Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1754: Peddling treasures

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Rare materials such as fine gold of the sun, fine silver of the big Luo, etc., are necessary materials for the manufacture of sacred and divine artifacts. In addition, if added to ordinary weapons, even a small amount can give ordinary weapons with superior characteristics.

Wanbingge not only sells weapons, but also refines weapons behind it, so it will not refuse the rare materials sold by Ye Tian, ​​but will rush to buy them.

Ye Tian was not only preparing for tonight's auction, but also preparing training resources for himself, so he pointed out that only spirit crystals or divine power crystals are needed.

Because the gold coins and silver coins in this world are useless to him, and the spirit stones are not very useful, only the spirit crystal and the supernatural power crystal are what he urgently needs.

As long as he could gather a large amount of spirit crystals in the grinding disc, or more than one hundred divine power crystals, he would be confident that his cultivation level would be restored to its peak.

However, the spirit crystals he saw in the ancient city were all shattered, extremely small pieces, like broken silver in the ancient times of the Great Eastern Kingdom. It was not easy to make up a large piece of grinding plate.

"How about three divine power crystals?" The white-haired old man quoted a price and asked Ye Tian.

To the surprise of the white-haired old man, Ye Tian did not bargain and directly agreed.

You know, the three divine power crystals are already sky-high.

Even the generals in the Pantheon only have three divine power crystals on their bodies.

"I still have some things here, don't know if your Wanbing Pavilion will accept it?" Ye Tian asked again suddenly.

The white-haired old man frowned, showing a hint of interest, and said, "Take it out and take a look!"


As soon as the words fell, he was stunned, because Ye Tian was not wordy, his right hand shook lightly, and a bunch of golden and silver glittering things swept out of the Universe Ring in an instant.

Ye Tian not only threw out the things he picked up from the Pantheon God General, but also took out the many treasures he obtained from the Kunxu Secret Realm, and wanted to sell them all.

No way, he is in urgent need of the divine power crystal, the spiritual crystal, in order to restore his cultivation.

Only when the cultivation base is restored, will he be able to complete the mission of this trip, climb the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, and trample the gods under his feet.

Da Luo Yin Jing, Shen Tie Zhen, Dragon-patterned Red Bronze, Supreme Night Pearl,...

In addition to the raw materials, there are also some finished weapons, knives, guns, swords and halberds, all of which are of good quality, and they are trophies that Ye Tian collected during the war.

To be his enemy, his cultivation level would not be bad, at least he had to be in the Divine Realm, and the weapons he used would naturally not be bad.

The entire hall of the Wanbing Pavilion was instantly flooded with brilliant brilliance, and magical instruments and talismans were light lines, causing a wave of divine power to appear in the void.


The Wanbing Pavilion, which was originally quiet, instantly boiled, and the crowds on the street swarmed in. Looking at the treasures all over the floor, many people's faces twitched uncontrollably.

Some people even start to make an offer to buy their favorite treasure.

It is impossible for an ordinary person to have so many treasures, and countless people are curious about Ye Tian's true identity.

The white-haired old man was speechless for a while, and both old faces solidified.

After a while, when he came back to his senses, he was the first to order the closing of the door of Wanbing Pavilion and expel all irrelevant people.

"Little friend atones for sin, it's an old and presumptuous!" The white-haired old man was respectful to Ye Tian. He was looking upright just now, but now he is looking up.

He knew that the young man in front of him was by no means as simple as it seemed. If it weren't for his terrifying strength, his life experience would definitely be amazing.

The blonde beauty looked at Ye Tian even more obsessed, full of flattery, and she kept tossing her eyes.

But Ye Tian turned a blind eye to her.

"Make a price?" Ye Tian said calmly.

"This..." The white-haired old man's face was a little stiff and embarrassingly embarrassing: "You have too many treasures. My Wanbingge has limited financial resources, so I can't spend so much money for the time being."

"If you can't get the money, then forget it." Ye Tian shook his head, rolled his hands, and the treasures all over the floor flew back.

The ancient city of Amethyst is just a small city in this world. It is located in a deserted area and is very inconspicuous. There are so many big cities, but if you find a big city or a big shop, you may not be unable to sell it.

"Wait!" The white-haired old man said suddenly with a round eyeball.

"What? Can you buy it again?"

"Little friend, don’t worry, listen to me and finish. I just said that I can’t spend enough money for the time being. The little friend has been in seclusion for a long time and has no knowledge of world affairs. I’m afraid I don’t know that Wanbing Pavilion is the number one weapon in the sky. Ge, there are over a hundred branches all over the country, with strong financial resources. Do you think this will work? You deposit the treasure with me, and I can give you a partial deposit first. I will send someone to other places to withdraw money."

Ye Tian rested his chin in his hands and pondered for a moment.

If he can dispose of the treasures in this shop, he won't bother to go to other places.

"How much can you give?" Ye Tian asked.

The white-haired old man dragged and pulled from a pile of treasures for a long time, pinched and calculated, and finally quoted Ye Tian a price, forty crystals of magical power.

"Fifty, one less will not work." Ye Tian said with a firm attitude.

"Forty-five." The white-haired old man bargained.

Ye Tian didn't bother to deal with it any more, and with a big wave of his hand, he was about to take away all the treasures.

Seeing this, the white-haired old man quickly agreed, and he also showed a distressed look of great loss.

"How long will it take to get the money?" Ye Tian asked again.


"Okay, it's a deal."

"A word is a deal."

In the end, Ye Tian took ten divine power crystals and a pile of broken spirit crystals from Wanbing Pavilion, which was regarded as a deposit, and he agreed to come tomorrow to withdraw the remaining money.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and a round moon hung high, wisps of brilliance hung down, so that the night would not be invisible.

Yes, this is also an artificial moon, made from a huge night pearl. It is impossible to have a real moon in a small world.

The ancient city of Amethyst is also lit up, and there are many vendors on the street, which is very lively.

One of the large palace buildings was crowded with people, and people from all directions kept pouring in. UU reading

Ye Tian learned from the road population that tonight's auction will be held here.

"Entrance fee, five hundred spiritual stones, or one spiritual crystal."

There was a tall man shouting at the door, everyone had to pay an entrance fee to enter the venue.

Ye Tian took out a spiritual crystal with a big fingernail as the entrance fee, and walked into the auction hall with his head high.

The hall was magnificent, magnificent, and crowded. Many people came, all of whom were strong from all over the world. There were men and women, old and young, and their identities were not simple.

It was also a coincidence. As soon as he walked into the auction hall, Ye Tian saw an acquaintance, Prince Fire Ape, surrounded by a group of masters of the ape clan, but the old white-haired ape did not follow him.

There was no conflict. The Fire Ape Prince only glanced at Ye Tian with a meaningful expression, and then sat in the VIP room.

With a cold snort, Ye Tian found a seat in the lobby and sat down without asking for a private room. At this auction, he was only interested in Dadao Shen Guo.

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