism is extraordinary. .

"Princess, don't talk nonsense with him. He saw us, can't let him go, just kill him." Yingting man's eyes were full of fierce aura, he raised the Zhange in his hand and faced Ye Tian immediately. Hack it.

Zhan Ge was one foot long, thick as an adult's arm, and weighed hundreds of thousands of kilograms. It fell like a big stick, and it slammed into a wave of void air, bursting.

"Akas, you stop me!" The young woman called the princess screamed. UU reading www.


With a loud noise, the Shentie Zhange who was smashing down with Wanjun's tremendous strength suddenly stopped, and was actually held in the air by the slender and tender arms of the young woman holding a serrated disc.

It is hard to imagine how much energy is hidden in the young woman's seemingly delicate body.

"Princess!" The Yingting man named Akasi immediately raised his cold eyebrows, and Tongling's big eyes almost stared out of his eyes.


At this time, there was the sound of shaking mountains from afar, and you could see billowing smoke rushing into the sky.

It was clear that someone was chasing, rushing to the young couple.

Just as Ye Tian's heart turned like electricity, thinking about the way to get out, suddenly a slender palm grabbed him and shouted with a voice: "Go!"

Before Ye Tian could respond, the others sat on the back of the white wolf, clinging to the young woman.

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