Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1745: New Shinto

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After three days and three nights, Ye Tian heard a rumbling noise in the cave opened in the Great Rift Valley, and then the sound became louder and louder, and finally it was like a tsunami that was earth-shattering, uninterrupted, and spread far away.


Suddenly, at a certain moment, a powerful breath erupted from the cave, causing the entire rift valley to oscillate, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Ye Tian was full of energy, chaotic golden flames burned outside the body, muscles and bones in his body screamed, the skin roared and trembled, the chest was ups and downs, and bursts of surging air waves, giving people a kind of eating too much and overwhelmed. a feeling of.

This is the sound of strengthening the muscles and bones. The enhanced energy comes from space debris.

In fact, not only the bones and bones, but Ye Tian's entire golden sacred body has advanced to a new level, and he is on the verge of reaching the stage of the sacred body.

His golden blood is thicker, like a mercury paste, shiny and shining.

The bones are like sacred golden glaze, with profound Dao patterns imprinted on them, revealing an aura of immortality.

The skin and flesh of the fascia have a jade-like crystal, which seems to be broken by a bomb, but in fact it is tough and immortal to a terrifying degree.

What’s more mysterious is that his physical body is covered with a layer of fine scales, each piece is made of crystal, emitting a five-color glow, giving people a sense of sacred majesty, without any discomfort, as if Born to exist in general.

Moreover, this layer of fine scales is controllable, and only a thought is needed to disappear or appear.

Ye Tian combined his fingers as a knife, and his fingertips vomited a burst of gold qi, and the sound of clank clank broke out, giving people a sense of incomparable sharpness. He made a sharp stroke on the scales, but only a white mark was drawn. The scales were not damaged at all, and the flesh under the scales was even more harmless.

You know, if his finger knife is in the secular world, even the armor of the main battle tank can be cut, but it can't hurt the scales. It can be seen how strong the scales are.

"Very good defense!" Ye Tian was overjoyed.

He cultivated the golden sacrament in his previous life, and even if he reached the perfect state, he never gave birth to such protective scales.

He had to think that it was related to the refining void fragments.

In fact, if you look carefully, you can find that there are void marks in every piece of scale armor.

Next, Ye Tian took out the Ziying Sword more frantically, wanting to see how strong the ultimate defense ability of the scales is.

His current cultivation base has climbed to the God Realm, and he can control the Dao's God Soldiers in a simple way.

In the beginning, he did not urge the divine mark of the Ziying Sword, and cut it in the state of a mortal soldier, the scales were unobstructed, only a white mark was revealed, which disappeared in a flash.

After that, he poured the Ziying Sword with the true energy that could mobilize the legendary holy soldiers, but only made a simple mark on the scales, which almost cut open, but it was a little too close.

After a while, this superficial impression disappeared, because the scales could heal on their own.

Experimenting to achieve this is enough, and Ye Tian knows the level of defense against scales.

The true essence in his body is not abundant, so he should use it leisurely. If the Great Dao Divine Mark in the Divine Soldier is urged, the true essence will definitely be exhausted, and it is completely unnecessary.

In addition to defense power, Ye Tian didn't know if this layer of fine scales had other functions.

In addition to the growth of scales on his body, his two big hands have also undergone slight changes. This change is invisible to the naked eye, but can really be perceived: In the palm of his hand, it seems to hold a space, a world, broad and profound. Let him have the illusion of smashing the world with one palm.


He suddenly reached out a big hand, and slammed away at a large rock that was blocking the entrance of the cave several meters away.

After that, the five fingers slowly gathered, and a rotating force field swept out, wrapping it on the boulder several feet away.

Then an astonishing scene happened. The big stone did not shatter or split, but as his fingers clenched tightly, it shrank, like a ball of cotton, continuously being shaped by external forces.

In the end, the boulder with a diameter of nearly two meters was abruptly pinched into the size of a grinding plate by Ye Tian, ​​shrinking by nearly ten times.

The big stone of the grinding plate, like a red soldering iron, was scorching hot, and as Ye Tian threw it suddenly, the volley burst out suddenly, comparable to the destruction power of a heavy artillery shell.

"My strength is still not enough! In the previous life, I used the cultivation of Hedao True Immortal, and I could squeeze a planet with a diameter of thousands of miles into the size of a projectile and toss it out, which could burst out with the power of destruction like a supernova , Destroying a part of a galaxy."

Looking at his palm, Ye Tian couldn't help but recalled the invincible and prosperous years of his previous life.

From the current point of view, his life is not bad at all, and it is very possible to surpass his previous life.


Ye Tian stood up, stood up, there was a dignified aura on his body, just the exhaled aura made the cave mansion tremble, and large cracks opened.

"The cultivation base has finally climbed to the realm of gods. With more resources, it should not be difficult to return to the realm of earth immortals before." Ye Tian muttered to himself, taking a deep breath, like a hurricane. Blowing flying sand and stone.

Although the cultivation base of the gods is not high, but with the capital of self-defense, it will not be easily destroyed by people.

Next, he was going to visit the small oasis town 100 kilometers away that the beautiful princess said, to understand the world, and at the same time to look for training resources.

This world looks broken, like the end of the world, but there should be a lot of resources for cultivation. Because Ye Tian had already encountered two earth immortals and three divine beasts, if the chasing soldiers of the Pantheon were counted, there would be even more powerful masters.

The ability to create so many great abilities is enough to show that there are abundant training resources here.


Ye Tian stepped out of the cave house he opened up, and in an instant, a strange feeling surged across his body.

It was a breath of energy on the verge of death.

He suddenly raised his head, and saw a flame jet with a diameter of 100 meters. It fell from the sky like a waterfall, and fell on top of his head in a sudden.

The monstrous fire, accompanied by scorching waves of heat that could burn the sky and melt the earth, instantly submerged him, and, like a torrent, flowed wantonly in the Great Rift Valley, roaring and scouring away.

The river water in the Great Rift Valley was instantly squeezed dry, bursting out a bottomless pit, and countless sand and gravel turned into surging magma.

Boom! Boom!

Under the crit of the powerful flame jet, the cliffs of the Great Rift Valley could not be supported and collapsed. Countless rubble rushed into the river, melted into magma by the flames, and gathered into a big river of magma, scouring forward along the river.

"It's almost done, it's okay." A voice came from the void, accompanied by a dark cloud.

I looked up and saw a fiery red western pterodactyl, flapping its wings and hovering in the void, with a wingspan of nearly 100 meters covering the sky. The mighty power made people tremble.

The pterodactyl's huge mouth opened slightly, and clusters of flames flowed down from the sharp teeth like harras.

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