Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1749: Oasis Ancient City

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Among the flying flesh and blood, a shiny ring was discovered by Ye Tian, ​​and he reached out and grabbed it.

Looking inwardly, Ye Tian's eyes lit up suddenly.

This is a universe ring. Although it is only the size of a house, it is filled with a lot of things, golden and silver, bright and blind.


Ye Tian squeezed the ring with his palm fingers and smashed the ring directly, and all kinds of babes flew and crackled, all falling on their feet.

Da Luo Yin Jing, Sun Jing Jin, Shen Tie Zhen, and other magical materials, although the amount is not large, they are only the size of a few fists, but they are infinitely valuable. They are rare materials for refining magic weapons, usually a nail. Covers large and small can be sold at sky-high prices.

A complete divine iron battle armor with heavy runes, densely packed, and thunder light beating, intertwined on it, is a battle suit blessed by divine power that can make the wearer stronger.

There are a number of weapons such as swords, spears, swords and halberds, all of which are magic weapons and war soldiers, and even one has reached the level of holy soldiers.

In addition, there are some messy parts.

Among them, the pieces that attracted Ye Tian's attention the most were the purple aetherites.

Different from ordinary purple spirit crystals, these purple spirit crystals have been processed and refined into a hexagonal prism shape, palm-sized, with mysterious runes appearing in them, faintly glowing like crystals, appearing mysterious and precious. .

If it is someone else from the outside world, his eyes may be blackened when he sees this thing. I don't know what it is, but Ye Tian knows that this is a supernatural power crystal made with amethyst spirit crystal sacrifice.

Compared with pure purple spirit crystals, purple divine power crystals are easier to refining, even ordinary inner strength warriors can absorb the spiritual energy in the refining and become a cultivation resource.

You know, the purple spirit spar is the essence of spirit stone, and its hardness is far better than steel. Even if it is placed in nature for thousands of years, the spirit inside will not lose much.

Ordinary spirit stones are different. If left untreated, the spirit energy will escape.

This is also the reason why there is no spiritual stone in the secular world, because the spiritual veins are all degraded, and the spiritual stone decomposes naturally.

The purple spirit crystal, because it is extremely rare, is hard to find in the secular world. Or maybe it was clearly discovered, but because there were not many people I knew, it was treated as an ordinary amethyst, a pearl covered in dust.

It is because of the stubbornness of the purple spirit crystal that it requires a cultivator above the **** level to refine and absorb it.

Although divine power crystals are easy to use, the process of sacrifice will inevitably cause the loss of spiritual energy, and most people will not do this unless it is necessary.

One, two, three!

There are three divine power crystals, comparable to hundreds of spiritual pills, thousands of spiritual stones, and even a great fortune, but to Ye Tian, ​​it was a drop in the bucket.

He wanted to restore his cultivation to his innate, at least hundreds of crystals of this size.

"A little **** general has three divine power crystals in his body, and there are so many genius treasures and divine treasures. It seems that this world is far richer than I thought!" Ye Tian smiled heartily. Sweep the haze before.

He is now sure that this world is the Olympus Pantheon, exactly where he is coming.

Now his cultivation base has been restored to the divine realm, his defenses and void flashing magical powers have been strengthened, and he can deal with most enemies, even earth immortals.

"It's time to take a look at the ancient oasis city that the beautiful princess said, and take a closer look at this world." Ye Tian muttered to himself, looking far away along the direction of the Great Rift Valley, and the rolling mountains blocked him. In his sight, he couldn't see the ancient city or the oasis at all.

This is a desolate land, a piece of depression and loneliness.

There are fragments of broken stones on the ground, and some huge stones and dead trees stand sporadicly, which look like tombstones.

The sky seemed to have been stained with blood, reddish-brown, and it seemed to be shrouded in haze, and it was dim, hazy, and lifeless.

A big rift valley is winding along the earth, like a scar on the earth, shockingly shocking.

A lonely figure walked along the Great Rift Valley at a very fast speed, step by step tens of feet, step by step disillusioned, and the rolling mountains retreated extremely fast.

Ye Tian believed that this small world couldn't be like this, there must be a place full of vegetation and aura.

The Olympus Secret Realm must be much larger than the Penglai Fairy Island, and its volume should be comparable to the Kunxu Secret Realm, measuring thousands of kilometers from east to west, north to south.

However, he also faintly felt that it was not good. This world may be on a downward **** of spiritual decline, just like the Kunxu Outer Hidden Gate, but it is much more serious.

Without spiritual roots, without continuous feedback from powerful monks, a small secret world will inevitably go up and down.

Ye Tian moved forward very fast, and within an hour, an oasis appeared in front of him, with a radius of several thousand meters, not too big, but not too small. It was especially conspicuous on the land surrounded by desert and Gobi.

The great rift valley has led to here, and a stream in the rift valley converges here into a lake, so this oasis is formed.

An ancient city located in this oasis has a very beautiful name, Amethyst City, but people prefer to call it the City of Sin.

According to legend, this place was originally a place of exile for criminals.

Later, many desperadoes who escaped came here.

Later, someone discovered a mine of spirit crystals in this barren land. As soon as the news came out, countless people swarmed in.

Gradually, a city has a scale, and once flourished, the Amethyst City got its name.

Now the purple spirit crystal mine here has long been dug out, and the people are almost gone, only a few people who teach and walk along the rivers and lakes are left.

Ye Tian came to Amethyst City alone. If he wants to rest here for a whole day, it is best to find some cultivation resources to strengthen himself.

This is not so much a city, as it is a slightly larger town.

The red-brown city walls are not tall, and many places have collapsed, full of traces of the passing of time.

Ye Tian walked on the street, feeling the accumulation of the ancient city over the years.

This is a western-style ancient city, which is completely different from the eastern ancient city. All the houses are made of huge stones, some are very tall, like palaces, and the exterior walls have many exquisite carvings.

The ancient city was far more prosperous and prosperous than Ye Tian had imagined. The streets were crowded with people, vendors, and many monks, with divine power fluctuations in their bodies.

"I heard that there will be a rare treasure in this auction, I don't know what it is!"

"It is said that it is a divine fruit. It can not only prolong life, but also cut down the hair and cleanse the marrow, so that the mortal fetus will transform into a divine body, and the skill will be greatly improved."

"Really? I don't know who will auction such a precious thing! But it must be auctioned for sky-high prices."


Ye Tian took a seat in a tavern, ordered a glass of spirits, and listened to the guests chatting.

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