Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1757: Please enter the urn

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"No, prince, that kid was taken away by the people from Wanbing Pavilion."

Just as Ye Tian left the auction room with his foot in front, the Fire Ape Prince and his party also left, just in time to see Ye Tian and the people from Wanbing Pavilion walking towards Wanbing Pavilion.

"Wan Bing Pavilion is not coveting the avenue, is it? Want to grab food from a tiger's mouth?" said a fire ape attendant, half-transformed into a human, with a sturdy back and a gleam in his eyes.

When he said such words, the wolf's ambition was already obvious, and he wanted to do something against Ye Tian.

"Compared to the divine fruit, I am more worried that Wanbingge has discovered the treasure in his body and wants to kill people to obtain the treasure." The Fire Ape Prince looked cold and worried.

"Why don't we take action now, take the people away from the Wanbing Pavilion, and then kill and take the heavy treasure." A fire ape attendant suggested, grinning, flicking the black nails, and let out a crisp golden iron sound. , A strong killing intent is permeated, undisguised.

"It's not right!" said another old fire ape, disagreeing: "Have you forgotten that the young man was appointing himself as a cultivation base, deliberately showing that he is weak? The essence pill has been formed in his body, and his real cultivation base is It is even higher than the prince. In addition, he may have a magical weapon on his body, even the elder Bai Yuan dare not guarantee that he is his opponent, so he will return to the sect to ask for a big killer, so as to be foolproof. I beg you, you must wait for him to come back before you act, so as not to cause accidents."

"Besides..." With a deep groan, the elderly Fire Ape follower continued: "The real owner behind Wanbing Pavilion is the Pantheon. It is best not to provoke it when it is not necessary, so as not to bring us the Fire Ape clan. trouble."

"En." Prince Fire Ape nodded and agreed, saying: "Let's observe and observe first."


Wanbing Pavilion is located in the most prosperous part of the ancient city of Amethyst. It is a large building in the style of a classical temple. The whole body is made of granite boulders and is also engraved with many exquisite reliefs. It is majestic and magnificent.

Two statues of the gods of war ten feet high, like two door gods, are lined up on both sides of the gate.

There are also muscle knuckles, strong like a dragon, and strong guards wearing **** iron armor and holding **** iron soldiers. They fought in a row in front of the Wanbing Pavilion, guarding the safety of the Wanbing Pavilion at all times, and holding the Wanbing Pavilion. The military pavilion is set off with a majestic and majestic atmosphere.

As a Fire Ape follower said earlier, the real master behind Wanbing Pavilion is the Pantheon.

The Pantheon is rich in wealth, and the building must be tall, so that it can reflect the majesty of the gods.

It wasn't time to close, but the door of Wanbing Pavilion had been closed.

When seeing the blonde beauty walking with Ye Tian, ​​a guard took the initiative to open the door and invited the two in.

Ye Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, a little suspicious. When he came here before, there were obviously not so many guards at the door.

Moreover, these guards seemed to have changed a group, one by one, as strong as a dragon, with divine power fluctuations in their bodies, and dormant and powerful auras, far better than the previous guards.

"Have you thought about it?" Ye Tian sneered, ignoring it, and stepped in.


As soon as he walked into the Wanbing Pavilion, the strong guard closed the door.

In the Wanbing Pavilion, everything is as old as the old.

"Mr., you are here! It's gratifying to hear that you have bid for the Great Dao Shen Guo." The old white-haired steward greeted him with a grin on his face.

The blonde girl stepped back, shook her head slightly, and let out a cry of regret.

Of course, her movements were very subtle, and it was impossible for Ye Tian to notice.

"Where is my money?" Ye Tian asked directly, his expression as usual, without any panic.

"Hehe, the little gentleman is really refreshing, the money has arrived, please come with me. I will take it to you." The white-haired old man smiled, his two old faces were piled up with pleats and looked very kind.

Following the white-haired old man, Ye Tian came to the underground of Wanbing Pavilion.

Pushing open a door made of cast bronze and engraved with many defensive runes, an empty basement appeared in front of Ye Tian.

On a long table, there are neatly placed treasures that Ye Tian had sold before, all kinds of rare metal materials, and finished swords, shining with splendid brilliance, which makes people dizzying.

But this is not the point.

The point is, at the end of the long table sits a tall man, no less than two meters tall, a muscular body, strong and strong, full of thick blond hair, which makes him look wild with sharp eyes Knife, there is monstrous blood rushing up in the sky spirit cover, billowing like a sea.

He sat there motionless, the void around him was faintly distorted, and the strength of his flesh was amazing.

"Dacheng Dixian!" Ye Tian made a judgment at a glance, and his heart jumped slightly.

Behind that person, there were four figures standing, all covered in black light, thickly armored, breathed like a dragon, and all of them were in the realm of gods.

"Little sir, please!" The white-haired old man said with a smile, invite Ye Tian to enter.

"Don't worry, as long as you can explain clearly, Lord Amos will not embarrass you, and you can take away the money that belongs to you." The white-haired old man said immediately.

"Really?" Ye Tian said lightly, and walked into the basement by himself.

The white-haired old man raised a big hand. He wanted to push Ye Tian, ​​but when he saw this, he took it back and closed the bronze door swiftly.

Hearing what he said about the main **** of Ames, Ye Tian probably knew what the identities of the five people in front of him were, the people of the Pantheon, one main **** and four generals.

Even, he vaguely guessed why they came, for the dead fire dragon **** general.

He would sell the things he had raided from the Fire Dragon God, but he didn't expect to show his feet so quickly.

"Are you looking for me?" Ye Tian pulled up a seat and sat down carelessly.

"Asshole thing, who told you to sit down? Kneel down and talk!" A **** will shout to Ye Tian.

"It's just a dog. You don't deserve to talk to me. Get off." Ye Tian waved his hand and spit out. He most looked down upon this kind of bully dog ​​minion.

As soon as he said this, the **** general who shouted immediately flew into a rage, regardless of the Lord God's presence, raised a large fist, and blasted towards Ye Tian.


The giant fist broke through the air, the sonic boom was like thunder, and the force was like a mountain collapse, and a milky white air wave visible to the naked eye exploded in the void.

Before the giant fist arrived, the terrifying force of the fist had already enveloped Ye Tian's body. Under the heavy pressure of a mountain, the void seemed to be condensed into a piece of iron, locking Ye Tian into it.

But I saw that UU Reading Ye Tianduan sat still in the seat, letting the **** bang the fierce man with a punch.

Just when everyone thought that Ye Tian was imprisoned by the fist of the **** general and couldn't escape.

Ye Tian suddenly whispered: "Duh!"

Then, a golden sword light flew out from the center of his eyebrows, and went straight to the center of the eyebrows of the macho man.

"Be careful!" The pupils of the main **** of Amos shrank suddenly, seeing that this was a powerful divine consciousness that had emerged, specifically aimed at divine souls.

However, it was too late.

In an instant, Ye Tian's Yuanshen Dao sword pierced the **** general's brows firmly.


The center of the eyebrow is penetrated.


The **** general screamed only a scream, and went straight down, becoming a dead body.

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